Audeze LCD-4z - Impressions Thread
Mar 17, 2021 at 6:03 PM Post #1,996 of 2,502
Tomorrow I get to hear the yellow 4z and the copper 4z together, with the stock cable, curious to see just how different or similar they are.
Let us know if you hear any differences
Mar 18, 2021 at 2:06 AM Post #1,997 of 2,502
I heard back from Audeze yesterday and here’s their response:

“Thanks for reaching out. The only recent changes to the LCD-4z were the brass grilles and the earpads. No changes have been made to the drivers or sound of the headphones, other than the inherent tweaks that changing the earpad material makes (this will be relatively subtle)”.

So no driver changes. Only the grilles and pads were updated it seems.
Mar 18, 2021 at 3:20 AM Post #1,998 of 2,502
I heard back from Audeze yesterday and here’s their response:

“Thanks for reaching out. The only recent changes to the LCD-4z were the brass grilles and the earpads. No changes have been made to the drivers or sound of the headphones, other than the inherent tweaks that changing the earpad material makes (this will be relatively subtle)”.

So no driver changes. Only the grilles and pads were updated it seems.
Just like on all LCD models. I think it happened late 2019. They obviously sell more LCD-2s and LCD-Xs, so the change there was apparent sooner (a year ago).
Mar 18, 2021 at 6:13 AM Post #1,999 of 2,502
This is literally not a thing. The copper grills were implemented a long long time ago. A year and a half ago.

Just goes to show anything cosmetic will get a crowd wondering though...
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Mar 18, 2021 at 1:13 PM Post #2,000 of 2,502
Just got done listening to both yellow and copper mesh models.
The pads are definitely most different and possibly why the sound is changed between models, many manufacturers profile different pads or aftermarket pads exist to change sound.

Used the same cable, used a tt2.
Notes to keep in mind: I'm treble sensitive and can't handle spikes north of 2khz very well. To me a smooth presentation is best.

With that said the audio is very similar, but, it does seem the copper model has more space in the lower and midsection of the mids. This space seems to increase ease of detail retrieval and clarity perception. (a-b testing was very easily done due to tt2 having 2 6.4mm outs, volume was indetical on both, also because of this)
I would say that the change in the mids is more potent than a cable upgrade, at least it seems significant enough and easy to point it out, where a cable is harder to point out differences in(I need more time with cables to notice the differences, with the copper /Yello model, it was instantly contrasted)

The copper does also seem to have some smoothness or at least flatter perceived response north of 6khz, to me this is a welcome touch as I am super sensitive to treble, however this effect is minor and not as prominent as the midsection differences formerly discussed.

Bass did not seem affected at all
I had about an hour and 20 Mins, I used various tracks to *test* some were sibilant, some were perfect some were vocals some were bassy.
The yellow looks better to me in person, the comfort seems to be same even though the pads seem a little firmer in the copper model.

I don't think the differences are worth busting out for a new 4z pair, but, if you wanted more perceived clarity and easier to notice detail in the low mids and midsection (not any different in the upper mids)
I'd say the change apperantly is in the 200hz to 1.5khz roughly.
A lot of music happens in that span, most vocals and most instruments.
When I had the yellow 4z I always wanted a more forward push of the vocals, I upgraded the cable and it sure helped, I'd still find myself turning the volume higher and higher to get those satisfying mids.

But now with the copper model and stock cable, it's awesome, I dont find myself messing with thr volume much at all, and most importantly details and perceived clarity makes the mids seem as if they are more forward, but really.. They are just breathing better, still a nice liquid feel to them, just less busy sounding.

I left it alone just thinking how much nicer it would be if Audeze allowed easy on/off pad replacement and experimentation with aftermarket pads or even other headphone pads alltogether.

My *verdict *. If you got a yellow, enjoy it, if you want more from the mids like I did a Norne Silvergarde will give you it.

Now I just wonder, what awesome effect would an upgrade cable bring to the (for me) *fixed mids* of the copper 4z?

Mar 20, 2021 at 4:48 PM Post #2,003 of 2,502
I'm trying to decide between the two.
I have read some pages on this thread and i couldn't find the answer. What are the commonly agreed differences between 4 and 4z?
Mar 20, 2021 at 5:42 PM Post #2,004 of 2,502
I'm trying to decide between the two.
I have read some pages on this thread and i couldn't find the answer. What are the commonly agreed differences between 4 and 4z?
I tried both.
I find 4 is darker, smoother in the upper mids and highs. Yet the beyond 11k region is brighter to me vs the 4z.
I find the lower mids superior on the lcd4. They are more similar than different.
Just don't get thr 4z expecting it to be easy to drive as it's advertised, to get the best out of it wants muscle still.
Mar 20, 2021 at 7:57 PM Post #2,005 of 2,502
Another difference is that the 4 is heavier at 735g than the 4z at 600g
Mar 20, 2021 at 8:03 PM Post #2,006 of 2,502
I tried both.
I find 4 is darker, smoother in the upper mids and highs. Yet the beyond 11k region is brighter to me vs the 4z.
I find the lower mids superior on the lcd4. They are more similar than different.
Just don't get thr 4z expecting it to be easy to drive as it's advertised, to get the best out of it wants muscle still.
This is the issue... they both need really good power. Certainly not a ridiculous amount like for the LCD4 but you still need a capable amp for 4z. So in my mind may as well go 4z - at least you can use it with DAPs and powerful amps.
Mar 20, 2021 at 10:26 PM Post #2,007 of 2,502
Would the FiiO M11 Pro (especially if I get a cable upgrade to 44 balanced) drive the 4Z 'satisfactorily'. The idea is that if I update my desktop options which at the moment is non-existent ; then I will be mostly upgrade proof. I did enjoy the sound out of the MX-4 ... loved the potential I heard in the LCD-4 but understandably it was entirely inadequate from a DAP. The cost of the 4Z is >$4500US here!
Mar 20, 2021 at 10:33 PM Post #2,008 of 2,502
Would the FiiO M11 Pro (especially if I get a cable upgrade to 44 balanced) drive the 4Z 'satisfactorily'. The idea is that if I update my desktop options which at the moment is non-existent ; then I will be mostly upgrade proof. I did enjoy the sound out of the MX-4 ... loved the potential I heard in the LCD-4 but understandably it was entirely inadequate from a DAP. The cost of the 4Z is >$4500US here!
It technically will, but, you would get it better from something even stronger...
But it technically can.
I used briefly a a/k kann and it was still missing something.

Desktop stuff is where it's at.
Mar 20, 2021 at 10:39 PM Post #2,009 of 2,502
Cheers for that. I tried the MX-4 with the m11 Pro and they were being driven nicely. That subtle 'x'factor.

The Senn HD800s seemed to have something missing.

I suppose the hard decision is whether I spend that much on a pair of cans. Still it may give me an excuse to upgrade.

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