Audeze EL-8: The EL-8 is a must-hear at CES 2015
Feb 18, 2015 at 9:42 PM Post #2,566 of 6,486
I mean, search Head-Fi and you'll find the most popular question is "What is a better closed-back headphone above $500". We still don't have an answer to that today. Nothing truly checks off all the boxes.

To @Audeze ,
I have been on the bench waiting if the XC will ever get a overhaul and get lighter. I heard the XC for the first time at the RMAF in October. That sound that came out of the XC was exactly what I have been searching for a decade. 
The only reason why I have not bought them is the weight, they are so damn heavy. I had a few operations on my neck and can't relly hold up the XC, so I am hoping that the EL-8 comes in second place. But my real love is ans was the XC. The HP MUST be closed, so it is the XC as a ligther version or the EL-8. You guys are making this so hard for me.
Feb 19, 2015 at 1:57 AM Post #2,567 of 6,486
Then why compare them to the Sennheiser HD650? The first place I checked had the HD650s going for $329, less than half the price of the EL-8

Oh - I did that because, earlier in the thread, I received a few PMs w/ requests for that comparison specifically - so because there were a few requests from my Head-Fi brethren - I felt obliged to do it. 

I agree with this. It is kinda unfair for customers who really want a all-black version to not to know that it is coming out in the future & pre-order a version that they will regret later.
Mike has done a lot of extremely positive & enthusiastic advertising for the el-8. definitely only boosted positive interest in this product. though I am not sure if it was technically free of charge... didn't he say in his review that he was gifted an el-8?

I've never been paid for any evangelism for Audeze - and I'm SO sorry if you got that idea from my piece.
That's ON ME. BTW: Can you lemme know where I stated that - or where you got that idea from? I wouldn't want ANYBODY to think my passion can be bought.
Especially you guys, here in the Head-Fi community, as this community has become very important to me.
As many people who truly know me, in the audio industry and music biz would tell you: I maybe a lil' emotionally nutty (yeah I wish I could tone it down sometimes, one day I'll mellow out - I hope) my integrity is very important to me - I don't take the trust I've built up with my readers over the years for granted. EVER.
I'm so grateful, every-day, to be able to do this for a living.
And I know, even after 20+ years - I need to keep earning my way!!
Wow... unfair to customers? We designed the EL-8 in the best way possible. But because we're open and listen to feedback -- a positive aspect of Audeze's business model wouldn't you say? -- we've become aware that people would like an all-black version. We were wrong that the wood veneer made a connection to the LCD collection. No one's perfect. And as mentioned several times by now, we're looking into an all-black model in good faith but it's not going to appear next week. So there really isn't a product to preorder! And it's a bit odd that correcting a bit of information that Michael put out with the kindest of words is seen as calling the guy out. Tough crowd...
Thank you,

These guys are all just VERY passionate - and I was actually really touched fellas - by your responses on my behalf. But know - Audeze informed me of their plans to explore the all-black EL-8 option - and that's do to ALL OF YOU!!
So, my hats OFF to all who expressed themselves! 
And my relationship with Audeze was never shaken. I think, perhaps, because I was so passionate about the design and execution of the headphones being so deserved of a slicker, modern all-black version - maybe some peeps thought I was angry or upset.
I wasn't - just expressing myself with no filter as I always promised I would!
I love the team over there. I THINK (not sure who's responding here) perhaps the person responding today just hasn't been fully initiated into Head-Fi culture just yet.
Just a guess, but I'll find out.
Either way - as I read Audeze's last post - So psyched they exuded the professionalism and passion that I've always experienced when dealing with them!
Feb 19, 2015 at 1:59 AM Post #2,568 of 6,486
Very well said. This is the kind of detailed and comprehensive response we expect from a well regarded audio company such as Audeze. I mean, you guys are making the American dream a reality by creating a private audio company from scratch and succeeding in the 21st century.
And, if any of us ticked off any of your PR folks, we had no intention to, I am certain. Some of us just had bad and bitter experiences with the revisions or other aspects of some things. I personally had a broken cup original LCD-2, and my second one was an untold revision lol ...
You can bet any of us here still commenting on this thread are truly interested in this headphone family.
I mean, search Head-Fi and you'll find the most popular question is "What is a better closed-back headphone above $500". We still don't have an answer to that today. Nothing truly checks off all the boxes.
I am hoping the EL-8 open and closed will be a new era of cutting edge headphones at great designs and affordable prices from Audeze.
I have read your planar magnetic tech and it is truly cutting edge and pushing the boundaries, especially in the distortion aspect.
Good job, and carry on. Just keep us in the loop when you feel it's the right time :)


