Audeze EL-8: The EL-8 is a must-hear at CES 2015
Mar 20, 2015 at 10:22 AM Post #3,528 of 6,486
  Anybody get to test the El-8 out with any schiit amp or the o2 yet?

Not sure if this is useful, but I had a chance to compare the open vs. closed in Ann Arbor last weekend with the setup below:
Laptop (Foobar) > Oppo BDP105 > Schiit Ragnarok > EL-8
I didn't get to spend a lot of time with each, but the time I did have was spent comparing the two directly with each other. I have to say that I preferred the open to the closed, although I thought both sounded very nice. I was actually impressed with the sound of the closed. I generally don't like the small/intimate sound stage of closed headphones but found the closed EL-8s to be somewhat spacious. Like I said, though, I did prefer the opens. The sound stage was wider and they have more of the airiness that I prefer. The Rag drove them quite easily and I was very happy with the sound. I won't speak to how they compare to other headphones since I wasn't really taking notes on that aspect. I think these are definitely worth a listen, though. As always, the best way to determine if a pair of headphones is right for you is to try them out yourself, preferably on your own gear if possible.
Mar 20, 2015 at 10:51 AM Post #3,529 of 6,486
Went to the Stereo Exchange headphone event yesterday evening, here in NYC.  Had a chance to hear the EL-8 closed-back for the first time.  I recently bought Alpha Dogs, so wanted to compare (though I didn't have my ADs on me, sadly).
I listened to the EL-8s through both Audeze's expensive-looking Auralic DAC+amp demo rig, and straight from my iPhone (using Tidal).  Naturally, they sounded better through the Auralic, but I was impressed at how good they sounded straight out of the iPhone.  Not bad at all, even kicked out some decent bass and dynamics.  Not sure I'd bother with a portable rig if I was going to travel with them and listen on flights/hotels/etc.
So, comparing to the Alpha Dogs, they're very different cans with very different sonic priorities.  My impression is that the ADs are like souped-up, tricked-out, fine-tuned budget drivers (like maybe a high-tech, hot-rodded Mitsubishi), while the EL-8s are like a fine luxury sports car with corners cut to bring it down to a target price (maybe like a Porsche Boxster?  Excuse the car analogies...)
The EL-8s are more refined, more delicate and airy in the highs, have a wider soundstage, more pinpoint imaging, and perhaps more resolution in the treble and mids (not sure - would have to back-to-back them).  Whereas the Dogs sound more meaty and substantial, with a believable body and presence to instruments, but less going on up top.  They both have sweet, beautiful mids, great inner detail, great bass (the EL-8s possibly more refined and cleaner, the Dogs more fun and fruity).
I was very impressed by the EL-8s apart from one negative - the treble is just a bit too sharp and obvious for my tastes.  It's not a huge thing - I'm pretty sure if I'd bought the EL-8s blind, I'd learn to love them in short order.  But I prefer the Alpha Dogs signature in that regard - with them, the treble is present, but not obvious or ever piercing (I've never bothered to try tuning them with Doggie Treats).  With a bit of judicious experimenting in the upstream equipment (and especially, some valves in the signal path), I bet you could tame the zing a fair bit.  And again - it's not a big deal.  The treble is refined, sweet, airy - just a little too "there".  If you're into mellow acoustic music (jazz, blues, chamber music), you probably won't be bothered at all, and the extra zing makes the detail really jump out at you.  I'd just be a little worried if you're more into rock, big orchestral music, or older/lo-fi/poorly-recorded music.
So, in terms of technicalities, I'd say the EL-8s beat the Alpha Dogs almost categorically.  But in terms of sonic presentation, balance, and fun factor, I think I still prefer the Dogs.  It's very much a matter of preference, and many (most?) will prefer the Audeze signature.  But in my 16+ years of audiophilia, I've learned the hard way that - for me - presentation and fun factor beat technicalities every time.
Having said all that, this was just from 20 minutes standing at the Audeze desk with unfamiliar equipment, background noise, and just short blasts from some of my tunes.  Far from ideal circumstances.  I'm impressed enough with the EL-8s that I want to go back to Stereo Exchange, and set up a demo to really do them justice, with my Schiit rig (Bifrost Uber + Lyr rolled with NOS Amperex PQ tubes), and back-to-back with the Dogs.  Hopefully they can accommodate me...  If I'm swayed under those circumstances, I'll buy them there and then, and put the Dogs in the classifieds. :)
P.S. - I also briefly listened to the LCD-XCs, out of curiosity.  The signature is very similar to the EL-8s, but with more of everything - bigger soundstage, more detail, sweeter mids, and much less piercing (though not completely free from treble zing).  One day I'll be able to justify buying a pair, and the rig to do them justice...  Though maybe by that time they'll have more competition in the endgame closed-back market. :wink:
P.P.S. - In terms of aesthetics, the EL-8s are lovely, but a bit drab for my tastes - I much prefer my big, red, industrial-looking Dogs. :)  The EL-8s are probably more comfortable, with much less clamping force, and very soft, delicate pads, though I think a tad smaller than ideal for my big head.
Mar 20, 2015 at 11:24 AM Post #3,530 of 6,486
^Thanks for the comparison. I've never had any Audezes, but from what I read, it seems as though the sound signature of most of them are darker/warmer so that's interesting that you found the El-8 brighter.
Mar 20, 2015 at 11:44 AM Post #3,531 of 6,486
The Audeze house sound has evolved over the years.  It was initially pretty mellow and laid back, with bass emphasis and subdued highs.  The lack of highs was their biggest criticism, so over the years, they revised drivers, and then even added Fazor.  The result is a more balanced headphone from top-to-bottom.
The EL-8 is the next step in their sound evolution.
Some people prefer the old Audeze sound.  Some prefer the new.  One driver can't please everyone.
Mar 20, 2015 at 12:31 PM Post #3,532 of 6,486
  I listened to the EL-8s through both Audeze's expensive-looking Auralic DAC+amp demo rig, and straight from my iPhone (using Tidal). 

