Aune T1 USB Tube DAC+ SS Amp Discussion Thread ***See first post for FAQ--Updated on 02/14/15***
Dec 15, 2015 at 2:38 PM Post #7,651 of 8,309
The X2 and T1 aren't going to pair very well the T1's impedance is 10 ohms and the X2 is 30 ohms. That's a damping factor of 3... You'll want a damping factor of 8 or higher to have proper bass control in your headphone.

In other words, you'll want to pair the X2 with and amp whith an output impedance of 3.75 ohms or less.

Or pair the T1 with a headphone with an input impedance of 80 ohms or more.

Thanks :frowning2:.  I've heard the combo done, but I guess it's not that good....  

I heard that the amp's impedance is what matters, so couldn't I use the Tube DAC, with a better amp, and it should all work, or....?
Dec 16, 2015 at 3:54 PM Post #7,652 of 8,309
Thanks :frowning2:.  I've heard the combo done, but I guess it's not that good....  

I heard that the amp's impedance is what matters, so couldn't I use the Tube DAC, with a better amp, and it should all work, or....?

Yes. You can absolutely use the DAC with a different, lower impedance amp.
Dec 16, 2015 at 4:32 PM Post #7,653 of 8,309
Yes. You can absolutely use the DAC with a different, lower impedance amp.

Alrighty :).  I didn't know which device had the impedance issue, but I assumed it was all devices....  Someone was talking about impedance via cables, so I figured that there could be issues with connections causing problems and whatnot, and maybe certain more expensive cables were better impedance, which is why they are more expensive, and why some users don't notice "a difference?"

So an AMP will have the impedance... not the DAC?

I wanted to originally hook it up to my Sound Blaster, but then I realized there is no damn line outs, and a bunch of line ins....

So I guess it doesn't matter since the amp/dac are going to be on it's own, so I guess I could get the Aune then?

The question is... Would it be worth it?  I don't know anything about Tubes, but from the talks here they sound amazing...

I am getting the Fidelio X2's, so not sure if the tubes would be too "warm?"  I heard once there are bright and warm tube amps, and you need to pick the right one...; however I saw a video which was basically talking down tubes, and they were saying they were just warm... Granted these 2 guys don't really seem that knowledgeable, and if they are(or the one audio guy), they don't really present good arguments...

They spoke about "Coloring" the music, but that sounds like some audiophile purity ****, which they constantly try to talk down "purist/elitist Audiophiles" while being elitist themselves.....

So the questions are....

1.  Should I get this DAC for the X2's, or should I look somewhere else?  I find this is a cheap intro to tubes, but I'm new to all this gear in general, so I'm not sure if this is the best start, or what, but it sounds great!

2.  If I got this DAC....

a.  What kind of amp should I get for the X2?

b.  Would it be okay to get an SS amp for it, or should I get another Tube Amp?  It seems the Aune is unique, because it's a "Tube DAC," but not sure if it needs a tube amp with it or what the "preferred setup"wold be...  Would a tube amp and a SS DAC be better...?

c.  I hear the Aune gets very hot....  Should I setup some sort of fan for it, or should I put some vents into the case?

d.  I see there is a 96 and a 192khz Aune, but people say there is only the 96...  I also saw in that video that they were saying there is no audible difference between the 2, which I'm not too sure about....

e.  I've seen people change the capacitors and such on this...  It is worth it to mess around?  One thread I saw mentioned he fried 2-3 of these before getting it right....

f.  What kind of tubes should I get?  I really am interested in one of those Amperex 7803's, but I hear mixed opinions on these tubes....

One person said that the grade doesn't matter, while another said the grade will matter with I believe "Microphonics," so getting a higher grade is always worth it?

I also was looking at Upstart, and the 2nd user seemed to dislike them due to higher prices, but they seem to know what they are talking about.  With that, Upstart claims that all of the Amperex are the same, while user #2 claimed that the label is what matters... I'll have to check out what the comments were, but it was a fewe pages back I guess (not sure if you were the one I spoke to :p).

The Gold Lion and the Bungle/Rocket Boy sounded good too...

I guess it depends on my music, and what I like.

I like music that is more fun, engaging, energetic, exciting, and makes you want to move.

"Eurobeat" is big in the car/racing scene in Japan, so it's a lot of FAST Adrenaline pumping music!
Dec 16, 2015 at 4:42 PM Post #7,655 of 8,309

Sounds like a gold lion and an Asgard 2 would make you a happy man

Hmm thanks.

Why would I want an Asgard 2, and why just the Gold Lion?  YOu don't think one of the Amperex tubes or one of the Russian tubes would work well?  I'm going to check out the descriptions and post back :)

I also edited these questions in

c.  I hear the Aune gets very hot....  Should I setup some sort of fan for it, or should I put some vents into the case?

d.  I see there is a 96 and a 192khz Aune, but people say there is only the 96...  I also saw in that video that they were saying there is no audible difference between the 2, which I'm not too sure about....

e.  I've seen people change the capacitors and such on this...  It is worth it to mess around?  One thread I saw mentioned he fried 2-3 of these before getting it right....