Feb 19, 2015 at 2:05 AM Post #2,569 of 6,486
I agree with this. It is kinda unfair for customers who really want a all-black version to not to know that it is coming out in the future & pre-order a version that they will regret later.
Mike has done a lot of extremely positive & enthusiastic advertising for the el-8. definitely only boosted positive interest in this product. though I am not sure if it was technically free of charge... didn't he say in his review that he was gifted an el-8?

hey there!
I wanted to find the original post. 
Again - My utmost apologies if you thought my excitement over the EL-8 open-backs was connected to being gifted something!
Just gifted with great sounding music - via a pair of cans I'm gonna have to work my A__ OFF to own!! I had a BIG audio-spending year last year - and my wifey has clamped DOWN recently! So I'm gonna have to put in some serious WORK (I'm a freelancer) for these!!!!
and I'm also eagerly awaiting the closed-back for review!!!!
Feb 19, 2015 at 2:13 AM Post #2,570 of 6,486
Nice!!!  An all-black version might be forthcoming!  Aesthetically, the wood just doesn't do it for me, and doesn't seem to fit the overall design, IMO.  I can't wait to read impressions from early adopters.  I am leaning towards the open-back version; these would be my first Audeze headphones.
Feb 19, 2015 at 2:44 AM Post #2,572 of 6,486
  Nice!!!  An all-black version might be forthcoming!  Aesthetically, the wood just doesn't do it for me, and doesn't seem to fit the overall design, IMO.  I can't wait to read impressions from early adopters.  I am leaning towards the open-back version; these would be my first Audeze headphones.

I'm psyched for you - should you decide to go for it
Feb 19, 2015 at 3:24 AM Post #2,573 of 6,486
to solve the personal color taste of headphones beyerdynamics launched the custom series ,you can choose among colors as you wish but you pay for it
in any case when your phones are on your head you dont see the colors of your phones you listen to colors of your music 
Feb 19, 2015 at 4:47 AM Post #2,574 of 6,486
Also, I believe the Audeze representative above was out of line for calling out Mike on his remarks regarding the all black version. Mike alone has done more marketing for Audeze, free of charge, than anybody else out there in the last month.

I feel the same when I read Audeze comment.
This thread may be one of the fastest response in head-fi history.
One reason is that many people excite to hear an affordable phones from Audeze
Another reason is that Mike keep posting all positive thing about EL-8 since day one. Mike also keep on inform us about EL-8 and make this thread very lively. I'm very appreciate for your contribute @mikemercer.
For all black version, If Audeze look back in this thread. Many people don't like wood veneer, when they saw picture of EL-8. So it is not only Mike that want an all black, many people including me also want. So I hope that, next time, Audeze should find some proper way to response.
Feb 19, 2015 at 6:09 AM Post #2,575 of 6,486
Audeze did what any company would do and put out a fire before it got out of control. Could you imagine if everyone cancelled their order based on Mike's unofficial comments. I agree that he has done a lot to help hype the el-8, but business is business and Mike isn't an Audeze employee. They didn't do anything out of the ordinary.

I'm glad that Audeze checks these forums and is interacting with Head-Fi members. I don't see a lot of other larger companies doing that.
Feb 19, 2015 at 7:40 AM Post #2,576 of 6,486
  I feel the same when I read Audeze comment.
This thread may be one of the fastest response in head-fi history.
One reason is that many people excite to hear an affordable phones from Audeze
Another reason is that Mike keep posting all positive thing about EL-8 since day one. Mike also keep on inform us about EL-8 and make this thread very lively. I'm very appreciate for your contribute @mikemercer.
For all black version, If Audeze look back in this thread. Many people don't like wood veneer, when they saw picture of EL-8. So it is not only Mike that want an all black, many people including me also want. So I hope that, next time, Audeze should find some proper way to response.

