ATTICUS and EIKON, the new dynamic driver headphones from ZMF
Feb 16, 2017 at 10:04 PM Post #2,162 of 9,771
Up 4 more spots meaning my headphones are closer to shipping.
Feb 16, 2017 at 10:21 PM Post #2,163 of 9,771
Up 4 more spots meaning my headphones are closer to shipping.

Excellent!  I've got more of a wait....ordered both of the phones today and I've already worn out the list looking for my name.

Feb 16, 2017 at 10:53 PM Post #2,164 of 9,771
Excellent!  I've got more of a wait....ordered both of the phones today and I've already worn out the list looking for my name. :tongue_smile:

I ordered on November 4th, so it has been a long wait. I think your wait will be shorter than mine.
Feb 17, 2017 at 8:11 AM Post #2,166 of 9,771
I'm sending mine back if it's not in the first 50...

*Massdrop joke*
Feb 17, 2017 at 10:58 AM Post #2,168 of 9,771
I'm sending mine back if it's not in the first 50...

*Massdrop joke*

It will be super low, like #13, but it will have bubble wrap marks...

(Just kidding! haha)
Feb 17, 2017 at 11:44 AM Post #2,169 of 9,771
Hi Prof

Can you elaborate on your last sentence? What did you not like about the Elise-Eikon pairing?

The Elise kind of rolled off the subbass and the added a gooey sound (aka tube warmth) that made it sound... Off. Not sure how to describe it.

On the Jotunheim the mids and vocals just pop, everything sounds coherent, and it's a really good experience. But on the Elsie it was like hearing it through a veil. Not hollow, but lacking some definition and texture. The tone changed a little bit as well. I rolled 3 sets of tubes through to get a better sound, and couldn't find anything I liked. I think the Elise paired with my HD650 just fine. Some tubes were to bright, some added warmth and space, but not so much on the Eikon.

I hope that made sense.

To me, it seems that your headphones are revealing your system.
Remember in general most new production tubes will not perform as well as old stock.
In my experience with modifying Tube amps,
Tube gear needs alotta attention to get right,
But the results are well worth it.

^^^^ not sure what amp you got but any low Z amp will make either A/E a touch more bright/gritty and any high Z amp will make it smoother.  Even within my decware csp 3 there are tubes that make everything sound like silky mud and then tubes that will make them sound edgy.  BC of the high 300 ohm ont he headphones they will reveal source a bit.

Also - Eikon pads = smoother, Ori pads = edgier

I found that all production tube amps have the enevitable implementation of cost cutting.
There's no way around it.
If the amp is using interstage coupling,
It most definitely will have lower cost parts there, in signal path.
In other words it's design more than tube.

Any pictures comparing a hand wiped varnish pair vs sprayed pair?

I would really be interested in seeing comparison here as well,
Because the site does not specify which pic has which type .

I was using Foobar for ages but with my setup using ASIO mode Amara gives significant sound quality difference revealing every little detail, strength and/or weakness of your setup and recording you are playing

Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk

Glad I'm not the only one who noticed the foobar sound. I a/b'd it and JRiverMC and MC beat it hands down.

I had the peculiar experience of either one surpassing the other, based on version.

I believe a Spdif converter to your DAC, bypassing it's internal USB,
will be of more significant gains.
Even the yggy with top USB implementation benifits from this choice..
Feb 17, 2017 at 12:46 PM Post #2,170 of 9,771
I have graduated to assembly!

More names came off the list, so I am now in the next 18! Here is to hoping everyone ahead of me gets shipped really soon.

I moved up to 18th and more people have been changed to Assembly.

@zach915m, any estimate on when the next 12 headphones go out to move me in the top 6?

I am number 18 on the list, but there are 25 headphones ahead of my order due to some people getting both like me. As a result if 22 max go out this week as Zach predicted then mine still won't ship.

I am the very first assembly now while still sitting at number 18. Everyone ahead of me is now final testing or burning in. That means I will be next to change status to burning in.

Just looked at the list and I moved up 5 more spots due to blank lines, which I assume have shipped.

I am number 13 now, so if you are ahead of me, I will be happy when you get yours as I would move up.

my Atticus / Eikon headphones are in the top 11 on the spreadsheet burning in.

Up 4 more spots meaning my headphones are closer to shipping.


Feb 17, 2017 at 12:48 PM Post #2,171 of 9,771
Feb 17, 2017 at 12:50 PM Post #2,172 of 9,771
Oh man, that had me dying... :L3000:

 is our thread mascot. He helps keep the momentum going!

I've already received my order, but I still feel out of touch if I don't get a mwhals update!

:) Carry on bro
Feb 17, 2017 at 2:25 PM Post #2,174 of 9,771
  Before deciding to go with 300 ohm I had to really consider that everyone might hear slightly different sonics based on their setup.  I think it's really cool that you can really pick out what audio chain you're listening to because of the headphones, but it does make it all the more head scratching when searching for that gear to satiate that audiophile part of us. 

I'm considering selling my LCD-2 and picking up an Eikon. I love technical death metal and stoner/sludge/doom metal. Impact and slam are very important to me. If I wanted to stay single ended from DAC to headphone, what characteristics should I be looking for in a headphone amp to achieve my goal?
Feb 17, 2017 at 5:37 PM Post #2,175 of 9,771
  I'm considering selling my LCD-2 and picking up an Eikon. I love technical death metal and stoner/sludge/doom metal. Impact and slam are very important to me. If I wanted to stay single ended from DAC to headphone, what characteristics should I be looking for in a headphone amp to achieve my goal?

We are in the same boat my friend, I have ordered the Eikon and I still don't know which amp I will purchase.  (And I'm also listening to Metal music)
What's your budget ?

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