Dec 16, 2015 at 4:49 PM Post #7,656 of 8,309
The Asgard 2 is a very nice sounding, but not too expensive amp, and from your description of the sound you like, the gold lion should fit the bill. I personally prefer the 7308, but it has a mellower sound than the gold lion
Dec 16, 2015 at 5:23 PM Post #7,657 of 8,309
The Asgard 2 is a very nice sounding, but not too expensive amp, and from your description of the sound you like, the gold lion should fit the bill. I personally prefer the 7308, but it has a mellower sound than the gold lion

Hmm thanks.  So why the Asgard over the Magni or Vali 2?

I was looking at the first page and see these

Genalex Gold Lion E88CC:
Given some time with the Genalex and comparing it to my precious Voskhod, I have to say I’m quite impressed and that I think I’ve found a new favorite tube. The Genalex has many of the qualities of the Voskhod I like, such as intimate mids and vocals, but the Genalex is able to deliver this to me with more clarity and soundstage. The extra clarity does make the T1 sound more digital and less analog than the Voskhod, but I still think it is ultimately a superior sound. At first, I thought the Genalex had punchier bass, but after adjusting to the sound, I realized I was mistaken and that the Voskhod was more tactile in this respect.  Then, I thought perhaps a gain adjustment would make a difference, and lo and behold, +8 did just the trick in bringing the Genalex bass up to where I wanted it. Good times!
Russian 6n23p Rocket logo
This tube is intimacy to the max. Warm, but not muddy. Forward sounding. Output volume seems higher than the other tubes I’ve tried. Very musical and engaging tube. It’s a fun listen for sure but it comes at the cost of some soundstage. Has a very punchy midbass but doesn’t have as much presence in the lowest bass notes. Has a kind of addictive tube sound.
Purchased here:

Russian 6n23p-eb
Very nice detailed sound, great soundstage and imaging. Less aggressive than the rocket logo. Has very, very good lower bass presence. Kind of a U shaped sound signature compared to the rocket logo. Overall, very good. Whether or not I prefer this or the rocket logo depends on my mood.
Purchased here:


The Gold Lion sounds great, but the russians seem nice too.  The Rocket Logo being warm not too sure if that hits my bill or not.  It sounds like out of the 3, the Gold Lion fits the bill.

I'm not sure if there are others I will like better though?  I'm just going by what I see...

I feel like I should contact Upstart and get his professional opinion and then come back here and cross check :).  Or would there be a better thread to post tube questions, or would the tube question vary with equipment?

I am interested in the Amperex because I hear the soundstage is amazing and I hear talks of "holographic" which sounds interesting...

Not too sure though... the Holland E188C also sounds great.  One user said he loved it more than the Amperex, and I think the first poster said something similar...

It seems to be a special one though...
Dec 16, 2015 at 5:29 PM Post #7,659 of 8,309
I have an Asgard 2 and it sounds excellent with any headphone I throw at it. That's why lol

Ah haha...

I was looking at the X2's thread and someone said

  I have both the Vali and an Asgard 2.  I prefer the Vali with my X2s.  The Vali has better bass and space. At least that's what I hear.  Comparatively, the Asgard 2 sounds a bit sterile to me.


Dec 16, 2015 at 5:41 PM Post #7,660 of 8,309
This hobby can be tough, its not like most of us can just go to a store and demo the equipment. I personally have always liked hybrid gear. I like the warmth of tubes and the punch of solid state amps. Everybody has different tastes and ears. I've found its best to figure out what sound signature you like, and read a schiit load of reviews and posts to see what gear has that signature and then take a chance and order it and hope for the best.
Dec 16, 2015 at 5:47 PM Post #7,661 of 8,309
That being said, I'm a Sennheiser guy, and have never heard the X2's. Have you considered the HD598's? I jumped on the Amazon black Friday deal for those and I'm impressed with them. The soundstage is amazing, and they are not bass lite at all like I've heard people say.
Dec 16, 2015 at 5:57 PM Post #7,662 of 8,309
That being said, I'm a Sennheiser guy, and have never heard the X2's. Have you considered the HD598's? I jumped on the Amazon black Friday deal for those and I'm impressed with them. The soundstage is amazing, and they are not bass lite at all like I've heard people say.

Thanks for the info in both posts.

It's hard to find what I want for sure, and everyone has different tastes to what I do especially.

I bought the X2's with a 100$ off deal.  The 600s were also 75$ off on BF, and I almost jumped on those but they seemed too "Warm" for me..

I don't really like warm and laid back, I like bright music, but at the same time, if I get bright HPs it seems to not be good... :frowning2:
Dec 16, 2015 at 6:05 PM Post #7,663 of 8,309
If you don't like warm, tubes may not be for you. I find the gold lion to sound solid state-ish. If I liked that sound the best, I would have gotten a modi or bifrost. I got the t1 to add warmth lol.
Dec 16, 2015 at 6:07 PM Post #7,664 of 8,309
If you don't like warm, tubes may not be for you. I find the gold lion to sound solid state-ish. If I liked that sound the best, I would have gotten a modi or bifrost. I got the t1 to add warmth lol.

Hmm...............  Maybe I should have kept the brighter HRM-7's and gotten a warm tube :p.  Oh wells, the X2's were the same price, and probably a lot better.

So what would I get if the X2's are warm, and I want brightness?

There are no bright tubes?  I thought I had heard there were...

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