Best bang for Buck MP3 player?
Jul 11, 2005 at 9:56 AM Post #16 of 69

Definately sold on the shuffle, then..

Jul 11, 2005 at 10:32 AM Post #17 of 69

Originally Posted by Amuse
Commercial Electronics on Burrard street. I remember last time I called them, they had Shures, but I dunno about their price..

Do you have the phone number?
I want to buy some shures, but they're hella expensive for a kid

Maybe set up a group buy for 3 people lol

PS I found a store in Surrey that sells etymotic's entire line.
I'll try to find the details.
Jul 11, 2005 at 8:49 PM Post #19 of 69
Ok, I have a line on a used set of E-4c's for $280 Cdn ($230 US), and a JMT Pimeta portable for $133 ($110 US)..

Looking good?
Jul 11, 2005 at 9:07 PM Post #20 of 69

Originally Posted by doug zdanivsky
Ok, I have a line on a used set of E-4c's for $280 Cdn ($230 US), and a JMT Pimeta portable for $133 ($110 US)..

Looking good?

I'm sure it's already been said. But for the gym you really want a flash based player, they're small and won't skip or freeeze up.

If you also want ease of use and value for money then the Shuffle is it.

I wouldn't be surprised if the Shuffle became the standard in gyms as far as an MP3 player to work out with.

Jul 11, 2005 at 9:11 PM Post #21 of 69
Yup.. Done and done, Zack..

I'm getting the shuffle, with the other components I mention..
Jul 11, 2005 at 9:13 PM Post #22 of 69

Originally Posted by doug zdanivsky
Do they come with arm-band or waist "holsters"?

If you do end up getting the Shuffle for the gym don't get an armband, they're pointless and pricy (the only reason for an armband is to keep the player out of the way and in a place less likely to produce vibrations and skip - as the Shuffle is flash based you won't have this problem).

SO.... I think this is the way to go, cheap, effective, loved by most and just works!

Jul 11, 2005 at 9:17 PM Post #23 of 69
No, I'm getting a porta-Pimeta, too, so I'll either use the one from my old Cd-player, or see what else is out there..

Thanks for the link!
Jul 11, 2005 at 11:30 PM Post #24 of 69
I called Commercial Electronics at burrard and he's asking $250 for e3c's.

I can only assume the e4c's would be $377 (i'm guessing)

But it's local so you can just return it easily probably.
Jul 12, 2005 at 12:44 AM Post #25 of 69

Originally Posted by ZackT
If you do end up getting the Shuffle for the gym don't get an armband, they're pointless and pricy (the only reason for an armband is to keep the player out of the way and in a place less likely to produce vibrations and skip - as the Shuffle is flash based you won't have this problem).

SO.... I think this is the way to go, cheap, effective, loved by most and just works!


he can buy dirt cheap arbands on Ebay. That's what I did for my iPod. I only paid $5 for one. It is nice to place your ipod in an armband. Even though it is flash based, you don't want to shake it or subject it to unecessary physical strain because it will eventually fail. Same with cd players...just because it has a buffer that prevents the audio from skipping, it does not mean I am going to shake the sucker because eventually it will fail and completely die.
Jul 12, 2005 at 6:16 AM Post #27 of 69

Originally Posted by DJ Mauler
i just cant imagine having a 1GB or whatevs and have to cycle through it all to find what im looking for.

me too. but i guess for gym use, it is ok since it would be dangerous to look at the display while you are holding on the weights with one hand.
Jul 12, 2005 at 6:18 AM Post #28 of 69

The link to that guy in Toronto I gave you.. He wants $350 Cdn for E-4c's..

He's got a used pair I'm getting for $280, which isn't bad..

I'll be getting the 500kb shuffle, not the 1 g..

heck, 500 kb is more than I need, but oh well..
Jul 12, 2005 at 6:20 AM Post #29 of 69

Originally Posted by doug zdanivsky

The link to that guy in Toronto I gave you.. He wants $350 Cdn for E-4c's..

He's got a used pair I'm getting for $280, which isn't bad..

I'll be getting the 500kb shuffle, not the 1 g..

heck, 500 kb is more than I need, but oh well..

500kb?! i think you meant 512mb?
Jul 12, 2005 at 6:21 AM Post #30 of 69
Yeah.. Most probably..

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