Audio-Technica ATH-MSR7 Discussion Thread
Apr 29, 2015 at 8:33 PM Post #766 of 2,803
That's the department where I'm not in love with the MSR7. The mids. No matter what source I pair them with, the mids of the MSR7 just lacks intimacy and soul. I'm thinking a silver litz cable might resolve this (?). I hope that upgrade won't bring the already peaky treble into 'fatigue' territory. I'll ask Ted Allen soon about a good cable as soon as he ships my SE846 cables. For now, the MSR7 are just stationed as my gaming phones.

Lacks soul? I beg to differ! The vocals sing and do pretty well in terms of detail and emotion.
Now, intimacy is definitely something it lacks. The people's feedback on the audio technica forwarded mids have not been positive for some people in the community. You want intimacy? Try the ckr9 in ear monitors, as those have very forward vocals.
If you meant intimacy in a different sense, then please elaborate, since I posted this under the assumption of the mid's lack of forwardness.
Apr 29, 2015 at 9:46 PM Post #767 of 2,803
If you meant intimacy in a different sense, then please elaborate, since I posted this under the assumption of the mid's lack of forwardness.

Spot on. The mids of the MSR7 is recessed upto the point that I'd call it a 'veil'. Possibly AT tuned it this way with the objective of making this more U shaped. I still love my pair and I'm not giving up on these. I'm glad this can do cable upgrades. Stock, sounds nice with certain classical suites since you don't need to look for vocals. Listening to Jack White's Lazaretto though (HDTracks hi-res), i do miss that zing and bite that even my $90 Dunu Titan 1's performs superbly at. YMMV.
Apr 29, 2015 at 10:15 PM Post #768 of 2,803
If you meant intimacy in a different sense, then please elaborate, since I posted this under the assumption of the mid's lack of forwardness.

Spot on. The mids of the MSR7 is recessed upto the point that I'd call it a 'veil'. Possibly AT tuned it this way with the objective of making this more U shaped. I still love my pair and I'm not giving up on these. I'm glad this can do cable upgrades. Stock, sounds nice with certain classical suites since you don't need to look for vocals. Listening to Jack White's Lazaretto though (HDTracks hi-res), i do miss that zing and bite that even my $90 Dunu Titan 1's performs superbly at. YMMV.

Recessed mids and veil mids?!?  I'm sorry my friend, but I think you got a defective pair of headphones or have EQ enabled in your source (btw, what is your hardware audio source?).
MSR7 is not exactly mid format, but I would never call it v-shaped.  Here are Tyll's measurements of it:
Apr 29, 2015 at 10:24 PM Post #769 of 2,803
The MSR7s are very good for the price imo, esp with HM5 pleather pads (not velour)- after i added some cotton for some extra damping i greatly preferred them over stock. 
My only issue is that they are approaching sibilant, at the very least sound etchy/edged on some tracks - eqing at 9khz by about -5db helps that. 
Price:peformance i prefer them to the PM-3s - but the later is more fun and smoother up top (slightly too dark if anything). 
Apr 29, 2015 at 10:27 PM Post #770 of 2,803
Recessed mids and veil mids?!?  I'm sorry my friend, but I think you got a defective pair of headphones or have EQ enabled in your source (btw, what is your hardware audio source?).

MSR7 is not exactly mid format, but I would never call it v-shaped.  Here are Tyll's measurements of it:

I'm honestly thinking the same thing, mate. But perhaps its just AT's tuning. I saw Tyll's review and measurements before I bought my pair. Sources: RSA Predator, Leckerton UHA760, Qables iQube V5, MBP, iPhone6 and oldschool minidiscs. I never touch my EQ and make sure they're off or flat. Even though I find the mids slightly better detailed in comparison to the Westone 3, maybe I'm just getting too used to the clarity and brightness of the Titan's mids which have became my goto phones these days. Apples and oranges I guess. But I still love my MSR7, will be keeping these and will try different ways to tune the sound. And there's always the last resort of tweaking the EQ.
Apr 30, 2015 at 10:38 PM Post #772 of 2,803
I just got mine today, my first impression their real close to the M-50 than A900x.
It's missing "Air", one of the reason I love the A900x is the Air to Bass combo it's just right for my ears.
Will burn them in and see if they change in sound to me.
May 3, 2015 at 12:18 AM Post #773 of 2,803
I just had a random thought - It would be great if they made pads for their other headphones in the same plushness as the pads for MSR7s. Would love some soft pads for A900x. Putting those on after the MSR7 feels like...well...not nice. =/
May 3, 2015 at 6:10 PM Post #775 of 2,803
Just ordered my own MSR7, looking forward to comparing it to my ol' ES7!
Btw, the MSR7 can be had for a pretty good price on

May 5, 2015 at 7:36 PM Post #777 of 2,803
  I was interested in getting these, what have people been getting as replacement pads and cables?
Thanks in advance!

I personally really love the pads on the MSR7. Wouldn't think of changing them.
May 7, 2015 at 12:21 AM Post #779 of 2,803
  Has anyone tried this pair with the V-moda audio only cables? Would this cable work on this headphone? Would like to hear any comments someone may have with this pair

I tried it at a shop once. The V-moda cable doesn't fit, as it ends with a 2.5mm jack insert. The MSR-7 uses a 3.5mm jack insert instead.
If you really hate the MSR-7 cable, you can go get a Sony MDR-1A replacement/upgrade cable, I have then and they work, but it doesn't sound as good as the original MSR-7 cable in my opinion.
May 7, 2015 at 12:44 AM Post #780 of 2,803
  Has anyone tried this pair with the V-moda audio only cables? Would this cable work on this headphone? Would like to hear any comments someone may have with this pair

I tried it at a shop once. The V-moda cable doesn't fit, as it ends with a 2.5mm jack insert. The MSR-7 uses a 3.5mm jack insert instead.
If you really hate the MSR-7 cable, you can go get a Sony MDR-1A replacement/upgrade cable, I have then and they work, but it doesn't sound as good as the original MSR-7 cable in my opinion.

V-Moda cables are all 3.5mm:
The only thing that can make then non-fit if the connector housing is too thick...

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