Audio from FiiO K3 cuts off when cable is moved
Nov 12, 2022 at 8:13 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 5


New Head-Fier
Apr 27, 2022
I use a FiiO K3 with my laptop. Naturally, the usb cable connecting the two will move occasionally, and sometimes my audio cuts off because of that. I usually have to reconnect when that happens, though sometimes it starts working again on its own after a few seconds. This doesn't always happen, though it's quite annoying when it does as the movement can be very slight, i.e. not something that would be a problem with the usual USB device.

Is this normal? Are those things just more sensitive to disturbances? Or should I return it?
Nov 12, 2022 at 5:35 PM Post #2 of 5
I'd check the cable first if you have a spare. Also move the cable but take turns holding the ends to see which connector is setting it off. If it's the cable that's doing it, then bad cable. It should never do that normally, and if the K3 plug is loose and causing it, then I'd return it because it's just going to get worse over time.
Nov 14, 2022 at 3:04 PM Post #3 of 5
I'd check the cable first if you have a spare. Also move the cable but take turns holding the ends to see which connector is setting it off. If it's the cable that's doing it, then bad cable. It should never do that normally, and if the K3 plug is loose and causing it, then I'd return it because it's just going to get worse over time.
thanks, I'll try doing that.
Dec 9, 2022 at 1:16 PM Post #4 of 5
I just got the K3 and experienced the same issue. It's certainly the cable. I swapped to an Anker brand cable and have not experienced the issue since. It was cutting out when I was just adjusting the volume knob! FiiO really skimped here!

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