Avril LAvigne - Let Go - It's quite good actually
Jan 23, 2003 at 10:13 AM Post #31 of 43
I like Natalie Imbruglia. there ive said it
Jan 23, 2003 at 1:06 PM Post #32 of 43

Originally posted by richpjr
Trawlerman - having posted what I did above, I don't think I mentioned that I actually own this cd!!

Thats good to hear. At least having owned and listened to the CD, you can form you own opinion rather than having someone elses influence your view.

I appreciate your views and that you don't like. I think we must agree to disagree on this one.

Sound As Ever.
Jan 23, 2003 at 4:36 PM Post #34 of 43

Originally posted by Trawlerman
Thats good to hear. At least having owned and listened to the CD, you can form you own opinion rather than having someone elses influence your view.

I appreciate your views and that you don't like. I think we must agree to disagree on this one.

Actually, if you read my post, I never actually said that I didn't like her music! I don't really care for her attitude much, but was just trying to present another possible opinion. Maybe I shouldn't play devil's advocate!

Jan 23, 2003 at 6:57 PM Post #35 of 43
What if a private Journal of Mozart turned up in some basement and in there he writes that he is a chain smoking pot head. A womeniser, but think they don't deserve a place in society, and someone who used his fame to get political advantages in everyday life.

Would that make any difference to his work? Would you stop listening to his music?
Jan 23, 2003 at 7:20 PM Post #36 of 43

Originally posted by raymondlin
What if a private Journal of Mozart turned up in some basement and in there he writes that he is a chain smoking pot head. A womeniser, but think they don't deserve a place in society, and someone who used his fame to get political advantages in everyday life.

Would that make any difference to his work? Would you stop listening to his music?

No, because it's good music. What's your point?
Jan 23, 2003 at 7:35 PM Post #38 of 43
Great analogy raymondlin. I still think it's a little different because Avril's songs have lyrics and she writes about herself, so it's hard not to take that into account when listening to her music.
Jan 23, 2003 at 7:44 PM Post #39 of 43

Originally posted by Rizumu
Great analogy raymondlin. I still think it's a little different because Avril's songs have lyrics and she writes about herself, so it's hard not to take that into account when listening to her music.

so is Eminem. I listened to the lyrics in her songs and most of it is about Love, being yourself. There might be a "attitude" in there but it's basically what the a lot of the beatles songs are about - Love.
Jan 23, 2003 at 9:52 PM Post #40 of 43
It seems like all songs are about love. At least 99.9% I think.
Jan 23, 2003 at 10:25 PM Post #41 of 43

Originally posted by royboy2k
It seems like all songs are about love. At least 99.9% I think.

damage inc.?
them bones?
jesus christ pose?
helter skelter?

man, that's some tough love.
Jan 23, 2003 at 10:39 PM Post #42 of 43
No, image does not matter for a singer to be decent, however, when a singer is bad ontop of it all, you try and find some justification behind it, whether they're just trying to do something new, or whatever. My beefs with her music is simple. She doesn't have a good voice, and it reeks of generic pop. Her lyrics are sub-par as well. When an artist is bad, i hope to see some justifcation for it. Some people simply cannot sing, however, can still be amazing listens (syd barret anyone?). Avril, atleast in my opinon, simply is not.

I'll get off of this thread though. It's clear you like her music, and i shouldn't condem you for that. We have different tastes, and while i might have an elitist attitude about it all, in the end, you enjoy it, and that's all that should matter (well, to you atleast
Jan 23, 2003 at 11:08 PM Post #43 of 43

Originally posted by redshifter
damage inc.?
them bones?
jesus christ pose?
helter skelter?

man, that's some tough love.

Okay I've heard helter skelter of course, but I dunno what it's about. Probably not love right?
"Them Bones," that's Alice in Chains right? I'm not familiar with the others, although damage, inc brings Metallica to mind.

Anyway, I know not all songs are about love. Notice I left a generous 0.1% for other songs? Maybe that's a tad low, does 1% sound more accurate? That sounds pretty good considering the millions of songs out there. Of course I'm only talking about songs with vocals, if you're wondering.

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