Thanks for your post! Yes, the Stereo Exchange event was packed, they get it. Glad you liked the sound of the Auralic, a fine headphone amp, but its not an Audeze product. Our first headphone amp is called the Deckard and you can find more information about it HERE
Audeze Stay updated on Audeze at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
Mar 20, 2015 at 12:38 PM Post #3,533 of 6,486
  I obtained the EL-8 this morning from a authorized dealer in Switzerland. I am surprised they are not readily available in the US. But then again, we have the 'privilege' of paying 200 bucks extra compared to the price in the States - this is par for the course for Audeze headphones.

Hello Happy Hamlet, glad to hear you have your EL-8s. Our price to ALL international distributors is the same and it's less than USA dealer cost. The problem is the Euro has declined 15% or more against the dollar in the past 90 days, so all of our prices in the Eurozone are at least 15-18% higher than they were last Fall. Of course that's not our doing, it's just the ebb and flow of the currency markets. Possibly in the next 12-18 months the Euro will gain against the dollar, and our prices in the Eurozone will fall. Nevertheless all USA made products are more expensive in the euro zone.
Enjoy your EL-8s!
Thank you,
Audeze Stay updated on Audeze at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
Mar 20, 2015 at 9:44 PM Post #3,538 of 6,486
Still no official reviews ??

Well, there was Mike Mercer's. 

Mar 20, 2015 at 9:46 PM Post #3,539 of 6,486
Apologies if this has been covered.  I have followed the thread from the beginning, but sadly can't remember each post.
Would anyone please be so kind as to compare and contrast specifically the treble response of the EL-8 in relation to the HE-560?  I do appreciate it.
Mar 20, 2015 at 11:10 PM Post #3,540 of 6,486
Still no official reviews ??

Well I'm listening to a pair of open EL-8s for my review on (along with the Layla's) are next up for me. So far I am very impressed with them! Well done Audeze. 

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