Best buy for under $200 cans?
Sep 28, 2007 at 4:19 PM Post #16 of 29
i heard the bass in the dt770s is intense, but doesnt have good quality.. and looks kinda funky.. im also not trying to have a portable amp with me.. so I'm still leaning towards the a900's.. but no one else here thinks its a good idea.. why?
Sep 28, 2007 at 4:34 PM Post #17 of 29

Originally Posted by kugino /img/forum/go_quote.gif
grado sr-60. so much sound for so little dough.

Definitely not. No soundstage
Sep 28, 2007 at 5:01 PM Post #18 of 29
do consider the Senns HD-25 1. I got mine for little over $100 (tipped by PeterDLai in this thread) but I think they would be a bargain at $150. The bass is plentiful but not flabby and the soundstage is surprisingly good for a closed, over-the-ear portable headphone. Jan Meier nailed it when he wrote on his web site

The Sennheiser HD 25-1 are a true insider-tip. Intended for professional use this small-sized headphone is very durable. A warm and dynamic sound.

Sep 28, 2007 at 5:02 PM Post #19 of 29

Originally Posted by Theimpaler /img/forum/go_quote.gif
i heard the bass in the dt770s is intense, but doesnt have good quality.. and looks kinda funky.. im also not trying to have a portable amp with me.. so I'm still leaning towards the a900's.. but no one else here thinks its a good idea.. why?

It depends. Rap and hiphop rarely has bass that requires good bass texture and detail, but sheer bass power is preferable for that music and DT770 has it in spades. BUT, DT770 isnt really handicapped in bass details and texturing either, its much better quality than you find in other so-called bass-heavy cheapo cans (like tons of popular cheap Sonys and such) which really produce nothing but huge midbass hump.
A900 is even more funky looking on person, those cans are HUGE. But so is DT770 so... Both are big, closed headphones afterall and do what they are supposed to do, and do it well.
Sep 28, 2007 at 5:31 PM Post #20 of 29
So i think it's between the 770's and the a900. between those two, what is going to be the difference? also, can someone explain what ohms are and whatnot. furthermore, im not trying to get an amp, so are the 770s still worth getting without an amp?

thanks so much for all this help so far.
Sep 28, 2007 at 5:38 PM Post #21 of 29
DT770 has stronger and deeper bass and good highs, but recessed mids. Consider it the V-style equalised cans, the equalizer shape you probapy see in lots of car amps: boosted bass and highs, leaving mids down. If you get DT770 Pro, 80 ohm model, it should work without extra amplification decently, but some extra amplification is recommended. Portable amps are not bigger than pack of cigars, not much bigger than ipod itself actually, so its not a burden to have one.

Havent heard A900 personally, but from what I have read, it has slightly more balanced sound overall compared to DT770. There is a dip in lower midrange that might give it slight nasal color to sound, and bass is very slightly boosted. Simply put, not as heavy sounding as DT770 or so they say. Works really well without extra power, very efficient cans.
Oct 4, 2007 at 9:38 PM Post #22 of 29
so i got the dt770's.. but i used to have the Icemat siberia's HP's before getting the dt770's. in comparasin, i notice that it sounds quieter, and the bass isnt that much better. did i just waste a bunch of money?
Oct 5, 2007 at 2:24 PM Post #23 of 29
Quiet and powerless? Lack of juice. Get a better amplification. Did you also got portable amplifier?
Oct 5, 2007 at 4:14 PM Post #24 of 29

Originally Posted by Theimpaler /img/forum/go_quote.gif
does the ad900 have good bass?

Good, yes. Enough, no. At least for my blues/rock listening. I like them for home theater though. Just my opinion.

Oct 5, 2007 at 4:27 PM Post #25 of 29

Originally Posted by Theimpaler /img/forum/go_quote.gif
so i got the dt770's.. but i used to have the Icemat siberia's HP's before getting the dt770's. in comparasin, i notice that it sounds quieter, and the bass isnt that much better. did i just waste a bunch of money?

quieter? of course, they are more power hungry.

bass not better? or do you mean not as much? if you are just looking at sheer mid-bass output, then stick with the siberias

which dt770 did u get? the dt770pro-80? i guess you'll need an amp anyways... =P
Oct 5, 2007 at 4:31 PM Post #26 of 29

Originally Posted by uraflit /img/forum/go_quote.gif
quieter? of course, they are more power hungry.

bass not better? or do you mean not as much? if you are just looking at sheer mid-bass output, then stick with the siberias

which dt770 did u get? the dt770pro-80? i guess you'll need an amp anyways... =P

Yeah, quantity doesnt equal quality, though DT770 isnt lacking quantity either when properly amped. But try some sine waves starting from 70Hz, and play lower and lower frequensies and listen how deep the siberias really go compared to DT770. Most likely you notice that they roll of very fast and only has a HUGE midbass hump that makes it SEEM that bass is strong, where as DT770 plays down to 30Hz rumble clearly and effortlessly, (ears just get more and more difficult hearing those frequencies loudly enough.) perhaps even deeper.
Oct 6, 2007 at 12:16 AM Post #27 of 29
yea after listening to them for a bit, the bass is definitely better, but my main problem with them is volume. they just dont seem to get very loud. even with volume at max they are lacking a bit. i DID get the 80ohm version, do i still need an amp? and if so, whats a portable one for like around 50?
Oct 6, 2007 at 1:30 AM Post #28 of 29
take a look at this thread:

the new ones with a volume control should be on ebay in the next couple of weeks. I have one and it does just fine with my dt770's

also; to explain the ohms: Generally, the higher the ohm rating, the more power is necessary. There are exceptions like the d5000, but most follow this rule
Oct 6, 2007 at 3:30 AM Post #29 of 29

Originally Posted by Theimpaler /img/forum/go_quote.gif
yea after listening to them for a bit, the bass is definitely better, but my main problem with them is volume. they just dont seem to get very loud. even with volume at max they are lacking a bit. i DID get the 80ohm version, do i still need an amp? and if so, whats a portable one for like around 50?

Yeah, lack of volume certainly comes from lack of voltage. Portable player runs of out steam in that area very quickly. There a all kinds of portable amps from very cheap to expensive ones. Above ebay Altoids are mostly basic Cmoy design, probaply most easiest and cheapest to build even yourself if you like soldering. Good and cheap, trounces portable players own built-in amps, but you still get what you pay for. Ebay Penguinamps are more better designs, but also cost more.

If you want quality comercial ones that are also cheap, check on Go-Vibe amps. Original maker just stopped his business, but our sponsor Jaben desided to continue them. Dunno if the new ones are available yet, but used ones from original maker are frequently seen on For Sale forums here.

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