Audio Technica ATH-IM70: A Bold New Direction
Jan 14, 2014 at 3:17 AM Post #211 of 1,104
  i just received the IM70 in the mail today and i am listening to them now... and they are not what i expected. my first impressions and thoughts were that these remind me a bit of the cmk500. I guess that's attributed to the ATH sound signature. The overall sound is a bit boomy and veiled, which is not a bad thing. The bad part i ran into is that anytime i use an EQ on my phone (HTC One with poweramp) there is a slight hum and the headphones don't like being pushed. Listening to the intro to Dave mathews - #41 there is heavy distortion and you hear a hum and a high pitch ring in the silent parts of the song. The eq setting is basically a slight bass boost which is the same eq settings i use on the GR07 BE. While Dave mathews gets ripped apart other songs like block party sounds great, but the hum and ring is still there.
Keep in mind i did reset the EQ to flat and i slowly pushed the bass and the treble up to see if it was a bad setting and i still got distorton. Has anyone else experienced this?
Setting the EQ to FLAT! This is where these bad boys excel. There is no distortion sound is great and balanced with a nice boom. The mids and vocals are slightly veiled but feel roomy. Reminds me of the sound i get with i muffle the ATH 700MKII Pro. I plan to try and break these in a bit and then see if the sound changes. If not I might return them.
Not being a fan of trebel, the IM70 needs a slight boost of trebel to get past the veil sound.
The memory foam is slightly annoying but i will get used to them overtime. I am spoiled by the cable for the GR07 BE which i feel should be the standard. The fit is OK. I get a good seal but they aren't as comfy as the GR07.
With that said... I do like them. I just need to get used to a new sound signature and see if i get ear fatigue.

I use the HTC One with poweramp and do a considerable amount of EQ tweaking myself. Have you turned off beats audio and have you turned down the stereo x and turn off limit?
Jan 14, 2014 at 11:43 PM Post #212 of 1,104
  Hold on a sec there, when did the IEP suddenly get a TWFK? 
On another note, has anyone ventured a front filter removal on the IM series? I know some AT's have front mesh or foam that can be removed and put back without any harm. Not sure about the dynamic IM's though.

err...I think I destroyed my filter in the process of removal
Jan 14, 2014 at 11:46 PM Post #213 of 1,104

With foam

No foam

Sound difference?

Nearly none, to be honest.

I thought I would have it more brighter, more detailed for the whole frequency. I only know that the bass is a bit more punchy, rumbly. That's all I hear.

I think the mids might be slightly clearer, sharper, less warm and great for instruments.

Okay, the highs are terribly silibant now, I kind of hate it without the foam. Will reapply.

So what happens when you remove the foam?

SILIBANCE. Never, for no reason, remove the foam.
Jan 15, 2014 at 12:19 AM Post #215 of 1,104
That is with an IM02. I wonder what would happen if I did something similar to the IM70.

Precisely, and that was what jant asked for. Not im-02 specifically, but he wanted an IM without the foam.
I'd say go for it, but be pretty careful and not as relentless as I was. I didn't have any tool that would have removed the foam (though maybe that tiny brush I had might have helped a load). I used a mechanical pencil and decided to force it out. Needless to say, I ripped both filters, but since this is foam, it is remedied. I did rip off a bit of foam as well, but no harm done.
My guess would be that the im70 will get the same treatment as the im-02, without that silibance probably.
Fortunately, Curiosity didn't kill the cat. It did, however, kill my eardrums.
Jan 15, 2014 at 4:14 AM Post #216 of 1,104

might try it with im50`s...
Jan 15, 2014 at 4:16 PM Post #218 of 1,104

With foam

No foam

Sound difference?

Nearly none, to be honest.

I thought I would have it more brighter, more detailed for the whole frequency. I only know that the bass is a bit more punchy, rumbly. That's all I hear.

I think the mids might be slightly clearer, sharper, less warm and great for instruments.

Okay, the highs are terribly silibant now, I kind of hate it without the foam. Will reapply.

So what happens when you remove the foam?

SILIBANCE. Never, for no reason, remove the foam.

Interesting and yes be careful and slow Probably best to use a needle or straight pin and work around the edges.
I think they fixed the foam issue back with the CK90PRO to CK90Pro MKII so I wouldn't have recommended the IM02 as a candidate :)  May be useful on the IM-50 more than the IM70 if the 25,000 vs 26,000 in the frequency response means the 70 is brighter than the 50. So, maybe the 50 can be improved but the 70 pushes into sibilance. I haven't heard them but let your ears be judge if you think you'd want them to be brighter or just skip it. They may have done an appropriate job with this even if earlier with other phones they may not have.
Not sure why those IM02's would be leaking like that outside of size/fit issues. Maybe leaking when using foam tips and being porous are letting sound out?
Jan 15, 2014 at 4:29 PM Post #219 of 1,104
Interesting and yes be careful and slow Probably best to use a needle or straight pin and work around the edges.

I think they fixed the foam issue back with the CK90PRO to CK90Pro MKII so I wouldn't have recommended the IM02 as a candidate :)  May be useful on the IM-50 more than the IM70 if the 25,000 vs 26,000 in the frequency response means the 70 is brighter than the 50. So, maybe the 50 can be improved but the 70 pushes into sibilance. I haven't heard them but let your ears be judge if you think you'd want them to be brighter or just skip it. They may have done an appropriate job with this even if earlier with other phones they may not have.

Not sure why those IM02's would be leaking like that outside of size/fit issues. Maybe leaking when using foam tips and being porous are letting sound out?

I knew it was inevitabl to rip the filter, especially since I didn't have anything tiny like a needle to work with...

I don't know if that issue was fixed. Most headfirst stated that the CK90Pro had sounded dark with foam. Then when removed, the CK90Pro sounded bright. I wanted to know how Silibant it would get if I removed the foam. It is terrible..

The mids were sharper though, and the bass did go a bit more deep and louder than before. The plus is that I reinserted the foam, good as new.
Jan 16, 2014 at 4:58 PM Post #221 of 1,104
The IM70 have the same signature of CKM500/CKN70 ? If so, I might get one later to replace my defective CKN70...
Jan 16, 2014 at 5:30 PM Post #222 of 1,104
  The IM70 have the same signature of CKM500/CKN70 ? If so, I might get one later to replace my defective CKN70...

Quoted from ericp10's post in the discovery thread.
"Let me throw in one other thing (because I know some are wondering who have the AT earphones). Is the IM70 better sounding than the CKN70? Yes! I'm doing a sneak comparison now. The dual dynamics are beating the micro-CNT .... Simply, the IM70 has a fuller, taller, and more detailed sound than the outstanding CKN70. All of these AT earphones are wonderful, and as Dsnuts, waynes world, sf, and DannyBai can all attest, I've never been a AT fanboy. I loved the JVC house sound more than the AT house sound. But that changed with the CKS1000, and then the CKN50, CKN70, and now the IM70. Happy listening."

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