Balanced W5000 pics/impressions
Jul 25, 2006 at 4:30 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 26


Sponsor: Audeze
Organizer for Can Jam '09
Mar 28, 2003
Los Angeles
Thankfully the photo gallery is finally working again, so here's the pics I would've posted weeks ago:




As for how they sound, there are two primary differences I've noted so far:

Bass Impact: it was obvious on first listen that the bass hits harder in balanced mode. Not that the bass is louder, just that it has a more tangible, physical quality, particularly in the lower realms, so the effect is most noticeable with electronic music. It is less apparent with orchestral music, limited to those real heavy drum hits, organ, and cannon fire
I would say the difference is quite striking with anything heavily electronic or beat-based, less so with acoustic music, and rock/pop.

Soundstage: Upon my first listen to the headphones in single-ended mode, after listening in balanced for a while (to the Gladiator soundtrack, I switched mid-CD), my reaction was instantly "where'd the soundstage go?" After some further comparison it became clear that the balanced mode opened the soundstage up quite a bit in the lateral domain, while reinforcing the already good imaging. I was quite shocked by that first comparison, because the W5000's soundstage had always been quite satisfying, and I did not expect such a difference to come from balancing them.

Are they "huge" differences, I'd say not. They are substantial, and not easily mistaken however. The headphones still sound like W5000's though, the change has not transformed them, merely evolved them. Was it worthwhile? Well building the cable itself was a fun diversion, though taking apart $800 headphones was a bit nerve-wracking. I already had the appropriate amp, which I bought to get away from the heat-churning Dynahi, more than anything. I wouldn't recommend balancing your W5000 unless you were really bent on getting every last bit that they can offer, and really enjoy their basic sound signature.
Jul 25, 2006 at 5:15 AM Post #2 of 26
Ahh, see, now that's how the W5000 cable oughta look right from the start! I love the way those look.

Soundwise though, I'm really interested to hear more impressions on these in the future... interesting stuff... the W5000 is definitely one of my favorite in production headphones and I'll be really interested to see how this improves them...
Jul 25, 2006 at 6:47 AM Post #3 of 26
That's some nice handi-work there! The cabling fits the high-end look of those woodies. I've never really understood why AT used that cheap looking rubbery cable on the W5000 and not the cloth sheathed cabling they use on their other high-end cans.
Jul 25, 2006 at 7:21 AM Post #4 of 26
Nicely done Iron_Dreamer! They look beautiful.
Jul 25, 2006 at 12:52 PM Post #6 of 26
nice work Peter. seems like you are enjoying your balanced W5000 as much as I enjoy my balanced L3000.
Jul 25, 2006 at 12:56 PM Post #7 of 26
Very nice set up you have there. It must sound really nice.
Jul 25, 2006 at 1:22 PM Post #8 of 26
Great work, Peter. Sounds like the effort to balance the W5000's is really worthwhile.

Gorgeous looking rig, also. The W5000's look quite at home with the Stello dac and Gilmore balanced reference.

Thanks for sharing, and enjoy ...
Jul 25, 2006 at 3:43 PM Post #10 of 26
Seing this sweet stuff just motivated me to clean up the mess here & get a real table under my AQVOX. Say what you want, a wooden base sounds better.
Jul 25, 2006 at 3:51 PM Post #11 of 26
I havent heard the HA5000 (yet), but isnt the gain in SQ from balancing them similar to what the the AT amp gives you? The few users who heard the HA5000&W5000 also talked about soundstage improvements among other things.
Jul 25, 2006 at 4:32 PM Post #12 of 26
Nice job, Peter. Also nice "balanced" impressions, meaning that you have been careful not to overblow your description of the sonic differences. Lots of people tend to get caught up in the excitement and end up misleading others who may be considering doing something similar. My guess, however, is that the significant improvements that you've already noticed will be become more and more pronounced as you get accustomed (i.e., spoiled by) the balanced W5000's. In other words, it will be hard to go back to single ended W5000's because whatever it is that's missing will annoy the heck out of you! But the funny thing is this doesn't mean that someone who hasn't experienced balanced W5000's would ever find the single ended W5000's deficient in any way. Kind of like when you get used to the HD650's it's hard to go back to the HD600's, and same with going from your favorite Senn replacement cable back to the stock cable. I think it's human nature to always want better and then to get spoiled by it!
Jul 25, 2006 at 5:11 PM Post #15 of 26

Originally Posted by ken36
I am wondering if Larry did the re-cable job and what cable it is.

I'm pretty sure he did it himself. In any case, it's great work.

Thanks for the impressions. It's nice to see a review that reinforces specifically how balanced drive improves phones (bass control/impact, soundstage) instead of just an incoherent OMGWTFBBQ, although those are fun too.

BTW, do you notice any difference between your recable in single-ended and what you remember of the stock W5000? Just curious if you have any impressions...

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