Audio-Technica ATH-R70x - In-Depth Review & Impressions
Jul 3, 2021 at 12:02 PM Post #2,101 of 2,696
The R70X truly is the best headphone under 500USD. There is none other that even gets close when it comes to imaging, soundstage, dynamics and (planar rivalling) sub-bass. Another huge plus is the scalability these have. The sound with a good SET is just mind bogglingly good. If you have a amp that can push high voltages; the R70x can really be a remarkable audio experience.

I would also like to write about some of my experiences with the Focal Clear and R70X here:

I've had the Clear as part of a swap for about 2 weeks now and I'm supposed to be returning these soon. I did like the sound of the Clear but I kid you not: I listened to the R70X more than the Clear for whatever time I had them. I would sit down to listen and would switch to the R70X in about 30min. The only difference between the two (and not very big) is the overall detail level; the Clear being more forward and "in your face".

The R70X has a very well extended treble but the Clear is just more sparkly and alive up-top. This is also one of Clears' drawback. Poorly recorded material and digital sources can be slightly fatiguing to listen to on the Clear. The R70X on the other hand is relatively relaxed and is more "comfortable" (both sonically and physically).

The Clear also plays better on mobile sources (DAPS and such) while the R70X needs some push to get going. Both scale well with good amplification but I'd prefer the R70X on tubes. The high Z provides ample room for good amps (esp SETs) to damp the driver well and deliver a more controlled performance. This is not to say the Clear is bad, but it just doesn't "come alive" as the R70X does. This is not bad for the Clear either as it sounds better on cheaper amps and those that may not have the grunt to handle the high impedance.

Other than the above, the R70X is just a better headphone especially considering it costs about a fourth of the Focal Clear. Better sub bass, soundstage, imaging, musicality and overall dynamics. It just doesn't do anything wrong. Sure it doesn't have the Mercedes like build quality and aesthetics of the Clear nor does it resolve as well but when it comes to the overall package: I'd still take the R70X any day. The Clear is good but fatiguing. Why should I pay more to listen less?
Chord tt2 with m scaler with r70x is the best sound you can get from a headphone set up.
Jul 3, 2021 at 1:50 PM Post #2,103 of 2,696
Got some locally made silver cables today for my r70x and the highs get a lot cleaner than the stock cable and also the slight loose bloat gets tightened. a worth while upgrade imo.
Jul 3, 2021 at 3:15 PM Post #2,104 of 2,696
Got some locally made silver cables today for my r70x and the highs get a lot cleaner than the stock cable and also the slight loose bloat gets tightened. a worth while upgrade imo.
Yep, I definitely recommend adding a silver cable to the R70x’s.
Jul 3, 2021 at 3:29 PM Post #2,106 of 2,696
Jul 7, 2021 at 12:10 AM Post #2,108 of 2,696
just to confirm these are meant to be worn on ear or over ear with the stock pads?
Over-ear. Might need a larger ear pad replacement if it doesn't fit you.
Jul 7, 2021 at 5:17 AM Post #2,110 of 2,696
Doesn’t really exist, sadly. Earpads with different dimensions will change the presentation. That’s just physics.
If you haven’t already received the headphone, then wait until you’ve tried it on. The pads are not exactly the most roomy you can find, but the comfort is still remarkably good. It’s wonderful what 210 grams of headphone can do to your nothing. It has a tendency to disappear..and then there’s only music.
Jul 7, 2021 at 5:30 AM Post #2,111 of 2,696
Doesn’t really exist, sadly. Earpads with different dimensions will change the presentation. That’s just physics.
If you haven’t already received the headphone, then wait until you’ve tried it on. The pads are not exactly the most roomy you can find, but the comfort is still remarkably good. It’s wonderful what 210 grams of headphone can do to your nothing. It has a tendency to disappear..and then there’s only music.
Brainwavz xl pads can fit as I read somewhere. Cups have in built angle for drivers so no need to buy any angled pads. Pads which get compressed can be a bit bassy I guess as drivers will be closer to ear drum. Also perforated pads can leak sound so will be less bassy. Imo stock pad is ok. After that brainwavz XL hybrid pads can be a good choice
Jul 7, 2021 at 6:32 AM Post #2,112 of 2,696
I think you can find several pads that fit the R70X..but if they’re made with a different fabric/different opening and/or change the distance from drivers to ears..well then you are effectively getting a new presentation/tuning.
Then again…if the fit is uncomfortable I can understand changing out the pads for something else👍
Jul 7, 2021 at 8:53 AM Post #2,113 of 2,696
So I am searching through as many threads pertaining to the R70X to find solid information about the pads since it seems that the options for aftermarket upgrades to this headphone are slim to none. I suppose this could be by design if AT felt it was solely a reference/studio headphone and thus meant to sound a specific way. If that's the case, they did a hell of a job making it difficult, haha. The cable is about as specialized as it gets and pad situation is not much better. I ended up buying an XLR cable on amazon, some Chi-Fi brand, fanmusic or something with a silly name but it get the job done. For pads, I have tried Brainwavez XL round pads since the r70x was listed as being compatible however there is way too much fabric on the back and the pads do not sit flush because of this. I am wondering if anyone can confirm if the Dekoni pads meant for the ATH AD models will fit the R70X. The dimensions on the back of the pad where they attach to the headphone look far more like the ones for the stock pads.
Jul 7, 2021 at 9:48 AM Post #2,115 of 2,696
Well the pads fit both ways.....I had them on ear until recently because I thought that's how they were meant to be worn lol and it didn't subtract from the sound quality or comfort.
We can all agree they are a little small when worn as over ears but I'll just live with them as I just like headphones to be 'as purchased' or 'as supplied'. If a headphone needs modding or EQ then its not the right headphone for me.

That's the one thing that annoyed me about the LCD2C.....they sounded great (with flaws), but why release an EQ software (that you have to pay for) because they should sound better and the tuning is off......just release the damn thing already sounding the best it can.
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