Bdynamic dt 770 or HD595
Jul 16, 2008 at 5:44 PM Post #31 of 43

Originally Posted by Enthusia /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Wait, are you saying that people who like bassy headphones are not audiophiles?

I don't think so, I only say that because there are bassy headphones that sound very good that I would still consider audiophile grade. Take the Sextett or HD650 for instance, both are bassy but still very much audiophile quality. On the other had the DT770 Pro 80 IMHO is not an high end audiophile quality headphone. But then again that is just my opinion and I am sure you will find others who will disagree.
Jul 16, 2008 at 5:56 PM Post #32 of 43
Oh, I forgot to mention that Classical music does sound pretty good through the 770s. At least lossless files of CDs from Lyrita,Channel Classics,Hyperion,Telarc,Albany & the hybrid layer of countless SACDs . I mention this because someone wondered how Classical might sound given the 770s reputation for being "bassy". In short well engineeed recordings sound very nice through these phones. Shame on anyone for blaming poor sound reproduction on equipment playing back mediocre recordings.
Jul 16, 2008 at 9:59 PM Post #33 of 43

Originally Posted by Enthusia /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Wait, are you saying that people who like bassy headphones are not audiophiles?

nah, its not the bassy part. Its the whole attitude of the headphones. ex. hd650 and denon d2000/5000 are audiophile.

I would call the dt770 a pro audio type can
Jul 17, 2008 at 5:36 AM Post #34 of 43

Originally Posted by donunus /img/forum/go_quote.gif
nah, its not the bassy part. Its the whole attitude of the headphones. ex. hd650 and denon d2000/5000 are audiophile.

I would call the dt770 a pro audio type can

And I think I figured the attitude of these phones out a little bit. They appear to be a little fussier about what they need to drive them in order to get more frequency openness from them. Either I got lucky & got a pair that is not typical or the hi-gain setting on my portable amp is helping , but I'm am getting very respectable midrange from these cans. The mids have a nice solidity to them. They may not be as good as I've portrayed them to be , but I know there is no possible way they are as flawed as some have said they are .
Jul 17, 2008 at 10:47 AM Post #35 of 43
Yes, people who have complaints about them are not hearing them at their best, with the most synergistic equipment.

I've heard the DT770 sound slightly hollow and recessed in the midrange, and somewhat blatty in the bass, with a NAD integrated's headphone jack, out of a Creek integrated, and out of the following dedicated headphone amps: the Lehmann Black Cube Linear, the Eddie Current Zana Deux, a Creek, a MF XCan, the Naim Headline 2, the Woo 3, the Headroom Millett, and, worst of all, the PS Audio GCHA. But even in these cases, the DT770 is still an entry-level high-end can.

The DT770 is definitely a high-end headphone out of the current Denon integrated and the CIAudio VHP-2.

I'd guess that there's some audio snobbery going on here, as proles attempt to distinguish themselves from the masses by disdaining juvenile bass. Bass, well done - which is how the DT770 can do it, when properly set up - is a pleasure, not a sin.
Jul 17, 2008 at 2:43 PM Post #36 of 43
If someone is an "audiophile" that ONLY means that they spend lots of time (and most likely money) obtaining sound equipment that makes their music sound as good as possible. So an audiophile would not be satisfied with snatching up a decent pair of headphones and never look back. They would keep searching for better stuff. Audio would be a hobby. Value judgments about what equipment is "best" have nothing to do with the term.

I realize to most of you, all of that was entirely obvious.
Jul 17, 2008 at 2:44 PM Post #37 of 43

Originally Posted by MaloS /img/forum/go_quote.gif
How is it superior? Its frequency response is horrific.

what does that have to do with its technical ability? what i was referring to are things like frequency extension (on both ends) and better resolution. i certainly felt the drivers in the dt770 are more capable than the hd595. the darth beyers, dt990, dt880 share the same drivers as the dt770, and those headphones compete with the k701/hd650/rs1 etc.

the frequency response being "horrific" is totally subjective, and it doesn't mean that the dt770 isn't technically proficient. also, i personally don't find the response "horrific" at the same time, i don't feel it's perfect and i prefer some other headphones over it, but i digress...

if frequency response is your gauge for technical ability then, according to your logic, pretty much every headphone you like the frequency response of is going to be better than any other headphone. for example, if your idea of a "good" frequency response is a bright, thin/neutral sound, then you'll say something like the ksc75s are technically better than the hd650s....which is absolutely false.

i hope i haven't misconstrued what you meant by "frequency response"...correct me if you feel i've misunderstood your comment.
Jul 17, 2008 at 2:59 PM Post #38 of 43

Originally Posted by donunus /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I say If you want bass go for the 770, If youre an audiophile, go for the 595

i disagree with that. you're assuming anyone who likes a good amount of bass is not an audiophile. i personally found the hd595 a bit thin for my preferences. people have different perceptions/preferences for bass, and let me tell you, almost every person i've encountered, save for some die-hard neutrality advocates on head-fi, has said or felt that the dt770s have a realistic/pleasing level of bass. it sounds full and complete, and with any powerful amp/headphone out it's quality bass as well.

also, by your logic, you assume that bassy headphones like the darth beyers, d5000, and ed9 aren't audiophile grade or more accurately, aren't for audiophiles....
Jul 17, 2008 at 3:25 PM Post #39 of 43
nah, you didnt read my next post. Its not the bass I'm referring to really. Its just that the senns are more focused on instrumental timbres to sound real than the beyers. Even the 990s cant beat the 555s in that area IMHO
Jul 17, 2008 at 3:29 PM Post #40 of 43

Originally Posted by Shahrose /img/forum/go_quote.gif
the frequency response being "horrific" is totally subjective, and it doesn't mean that the dt770 isn't technically proficient.

HeadRoom shows the DT770 as being comparatively all over the place, frequency response wise:

Pleasing or not, it's hardly accurate by that measurement.
Jul 17, 2008 at 3:31 PM Post #41 of 43

Originally Posted by donunus /img/forum/go_quote.gif
nah, you didnt read my next post. Its not the bass I'm referring to really. Its just that the senns are more focused on instrumental timbres to sound real than the beyers. Even the 990s cant beat the 555s in that area IMHO

yea i missed your second post. and i agree with you there. i've always found senns had more realistic timbres and tones than beyers. the dt880 is one exception though, even though it is unnaturally bright, i feel it reproduces timbres fairly accurately.


Originally Posted by LnxPrgr3 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
HeadRoom shows the DT770 as being comparatively all over the place, frequency response wise:

Pleasing or not, it's hardly accurate by that measurement.

i didn't say it was's subjective in the sense that some people will like it and others will not, a flatter line on a frequency response curve doesn't mean the headphone sounds better...
Jul 17, 2008 at 3:37 PM Post #42 of 43
I've wanted to hear those 880s for a while but something always holds me back from buying them. I'm always afraid they might sound too similar to the dt990-05 32s that I had and didn't jive with too much.
Aug 2, 2008 at 12:01 AM Post #43 of 43
And to revive a thread...

I drive the Dt770 pro through a RSA Predator and while I do agree that the mids and trebles (more on this later) are slightly lacking, the "Treble Booster" EQ setting on my iPod does wonder. You have to ear Eat Static's "Pharaoh" track from their (his now?) latest album, "Back to Earth". It's like being at the movies, just gorgeous sound.

I've been using Yuin PK1s and Grado Sr325i lately, which explains why I feel like the treble is recessed on the Dt770 Pro. But the Predator Amp helps a lot in making those can sound really good, tight and controlled (even the bass).

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