AURALiC owners unite!
Sep 3, 2016 at 7:38 PM Post #1,816 of 2,398
Just got my Taurus MKII and it immediately died on me. Buzzing/crackling sound then poof, burning smell and refuses to start again. Tried the backup fuse and it turned on for one second and then did the same.
Can anyone give me advice on what might be the issue? Also has anyone had to do a mail in repair with them and how long has it taken? Also concerned how much this will cost me since I literally jsut bought it this week from another head-ifer.
Thanks in advance to anyone who can help.
Sep 4, 2016 at 2:02 AM Post #1,817 of 2,398
My first guess is wrong voltage. Check behind if it's 220 or 110 volts. Then you should contact auralic but keep in mind that warranty can't be transferred, so I think you'll have to cover all the costs.
When I contacted them for mine, they answered after a few days asking me to go through the local retailer for immediate assistance
Sep 4, 2016 at 10:56 AM Post #1,818 of 2,398
Thanks for the reply. Is the most reliable way to get in contact with them via email?
It's the correct voltage. Problem seems internal. How much did the repairs cost you? Hopefully I can send it somewhere in the US and not all the way to China.
Sep 4, 2016 at 3:00 PM Post #1,819 of 2,398
Thanks for the reply. Is the most reliable way to get in contact with them via email?

It's the correct voltage. Problem seems internal. How much did the repairs cost you? Hopefully I can send it somewhere in the US and not all the way to China.

My issue is a random problem that fixes itself with classic power off/on cycle. Annoying on a such expensive amp, but it doesn't happen often enough to justify any shipping atm. Sorry I can't help you further, but please keep going with the updates.
Sep 8, 2016 at 8:01 PM Post #1,821 of 2,398

Newest addition, sounds amazing 

Sep 9, 2016 at 3:39 AM Post #1,822 of 2,398

My issue is a random problem that fixes itself with classic power off/on cycle. Annoying on a such expensive amp, but it doesn't happen often enough to justify any shipping atm. Sorry I can't help you further, but please keep going with the updates.

Are you certain you have the mk2? I know the mk1 looks almost identical but has problems running on 110 volt as the power supply wasn't really designed for anything other then 220volt.
Sep 9, 2016 at 4:44 AM Post #1,823 of 2,398
Are you certain you have the mk2? I know the mk1 looks almost identical but has problems running on 110 volt as the power supply wasn't really designed for anything other then 220volt.

MannerPylon, he owns the smoking Taurus.
Sep 9, 2016 at 5:03 AM Post #1,825 of 2,398
Ah, missed I was replying to the wrong person. Yours does sound like a mk1 as well though :p

Actually I double checked right after you posted. I bought it new last year, but we all know that schiit may happen :grin:
Sep 9, 2016 at 5:10 AM Post #1,826 of 2,398
Actually I double checked right after you posted. I bought it new last year, but we all know that schiit may happen :grin:

Alas, funds are too low for Schiit to happen :frowning2: Would love the Ygdrassil paired with the MK2.

Also, perhaps a bit of a scoop: but for the Taurus MK3 they're looking at a balanced volume knob (so it's fully balanced) and a way to have switchable gain. My only nitpicks with the MK2 are being solved! :)

Now just the question, when should I sell my current unit? :p
Sep 9, 2016 at 5:30 AM Post #1,827 of 2,398
Alas, funds are too low for Schiit to happen :frowning2: Would love the Ygdrassil paired with the MK2.

Also, perhaps a bit of a scoop: but for the Taurus MK3 they're looking at a balanced volume knob (so it's fully balanced) and a way to have switchable gain. My only nitpicks with the MK2 are being solved! :)

Now just the question, when should I sell my current unit? :p

My source is a gumby, and I don't feel any need to upgrade more. Let me elaborate: I also have a nad m51 and differences are so small to my ears that I decided to stop worrying about dacs for a long while. The m51 is a real Swiss army knife, being also a preamp with remote control and hdmi input.
Sep 9, 2016 at 5:55 AM Post #1,828 of 2,398
A while back I bought an Aries LE. So far it has given me nothing but headaches.

Every time I switch it of it cannot find my NAS after start up. Most of the time I have to do a complete re-installation. However the last couple of weeks no matter what I do. I just cannot find my NAS. When I have the Aries looking for a NAS all it can find is itself.

I am thinking of selling this piece of junk. So far all the streaming options I have tried are utter crap. Tidal has a really bad UI. Aurlic is just utterly unreliable and foobar is horrible.

I doubt streaming audio will be consumer ready within 10 years.
Sep 9, 2016 at 6:03 AM Post #1,829 of 2,398
A while back I bought an Aries LE. So far it has given me nothing but headaches.

Every time I switch it of it cannot find my NAS after start up. Most of the time I have to do a complete re-installation. However the last couple of weeks no matter what I do. I just cannot find my NAS. When I have the Aries looking for a NAS all it can find is itself.

I am thinking of selling this piece of junk. So far all the streaming options I have tried are utter crap. Tidal has a really bad UI. Aurlic is just utterly unreliable and foobar is horrible.

I doubt streaming audio will be consumer ready within 10 years.

I'm actually quite happy with my Raspberry pi (2) and HifiBerry Digi+ streaming solution to my DAC. Installed Volumio on it's and a perfect streaming solution that keeps getting better with every release.

It's also dirt cheap compared to everything else that is on offer. And having been bitten by those fancy mediastreaming solutions in the past I've opted for the DIY solution. Which works a whole lot better I must say
Sep 9, 2016 at 6:04 AM Post #1,830 of 2,398
My source is a gumby, and I don't feel any need to upgrade more. Let me elaborate: I also have a nad m51 and differences are so small to my ears that I decided to stop worrying about dacs for a long while. The m51 is a real Swiss army knife, being also a preamp with remote control and hdmi input.

Interesting, might look into that. Though I´ve heard quite a few differences between DACS and my current one (Stello DA220mk2) is getting a bit old so I was really looking for the best I can afford to last me a long time just like with the Stello

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