Audiophile CD's
Feb 15, 2003 at 8:35 AM Post #46 of 53
Re: Bill Evans

I just picked up the XRCD version of Waltz for Debby and I can't help but think that the SACD version released directly by Riverside must be better. I have the SACD riverside release of Live at the Village Vanguard and it didn't have any of the problems that I'm hearing on this XRCD of Waltz for Debby. I'm hearing distortion, clipping, all sorts of weird funk. At one point, I heard the cymbals fade out of the right channel for a moment, creating a really weird dead spot, and then coming back. I dunno...I've got a sinking feeling the SACD version is both cheaper and better. I paid $33 with tax for this cd.
Feb 15, 2003 at 4:08 PM Post #47 of 53

Originally posted by ooheadsoo
I'm hearing distortion, clipping, all sorts of weird funk. At one point, I heard the cymbals fade out of the right channel for a moment, creating a really weird dead spot, and then coming back.

As is natural for this recording. The original LP and CD issues, and now it seems the XRCD, preserve these flaws. It's amazing how sound produced digitally spoils the ear.

Feb 15, 2003 at 7:22 PM Post #48 of 53
Then why is it that Live at the Village Vanguard SACD doesn't have these flaws? It was recorded at roughly the same time on all analog equipment.
Feb 15, 2003 at 7:40 PM Post #49 of 53
Your guess is as good as mine. Buy the Debby SACD and see if Riverside hasn't just made some drastic changes to what people have been hearing for near on fourty-two years.

Feb 16, 2003 at 2:01 AM Post #50 of 53
I really might do that. If it's true that they eliminated the artifacts in the SACD mastering, I'd be curious if the flaws were in the originals or they tweaked it somehow. I don't have a "lofi" version of live at the village vanguard, but it sounds pretty fine to me.
Feb 19, 2003 at 5:18 AM Post #51 of 53

Originally posted by NeoVibe

I'm trying to start an audiophile colection of classical music.
Once I'm still kind of discovering classical music I'd like to know which labels are can I 'trust'? I mean, which are more likely to have audiophile quality recordings?
I've heard a lot about "deutche gramophone"... is it any good?

thank everyone

It depends on the individual disc.

The most consistant to me are "London" and "RCA" . I have some dogs that are DG, and even Telarc.
Feb 19, 2003 at 9:44 AM Post #52 of 53

Originally posted by Nisbeth
Beethovens 5th symphony conducted by Carlos Kleiber (part of the DG Originals series) ... is simply amazing!! ...the performance! *OMG* it is nothing short of outstanding!!!

Another Kliber winner is his reading of Brahms 4th Symphony. It's on DG.

In re CD guides: as one who buys each new edition of Penguin and Gramaphone, I find the Penguin much more useful. For those with voracious appetites for CDs, check out "Fanfare" magazine.
Feb 19, 2003 at 4:19 PM Post #53 of 53

Originally posted by Odi_et_Amo
Another Kliber winner is his reading of Brahms 4th Symphony. It's on DG.

In re CD guides: as one who buys each new edition of Penguin and Gramaphone, I find the Penguin much more useful. For those with voracious appetites for CDs, check out "Fanfare" magazine.

Kleiber's Beethoven 5th is the best interpretation on record IMHO.
But the best Brahms 4th Symphony interpretation is Bruno Walter's. Again IMHO. I've heard Kleiber's version first, and Walter's afterwards. I prefer Walter's version by a wide margin.

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