Audio Technica ATH-IM70: A Bold New Direction
Aug 7, 2015 at 4:34 PM Post #931 of 1,104
  R U sure CKR9 is an upgrade cause I read the reviews and the sound staging is congested as compared to IM70, but while reading reviews of MA750 people are saying it's too bright with silicon tips and feels more balanced with foam tips, 
BTW m using Fiio X3 2nd gen ...

I own both and love both, but the CKR9 is WAY more open than the IM70 and has infinitely better separation and layering. There's nothing congested about it. It does have less midbass than the IM70, but makes up for it in quality and depth. CKR9 is a definite and noticeable upgrade.
Aug 8, 2015 at 3:20 AM Post #932 of 1,104
I own both and love both, but the CKR9 is WAY more open than the IM70 and has infinitely better separation and layering. There's nothing congested about it. It does have less midbass than the IM70, but makes up for it in quality and depth. CKR9 is a definite and noticeable upgrade.

Ok I think I'm game for CKR9, but I saw on amazon US that the price diff. between CKR9 ($143) and R10 ($199) is about $56, do you guys think CKR10 is a worthy upgrade of ~$56 from R9?
Aug 8, 2015 at 5:00 AM Post #933 of 1,104
  Ok I think I'm game for CKR9, but I saw on amazon US that the price diff. between CKR9 ($143) and R10 ($199) is about $56, do you guys think CKR10 is a worthy upgrade of ~$56 from R9?

Go for CKR9 which is supposed to be more spacious than intimate CKR10.
Aug 8, 2015 at 5:16 AM Post #934 of 1,104
Go for CKR9 which is supposed to be more spacious than intimate CKR10.

Ok Thanks a lot guys can't wait to try out the CKR9
Aug 8, 2015 at 9:48 AM Post #935 of 1,104
  Ok I think I'm game for CKR9, but I saw on amazon US that the price diff. between CKR9 ($143) and R10 ($199) is about $56, do you guys think CKR10 is a worthy upgrade of ~$56 from R9?

Neither is better, it's just about preference. CKR9 is more deep bass with airy mids and a bit more analytical. CKR10 is more midbass with intimate mids and smoother treble. What kind of music do you mostly listen to? How much midbass do you need?
Aug 9, 2015 at 12:01 AM Post #936 of 1,104
Neither is better, it's just about preference. CKR9 is more deep bass with airy mids and a bit more analytical. CKR10 is more midbass with intimate mids and smoother treble. What kind of music do you mostly listen to? How much midbass do you need?

As mentioned earlier sound stage is important to me which I feel IM70 does a brilliant job of, my genre includes Hip Hop, R & B, Alternative rock, little bit of Jazz, and whole lot of Indian music(as I'm from India
) ...Indian music is very difficult to put in any genre ..looking at my genre one can see that bass is very prominent part of my music, but I don't want a bassy headphones which will either overpower other freq. or  is very prominent, to sum it up I like the sound of M50x in which the bass is controlled very nicely by each song, I don't use EQ..
I think I could see me being happy with CKR9 ....what do you think? if there is something else other than CKR9 in that price range or even below $199, I would definitely consider it ...
Aug 9, 2015 at 12:18 AM Post #937 of 1,104
As mentioned earlier sound stage is important to me which I feel IM70 does a brilliant job of, my genre includes Hip Hop, R & B, Alternative rock, little bit of Jazz, and whole lot of Indian music(as I'm from India
) ...Indian music is very difficult to put in any genre ..looking at my genre one can see that bass is very prominent part of my music, but I don't want a bassy headphones which will either overpower other freq. or  is very prominent, to sum it up I like the sound of M50x in which the bass is controlled very nicely by each song, I don't use EQ..
I think I could see me being happy with CKR9 ....what do you think? if there is something else other than CKR9 in that price range or even below $199, I would definitely consider it ...

In that case I think the CKR9 will be just fine for you. It's very open and has excellent separation. Really great, quality bass. 
Aug 11, 2015 at 9:30 PM Post #939 of 1,104
I currently use Sennheiser CX30000s, probably the first version as I've had them for several years, and am wondering if these would be a significant upgrade. I like the Senns, but they are getting pretty old now and due for replacememt. Everything I've heard about the IM70s seems to suit me since I listen to a lot of female vocal, strings and piano. Is there anything above the IM70 pricepoint (but not too much above it) I should be considering?
Aug 11, 2015 at 9:50 PM Post #940 of 1,104
  I currently use Sennheiser CX30000s, probably the first version as I've had them for several years, and am wondering if these would be a significant upgrade. I like the Senns, but they are getting pretty old now and due for replacememt. Everything I've heard about the IM70s seems to suit me since I listen to a lot of female vocal, strings and piano. Is there anything above the IM70 pricepoint (but not too much above it) I should be considering?