Thanks @mikroski!! 
I greatly appreciate the kind words - and believe me - TO ANYBODY WHO READS THIS:
I was (just being straight-up) almost afraid of the EL-8s, and having to write yet more glowing things about Audeze!! Especially because @warrenpchi and I heard the prototype months ago - so I knew there was something wholly new coming - and I was already digging the headphones! 
It's something I s/w my cousin Kenny (K works for Stevie Wonder - how we got Stevie to the Audeze booth at CES - and he's older than me - in his fifties, so he's also like a big brother) and I speak about often. I worry about appearing as a shill.  And I'm NO SHILL. There are reasons I've managed to build-up a solid and loyal readership over the years: Agree w/ me, hate on me, whichever you choose - but I leave it ALL on the field when I play - Meaning I give this hobby/industry/community everything I have in my reporting -
I love music and great sound, and writing most of all!
So I don't take anybody for granted who's taken the time to read my words
However, we're living in wonderfully strange times my fellow Head-Fiers!!
I mean, when did brand-loyalty in a writer/reviewer become so taboo???
Kenny had a good point recently - Harry Pearson (my first mentor, the Founder of The Absolute Sound  - the man who actually coined the term "high-end audio") always had his top reference, and they didn't change often - I'm talking about Loudspeaker systems - but nonetheless - since I met Harry (until we lost him months ago) he may have had four large speakers systems in Rm 3 (his main listening room - where he had the Genesis 1s, Nola Grand Reference System, and Sceana for example). 
He held onto his top reference loudspeaker systems because he believed that once he got to know their sonic character - he could more easily identify and assess the components in for review. Keeping that one variable consistent - he basically gave himself a window into the music - and also gave himself a baseline.
Well, Audeze are my top reference (from my LCD-3 to my X) alongside my trusty HD800s. And they've become and invaluable tool in my personal audio arsenal!!
So now I'm pumped to report that the EL-8 open-backs (in case you missed my first article about them yesterday - HERE'S A LINK) continue to open-up, and the bass, wow, the bass is where I hear the biggest difference!! There's greater velocity, things seem faster, especially the sub-bass, which is, while not being quite a full as an LCD (which it shouldn't be at this price) I can't think of another set of cans, again, At This Price -  with such full-bodied, detailed bass and lower-mids.  Having owned both (and now ovet 
Well - lemme say this for now - because I think it illustrates what I'm saying better than my words:
The newly arrived for review Burson Conductor Virtuoso and LCD-XC have been keeping me glued to the music for hours at a time.
I decided to try the EL-8s, reminding myself of their cost, design, etc...
I thought I'd be switching back to the XC immediately -
BUT: The sound of the Virtuoso + EL-8 was also satisfying enough that I plugged the EL-8 s in around 8:00PM last night.
It's 4:35AM here - and I haven't switched back yet!
To be clear: I still think the LCD-XC is on another level from the EL-8 - but it was very surprising to make that change, and not be so consumed by the differences in fidelity that I needed to go back ASAP!! I think that says more about the EL-8s performance than my charged prose at the moment:

Audeze did what any company would do and put out a fire before it got out of control. Could you imagine if everyone cancelled their order based on Mike's unofficial comments. I agree that he has done a lot to help hype the el-8, but business is business and Mike isn't an Audeze employee. They didn't do anything out of the ordinary.

I'm glad that Audeze checks these forums and is interacting with Head-Fi members. I don't see a lot of other larger companies doing that.

Well said sir,
Well said!!
Feb 19, 2015 at 8:03 AM Post #2,577 of 6,486
  I feel the same when I read Audeze comment.
This thread may be one of the fastest response in head-fi history.
One reason is that many people excite to hear an affordable phones from Audeze
Another reason is that Mike keep posting all positive thing about EL-8 since day one. Mike also keep on inform us about EL-8 and make this thread very lively. I'm very appreciate for your contribute @mikemercer.
For all black version, If Audeze look back in this thread. Many people don't like wood veneer, when they saw picture of EL-8. So it is not only Mike that want an all black, many people including me also want. So I hope that, next time, Audeze should find some proper way to response.

Mike has posted he isn't upset and Audeze had cleared up any confusion.
Time to let this go and get back to discussing the headphones.
Feb 19, 2015 at 9:11 AM Post #2,578 of 6,486
My vote is for a black brushed aluminum veneer in replacement of the zebra wood veneer.  Otherwise black alone will make it look plastic and cheap.  I think Audeze opened a can of worms in announcing they'll "look into a black version".  The expectation is high with this now.  
In addition, if they keep a wood veneer as the other option, perhaps they can consider a different wood grain.  From the pics out there, it's lacking appeal especially the pale looking EL-8.  Is there a dark (open back) and pale (closed back) zebra wood veneer?  I ask because I've seen pics of a pale open back and it can't all be lighting since there are numerous pics floating around of the same thing.  If you want something exotic sounding, get Brazilian Walnut grain or stick with your bread and butter Caribbean Rosewood.  After all, it's just veneer and cost shouldn't vary by "that" much.  Carrying multiple SKUs on the other hand is a separate issue.        
Feb 19, 2015 at 9:29 AM Post #2,579 of 6,486
All we can do is wait and see.
Feb 19, 2015 at 9:49 AM Post #2,580 of 6,486
I'm suffering from LPC (LowPostCount) and will comment on:

"...Your wish is our command, we will remain active on Head-Fi and make sure our customers and this enthusiastic crowd of tough customers are happy!

Thank you,

by saying I wish Audeze well 'cause it's hard to make sure that ALL customers are happy. Just CONTINUE to strive as hard as you appear to be striving to accomplish this!!

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