Bumping once again, after using this for awhile.
I've been playing with this and SonicMax Pro, which seems to be the apps of choice here on Head Fi. While I do like SonicMax Pro, to me, it's nothing more than a very light enhancement for my music. Toggling on/off, I can barely tell it's there, which is isn't a bad thing... it's just not too exciting.
The Xciter app is much, much more interesting to me. If I'm stuck with cheap earbuds, car speakers, or whatever, it seems to bring the most out of the high/low end of whatever I play. The fact that my Hf5 sounds so clinical and neutral may have something to do with this, but I love what it does to my music with these buds in even more. Rock, Heavy Metal, Classic/Orchestra, Rap, Electronic, Folk, Alternative... it just makes everything more exciting than any EQ setting I could come up with, and it does it without destroying parts of the sound.
The effect is so noticeable, in fact, that I've had a friend ask what I did to my car speakers/ipod music.
Being a noob here, I'm sure it actually mutilates your music. I like what it does irregardless.