 i had the succesor to the cx 300 the sennheiser cx 3.00, which i i'm told sound similar to their predecessors.
just for a point of reference, does this sound like the cx 300?? thats my review of the cx 3.00
if it does, then i can say the im70s is a good upgraded provided your willing to give up some of that bass your getting in the cx 300 for a much more lush and forward midrange, while still retaining a smooth treble but i found its more extended.
if you want something on par with the im70 (assuming your getting your im70 for under $100) then the gr07be, yamaha eph 100, dunu titan 1, all of which i have reviewed on my profile/ youtube channel (you can check those reviews for some frame of reference).
im70 is a bit fiddly with fit though so you might have to try to find some tips to fit you. the stock tips i found didn't suit the im70s very well (they work well with other earphones i own though).
Aug 11, 2015 at 10:00 PM Post #941 of 1,104
i just got these in today

i think this is a fantastic solution for any im50, im70, im01,im02,im03,im04 ttpod t1e, brainwavz r3 (basically any earphone that has a really fat or wide nozzle) (trying them on my dunu titan 1s now)  and need them (the tips and the stem) to be a bit longer
you can get in whatever size you need them. With this eartip you don't need to make a stem mod, just slip them in on the the long/short wide nozzle and your good to go
i'm not affiliated with these guys in any way, just figured i'd share this wonderful info, for anyone having issues with the fit on the im70 (which actually drove me crazy for the LONGEST TIME)
also this eartip (which is essentially the brainwavz s0 eartip but in blue) 
is a wide bore (perfect with the im70, in opening the sound and lessening the bass ) , with a stiffer inner silicone core (hybrid) so it holds it shape well and doesn't stretch (overstretch over the nozzle)
you can also look on ebay for any other eartips that look and seem similar and i would think it could work well as well.
Aug 11, 2015 at 10:23 PM Post #942 of 1,104
Oddly I didn't find the bass on the Senns overblown, despite the fact that I loath heavy bass in loudspeakers. The IM70s, with apparently a smooth not bright treble and lush midrange fall heavily into my comfort zone. As long as they are an engaging listen they should be good, I use AT AD900 headphones and find them lovely but a bit lean and dry sounding at times, if the IM70s are a warmer version of these I'm sure I'll really like them.
Aug 11, 2015 at 11:35 PM Post #943 of 1,104
  Oddly I didn't find the bass on the Senns overblown, despite the fact that I loath heavy bass in loudspeakers. The IM70s, with apparently a smooth not bright treble and lush midrange fall heavily into my comfort zone. As long as they are an engaging listen they should be good, I use AT AD900 headphones and find them lovely but a bit lean and dry sounding at times, if the IM70s are a warmer version of these I'm sure I'll really like them.

it would depend on what kind of bass your talking about
i find that what many and myself included when referring to loudspeaker bass is the really low VISCERAL almost (or is) sub frequencies that vibrate.
the cx 3.00 is more so in the midbass (which is more a punch) typically now i say *typically* in ears have difficulty getting that really low visceral subbass that you get when watching say "transformers or avengers" in the theatre
the im70s have a that lush midrange your talking about and thicker upper bass, with to my ears a somewhat roll off down low
comparing the im70s to say the alpha and delta ad01 or the yammah eph 100, makes it very clear to me (the latter two have a better extended, and more emphasized subbass) thats more chesty in character
but thats what makes the im70s unique! or weird if you wanna put it that way.
its a very unconventional tuning thats quite refreshing in the sea of bass heavy or v shaped sound signatures out there (not thats a bad thing, i like my bass, and have some bass gear myself that i quite enjoy)
Aug 25, 2015 at 12:14 AM Post #944 of 1,104
So I went through 2 pairs of ATH-IM70s before--one had no bass response in the left ear below 200 Hz, and the other one I lost. Just bought a new pair, and I remember the treble being a lot brighter on my previous models and I'm not sure if I should get them fixed or not. It's not that the treble is smoothed off, but things start rolling off at about 13 KHz, and everything above 16 KHz is non-existent. That'd be alright, but I can hear to 18 KHz and I'm surprisingly missing the treble. Although I know these IEMs are relatively light on the treble, this pair seems overly so. I can't return them because the date has come and gone, so I'd have to get them repaired. 
Does it sound like I have an iffy pair, or is it just a manufacturing inconsistency between my other pair(s) of IM70s?
Aug 26, 2015 at 9:04 AM Post #945 of 1,104
The left earpiece of my IM70 died. After about 6 months. Suggestions for replacement?

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