Aurisonics Impressions and Reviews
Feb 22, 2012 at 9:14 PM Post #871 of 2,761

Does anyone else have a hard time opening the otterbox case for the ASG-1?  This case is's nice that my headphones are protected, but it's a bit overkill.  I mean, I generally don't lose sleep at night over whether or not my IEM's will survive should an earthquake/tsunami/nuclear apocalypse happen, but if I did, I wouldn't as long as they're stored in this case.

Well, if you were an Otter, and had this nice little box, no worries while you are swimming!  

Feb 22, 2012 at 9:14 PM Post #872 of 2,761

I love otterboxes and pelican boxes.  my worrier/obsessive nature likes protection overkill.​
of note, when i shipped my ear impressions to Heir Audio in China, I put foam peanuts in the audiologist's little cardboard box to cushion the impressions, then put this box inside a metal mini-loaf pan, then put this inside a thick cardboard box, then put this in the shipping box, which was about 1 cubic foot, stuffed with air pillows. ​

Aurisonic's $10-$20 investment sure goes a long way :D
Feb 22, 2012 at 9:20 PM Post #873 of 2,761
@Sinocelt. This is the cost of shipping a 5lb box to Taiwan, even before insurance or tracking.

If you want to make a point, don't use 5 lb. I've just weighted a Pellican case I use for my CIEMs, and it weights less than 0.6 lb. The whole package cannot reach 5 lb. 
This said, even 1 lb isn't cheap, through USPS, and Matt already explained he was limited to this carrier. So the point is moot.
Feb 22, 2012 at 9:26 PM Post #874 of 2,761
But seriously, are there any tips to opening this otterbox case?  It takes significant effort to open every time I use it.  
(I actually couldn't get it open when it arrived because it had pressurized while making the travel from sea level to 8150 feet elevation where I live.  I had to get one of my beast coworkers to open it up for me, which was a little embarrassing...)
Feb 22, 2012 at 9:29 PM Post #876 of 2,761

But seriously, are there any tips to opening this otterbox case?  It takes significant effort to open every time I use it.  
(I actually couldn't get it open when it arrived because it had pressurized while making the travel from sea level to 8150 feet elevation where I live.  I had to get one of my beast coworkers to open it up for me, which was a little embarrassing...)

Drink milk, get swole, son.
Feb 22, 2012 at 9:38 PM Post #878 of 2,761

Drink milk, get swole, son.

I'd love to, but I have a cervical spinal cord injury...I can't manage to put on any muscle weight.  I guess I could go train more, and just stare at the Otterbox case the whole time, see if I can intimidate into submission...
Feb 22, 2012 at 9:48 PM Post #879 of 2,761

I'd love to, but I have a cervical spinal cord injury...I can't manage to put on any muscle weight.  I guess I could go train more, and just stare at the Otterbox case the whole time, see if I can intimidate into submission...

dat Otterbox ain't goin' down without a fight laddy :)
Feb 22, 2012 at 9:48 PM Post #880 of 2,761

I love otterboxes and pelican boxes.  my worrier/obsessive nature likes protection overkill.​
of note, when i shipped my ear impressions to Heir Audio in China, I put foam peanuts in the audiologist's little cardboard box to cushion the impressions, then put this box inside a metal mini-loaf pan, then put this inside a thick cardboard box, then put this in the shipping box, which was about 1 cubic foot, stuffed with air pillows. ​

now i'm suddenly extremely worried about the impressions i shipped over to Aurisonics... just packed em in that flimsy little audiologist's box and wished them well. 
Feb 22, 2012 at 9:56 PM Post #881 of 2,761
The major subjects in this thread now occupying most pages:
  1. anticipation
  2. ordering and shipping issues
  3. otter box opening issue
impressions can fit 2 pages I think

Feb 22, 2012 at 9:58 PM Post #882 of 2,761

now i'm suddenly extremely worried about the impressions i shipped over to Aurisonics... just packed em in that flimsy little audiologist's box and wished them well. 

LOL DUDE you're fine.  Shipping ain't that hard on packages!
Feb 22, 2012 at 10:00 PM Post #883 of 2,761

Hot damn man.
i don't like to leave anything to chance, if I can help it.


Aurisonic's $10-$20 investment sure goes a long way :D
I should've just bought an otterbox and shipped my ear impressions in that 

I was actually worried how much it would cost, since my shipping box was quite large and I put more weight in it than necessary.  I used FedEx based on Kunlun's information that they go door-to-door, and it cost me $148.00 [I live in the USA].

now i'm suddenly extremely worried about the impressions i shipped over to Aurisonics... just packed em in that flimsy little audiologist's box and wished them well. 
I wouldn't worry just based on my crazy packing.  I have no idea how most people ship their ear impressions.  Shipping them in the audiologist's box might be standard.  
Could others share how they pack their impressions?

Feb 22, 2012 at 10:02 PM Post #884 of 2,761

I actually laughed out loud.
it's easy to get derailed.
The major subjects in this thread now occupying most pages:
  1. anticipation
  2. ordering and shipping issues
  3. otter box opening issue
impressions can fit 2 pages I think

Feb 22, 2012 at 10:04 PM Post #885 of 2,761

now i'm suddenly extremely worried about the impressions i shipped over to Aurisonics... just packed em in that flimsy little audiologist's box and wished them well. 

What flimsy little audiologist box are you speaking of ? Surely not the Otterbox case Aurisonics ships in, that thing is built stronger than a tank. I have spent close to half an hour, busting my hands in the process just to try to open them; i finally found that wedging a knife in the black tab helps pry it open. For those awaiting their aurisonics, work those hand muscles ! You are going to need it.
Spoke with Matt at Springtree, telling him that i received the earphones, he said their new shipment coming in has already sold out, thanks to us ; P
Orders are flying and thankfully Aurisonics are made in the U.S, making the process of ordering new batches a breeze, as Springtree expects another batch next week

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