Best cable for HD650 (highs and overall detail)
Nov 29, 2004 at 5:15 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 18


New Head-Fier
Aug 6, 2004
I'd appreciate any input others may provide about the SPECIFIC improvements particular different cables offer over the stock HD 650 cable (e.g., more prominent highs, more bass, smoother, etc). I'm also interested in how these different cables compare to each other, and which is best.

Based on what I've read, the Equinox gives more bass and a smoother overall sound (but not neccessarily more highs). The Cardas gives more highs, as does the Zu.

I'm particularly interested in anyone's thoughts about the Cardas vs. the Zu.

I would like a bit more highs, so that would be of interest to me. I like detail, so that is a priority. A bit more bass would be good too, as long as its not too bloaty. Mostly, though, I want a bit more (clean) treble and detail. Kinda' electrostatic, but with bass.


Nov 29, 2004 at 5:26 AM Post #2 of 18
Sounds like a job for...THE Cables, Power, Tweaks, Speakers, Accessories (DBT-Free Forum)!!!
Nov 29, 2004 at 5:30 AM Post #3 of 18
I can't tell you the best cable for the HD650 because I have only tried one -- the Zu Mobius. The Zu increased the treble and opened my HD650. The difference is very noticeable right away. This is not subtle at all. I was particularly looking to improve the treble because my points of reference are the Grado SR-225 and Sensaphonics 2X-s. Before the Zu arrived, I already liked the HD650 sound signature but was really anxious to try the Sony CD3000 to get more treble (almost bought a CD3000 plus dedicated amplifier). After the Zu arrived, I am not in any rush to try other headphones anymore. I can now see why some people think the HD650 is a world class headphone, worthy of building systems around it.

The only thing that bothers me is why didn't Sennheiser put a better cable in their flagship headphone in the first place.
Nov 29, 2004 at 5:50 AM Post #4 of 18

Originally Posted by PATB
I can't tell you the best cable for the HD650 because I have only tried one -- the Zu Mobius. The Zu increased the treble and opened my HD650. The difference is very noticeable right away. This is not subtle at all.

Agreed! I went from the Oehlbach cable to Zu Mobius cable this past week. I feel as if my HD 650s went from sounding like a dark pair of cans to a bright (yet SMOOTH) pair of cans. The Zu Mobius has some seriously extended treble energy!


The only thing that bothers me is why didn't Sennheiser put a better cable in their flagship headphone in the first place.

Why does this bother you? Sennheiser is not a cable company and a much better cable (such as the Zu Mobius) would easily add over a hundred dollars to the cost!
Nov 29, 2004 at 7:14 AM Post #6 of 18
I'm not a big treble person... like my sound on the dark side... should I get a Zu also or try an all-copper cable? If I'm going with copper, which brand would you recommend?
Nov 29, 2004 at 7:16 AM Post #7 of 18
There have been like 20 topics on this, of which I've posted on at least 5 of em, but unfortunatly search can't find any of em *grumble* so here is the ultra quick version:

Zu Mobius is generally regarded as best all-around 650 cable.

Moon Audio Silver Dragon is regarded as equal to Zu, but leaning more towards treble and ultra detail.

Headphile Silver cable is regarded as 3rd best, and the definatly the best bang-for-your-buck option.

Cardas and Oehlbach both have their proponents.

I know there are others, but I almost never hear them mentioned in comparison to how often I hear those 5 talked about. I see at least ten rave reviews about the zu for every one complaint, so honestly, just buy the zu and be happy with it (or buy the zu and one other and send the one you don't like back). That's coming from the owner of a Silver Dragon too.
Nov 29, 2004 at 8:15 AM Post #8 of 18

I've got the 650's also. I've still got stock cables and they seem okay to me. If you try aftermarket cables, I'd be interested in your thoughts about the differences in sound.

Nov 29, 2004 at 8:19 AM Post #9 of 18

Originally Posted by JohnFerrier

I've got the 650's also. I've still got stock cables and they seem okay to me. If you try aftermarket cables, I'd be interested in your thoughts about the differences in sound.


There is no difference in sound. I'm only keeping the Zu Mobius on mine because it looks pretty.
Nov 29, 2004 at 8:40 AM Post #10 of 18

Originally Posted by nierika
There is no difference in sound. I'm only keeping the Zu Mobius on mine because it looks pretty.

That's fine. I like looking at the silver wire in my amplifier.

Nov 29, 2004 at 8:48 AM Post #11 of 18

Originally Posted by nierika
There is no difference in sound. I'm only keeping the Zu Mobius on mine because it looks pretty.

you must be a pretty silly person in that case. sell the Zu and buy a painting.
Nov 29, 2004 at 9:25 AM Post #12 of 18

Originally Posted by taoster
you must be a pretty silly person in that case. sell the Zu and buy a painting.

I guess he was joking.

Nov 29, 2004 at 9:46 AM Post #13 of 18
For me the Zu Mobius is the best match. It offers clearer, more brilliant and smoother treble as well as more controlled and slightly stronger bass compared to the stock cable -- making for rich detail and natural sonic colors.

The Silver Dragon makes the sound hyperdetailed and slightly dry and puts the instruments closer to the listener. Despite its rather bright characteristic the treble lacks brilliance, and overall the sound is a bit edgy and artificial to my ears -- nevertheless it can be spectacular in its own way.

The Oehlbach is the most forgiving aftermarket cable I've heard. Very smooth and spacious, it lacks the ultimate accuracy and focus, but has a relaxing presentation with full bass and brilliant highs.

The Headphile Silver cable is composed of 67% Zu Mobius and 33% Oehlbach -- sonically.

Nov 29, 2004 at 2:40 PM Post #14 of 18
The Equinox and Oehlbach cables are my favorites (I've also tried the Cardas and the Mobius). To me the Equinox is like a copper version of the Mobius--fast, tight sounding but with the tonal character of copper (which I prefer). The Oehlbach is also a great cable--smooth and detailed. To me the Oehlbach comes off as much like the Cardas does except that it doesn't try to change the tonal character of the Senns to something more neutral (and unconvincenly so, once you'll hear a Cardas you'll know what I mean)--it just lets them stay their dark selves. Also the Oehlbach sounds more transparent than the Cardas, which came off as stuffy sounding to my ears.

Other thoughts--
Cardas--detailed but too slow and lacking in transparency (stuffy sounding) and it changes the tonal character of the Senns in an unconvincing way, sounds a bit rolled off in the high end as well

Mobius--too thin sounding, bass doesn't bloom (listen to some electronica) it just slaps, tonal character is neutral but clinical at the same time, a bit too bright sounding as well.

But keep in mind that everyone has a different preference (and different systems). Really the best way to know what is right for you is to try them all (advice that no one wants to hear).
Nov 29, 2004 at 2:46 PM Post #15 of 18
Thanks for all the input. It sounds like the Zu may be what I want, although the Equinox sounds good too per Patrickhat2001. PATB hit the nail on the head for what I'm looking for. I've had Grado 225's, and I'm trying to move the HD650s a bit towards the Grado sound (more highs and more detail crispness).

Thanks again,

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