Audeze LCD i4 TOTL In-Ear Monitor Discussion
Feb 17, 2022 at 5:34 PM Post #4,231 of 4,804
To be correct, as an update:

We have halted LCD-i4 production until further notice. We can't discuss any future possibilities of what may or may not happen with the i4s.

I have several IEMs that are in the same price bracket as the LCD-i4. I find that I spend a lot of time with the LCD-i4 and with a Kann Cube set to high amp mode, I am spending a lot of time with this IEM. Much more than any other earphone over the last two months. I would sincerely like to see the LCD-i4 have a successor. With the die off of the iSine series and now the LCD-i4. I can only assume that Audeze does not see a great ROI and may abandon this market segment.

It took me a long time to find aftermarket tips that would sound to me "normal" with the iSine10s. I feel I am very late adopter of the LCD-i4. However, I do appreciate the sound and music these are capable of, I find these are unique to Audeze and hope for the return of another LCD-i.

Best Regards

Feb 19, 2022 at 12:06 PM Post #4,232 of 4,804
Spending a little more time this morning listening to my LCD-i4. This is my over kill system for an IEM. I believe I am getting as much as is possible out of the Audeze. I have IEMs that may sound better, but few accomplish the sound stage of the Audeze LCD-i4. Audeze should continue with the open design and evolve the Euclid as alternate line.
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Feb 19, 2022 at 12:20 PM Post #4,233 of 4,804
Spending a little more time this morning listening to my LCD-i4. This is my over kill system for an IEM. I believe I am getting as much as is possible out of the Audeze. I have IEMs that may sound better, but few accomplish the sound stage of the Audeze LCD-i4. Audeze should continue with the open design and evolve the Euclid as alternate line.
Just curious, what are your impressions between the IEMs you have and i4?
Feb 19, 2022 at 12:36 PM Post #4,236 of 4,804
I am sorry, I don't know who makes them. I believe they came off of a set of LG collar blue tooth earphones.
These go deep into my ear canal and have zero gap. 100% of the sound goes deep into my ears. The stock
earphone tips are in my unsophisticated vocabulary -- garbage. The key point is that they are wide boar, don't
lengthen the distance from the earphone to the exit point. The fit is comfortable and all the sound goes into
my ear without problems with entry angle or break in the seal.

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Feb 19, 2022 at 12:42 PM Post #4,238 of 4,804
Mine are oriented correctly, your orientation will cause the earphone to push away from MY head. Maybe it works for you. The label should be visible to you, and Left and Right are marked on the hooks. You can see mine is a Left Large --- LL
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Feb 19, 2022 at 12:50 PM Post #4,242 of 4,804
Just curious, what are your impressions between the IEMs you have and i4?
This would be such a long analysis I am not ready to write about it. However, I will say that I have other IEMs from Noble and 64 Audio that are much higher in resolution. The bass impact and definition of the Noble Kahn and Sony IER are better than the LCD-i4.

The attraction for the LCD-i4 is the openness and sound stage. I prefer other IEMs for technical capabilities. For pop or house music, LCD-i4 doesn't do it for me. For live music and music recorded in an amphitheater or cathedral, well no question the LCD-i4 brings you closer to reliving that experience.
Feb 19, 2022 at 12:53 PM Post #4,243 of 4,804
I have the Reveal+ plug-in and turn it on if the music I am listing to happens to focus around that frequency range where the LCD-i4 tuning just bothers me. Otherwise, l turn off the Reveal+ and listen to it straight into HQPlayer or MScaler and out to my amp of the day. I will say that the LCD-i4 biggest weakness is that you really have to power it with a big amp. I find sometimes the SP2000 is just too weak, but I like the SP2000 with it most of the time.

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Feb 19, 2022 at 1:19 PM Post #4,244 of 4,804
Tips are the most important personalization I found was necessary. If they do not fit, you will never truly hear the LCD-i4. I also tried many wires (Noble and Audeze), wires will make a difference. I would like to hear what cables people are using since this IEM will change substantially with cables.

The new black braided single crystal copper Audeze cable for the LCD-i4 (something is lost with this cable) . I prefer the larger OEM Lizts cable.
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Feb 19, 2022 at 3:28 PM Post #4,245 of 4,804
I am sorry, I don't know who makes them. I believe they came off of a set of LG collar blue tooth earphones.
These go deep into my ear canal and have zero gap. 100% of the sound goes deep into my ears. The stock
earphone tips are in my unsophisticated vocabulary -- garbage. The key point is that they are wide boar, don't
lengthen the distance from the earphone to the exit point. The fit is comfortable and all the sound goes into
my ear without problems with entry angle or break in the seal.

the I4 is designed specifically NOT to go deep in your ears

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