Benchmark DAC1 initial impressions versus NAD C542
Apr 3, 2005 at 3:58 PM Post #16 of 20
I agree, Tony, there is something flawed with your computer setup.

There should be zero difference between CD + Lossless, the scores should of been the same. You should take some time to properly setup your computer, make sure the chaintech is setup proplery for bit perfect digital output, because the fact that you notice a difference between lossless and cds in the computer is puzzling.

Thanks for your great review btw, you are wetting my appetite for one of these babies
Apr 4, 2005 at 2:19 PM Post #18 of 20
Well, the last 10-20 hours have been VERY interesting. The DAC1 has gotten noticably better. At first I dissmissed it as my ears getting used to the sound but if I am not mistaken it is really the DAC1. Let me explain why and then apologise for my intial impressions... this DAC deserves much more examination than my initial impressions gave.

First off the Sony's started to sound... well "not as exciting" as the ms-pros. At about 30-40 hours the DAC1 started to really make the ms-pros shine. Really shine. What was happening? Why did the Sony's not get a similar feeling of improvement? Much listening, and especially listening to different music has me believing that the mid range has "clarified" and the ms-pros have benefited from this incredibly. The Sony's just don't concentrate on the mid range in the same way and so you don't really notice it as much. Sure the high treble has also become crystal clear, but the Sony's were already great at that, the ms-pros have benefited again in an audible sense. Not that the Sonys are in any way poor, quite the opposite, they just are not sounding like they are improving to the same degree as the pros as the Benchmark burns in.

So, at this stage, all I can say is that it gets better and better and the MS-pros appreciate the improvement more than the Sony's to my ears. I love the Sony's but now the ms-pros are becoming "special"... I'm in love with them all over again!!! Cannot bear to sell these babies now!!! If I was not a true believer in Source First I am now.

So in consideration of just how much the DAC1 has changed over the first 39-50 hours I think I should wait a bit more and do a really considered review. Kunwar: you probably can advise just how long the DAC1 took to completely settle in but I feel its still happening and my guess is I should give it a good 200 hours before final impressions are formed.

Yep I believe setting up ASIO might fix my computer sound quality problem. I might also be getting some electronic "noise" from the computer I cannot say for sure. But with standard foobar/itunes its not as good as using optical toslink as the NAD C542 (although I must admit to using the coaxial there as its just marginally better). Kunwar: I'll email you tomorrow so you can send me that ASIO file, thanks! It would be great to get such incredible sound out of the computer as I'm listening to now... Tommy by the who.... I've never heard it so well presented, separation between channels is wonderful, treble very clear and such well defined bass. Its hard to believe how old this recording is.

So for now back to the music...

Apr 4, 2005 at 3:40 PM Post #19 of 20
100 hours pretty much settles the bass, by that time it also becomes a case of the ears adjusting to the sound.
I have noticed similar things with the HD650, While the bass is nothing to write home about with it, its classical presentation is good especially piano, on the other hand, something involving pace and atmosphere is the K1000's forte.

I am starting to find more and more that rather thanphones being specific to a gnere they are specific to style of music, Saying that something does classical better than this or that is probably not correct or optimal, As one knows, classical, trance, electronica etc. all involve different presentations and styles. The phones that do a style well can do it well across all genres regardles of how they play. It is the style or pace/rhythm/attack that matters.
With the K1000 and DAC1 much better presentation, all I need now is a bass heavy amp that would allow that to come forth. As for DAC1 burn in, would recommend setting it up with some speakers and putting on your favorite album on repeat, then just let it run. The headphone amp can be run simultaneously with the Sony's. I have a feeling the Sony's might still be some distance from being completely settled, The burn in along with the dac should or might make a difference based on perceived and actual sound differences.

Remember it is all in the head.
Will forward the files to you as soon as I have the details for you email. WIll also add instructions regarding what to do with them.

Apr 4, 2005 at 6:34 PM Post #20 of 20

Originally Posted by TonyTripleA

So, at this stage, all I can say is that it gets better and better and the MS-pros appreciate the improvement more than the Sony's to my ears. I love the Sony's but now the ms-pros are becoming "special"... I'm in love with them all over again!!! Cannot bear to sell these babies now!!! If I was not a true believer in Source First I am now.

My thoughts exactly. I wasn't too keen on spending that much for a source, now thanks to the DAC-1 I know a good source is just as important as headphones if not more. Scary thought but sound doesnt lie

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