AT W1000 predictions & thoughts
Nov 15, 2002 at 11:23 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 31


Founder of the Head-Fi Pay-to-Post Program.
Sep 1, 2002
After comparing the specifications of the W100 to the brand new W1000, here's my take and predictions:

1. The bass response will pick up considerably. The new double air damping system will see to that & #5 will see to that. These will go deeper and better than W100s.

2. They will have less resonance and coloration. This will result from the new design of the wooden enclosures - flat back vs round on W100s. This will help diffuse the sound and reduce reverberations.

3. High end will absolutely sizzle and may even be a bit brighter than W100s. This will be due to some changes internally. (And I see they rate the new frequency response at 10KHz higher than W100s also!!

4. Easier to drive without an amp. This is due to slightly lower impedance 40 vs 48 ohms on W100.

5. They will weigh a bit more, like nearly 10% more at 30 grams, so they might be more isolating, less prone to problems which the thicker wood will cure.

Just my .10 worth at .02 per prediction!!

What do YOU think?????
Nov 15, 2002 at 11:28 AM Post #2 of 31
hey now, what about A1000 impressions
? and what do i think?...honestly, i have no clue. i've read much on various A-T products, but have never heard one myself. all i can say is that i have high expectations of these new cans, and i hope they can live up to the hype.
Nov 15, 2002 at 11:31 AM Post #3 of 31

Originally posted by kin3tix
hey now, what about A1000 impressions
? and what do i think?...honestly, i have no clue. i've read much on various A-T products, but have never heard one myself. all i can say is that i have high expectations of these new cans, and i hope they can live up to the hype.

Give me time! Give me time. I have to get SOME sleep ya know. I may look at them tomorrow, today? since it's 3:30am, and see if there are any clues to be found there...... then I'll start a new thread on them also!!!
Nov 15, 2002 at 1:03 PM Post #5 of 31
I believe the W1000 is based more upon the W2002 than the W100 so I would expect it to have more in common with the 2002. Which, if true, may be an incredible deal for $339.00.
Nov 15, 2002 at 8:25 PM Post #6 of 31
The DADS doesn't seem to significantly extend the bass response. I really don't know what the fuss over giving it a whole new acronym is. Just thought I'd prick that balloon
(from an A900)
Nov 15, 2002 at 11:04 PM Post #7 of 31

Originally posted by elnero
I believe the W1000 is based more upon the W2002 than the W100 so I would expect it to have more in common with the 2002. Which, if true, may be an incredible deal for $339.00.

Wouldn't THAT be nice!!!! I hope this thing is somewhere between the 2002 and 100 cans sound wise. That would put it into really good company as it would correct for certain deficiencies, and sound better than the W100 for a mere $15 or so more money.
Nov 15, 2002 at 11:06 PM Post #8 of 31

Originally posted by bangraman
The DADS doesn't seem to significantly extend the bass response. I really don't know what the fuss over giving it a whole new acronym is. Just thought I'd prick that balloon
(from an A900)

Like everything else, if it's new, it must have new acronyms and descriptives added to it to justify it's price.

Are you saying that the A900 has the DADS already in it and it doesn't do much for bass response, or are you just predicting that it won't help the W1000 sound better bass wise????

And are you still ordering one of these?? I hope so so that you can make some comparisons for us to read!!!!
Nov 15, 2002 at 11:13 PM Post #10 of 31

Originally posted by kin3tix
just pray that bangraman's comments on the phones won't be one liners, as he had already indicated in the past. just look at his sig.

ROTFLMHO!!!!! I wonder if Bangraman bought that sushi maker by AT yet??????
Nov 15, 2002 at 11:16 PM Post #11 of 31

Originally posted by ServinginEcuador
ROTFLMHO!!!!! I wonder if Bangraman bought that sushi maker by AT yet??????

heh, it's probably being shipped with his A1000's.. just kidding bangraman
Nov 15, 2002 at 11:19 PM Post #12 of 31

Originally posted by ServinginEcuador
Like everything else, if it's new, it must have new acronyms and descriptives added to it to justify it's price.

Are you saying that the A900 has the DADS already in it and it doesn't do much for bass response, or are you just predicting that it won't help the W1000 sound better bass wise????

And are you still ordering one of these?? I hope so so that you can make some comparisons for us to read!!!!

Nov 15, 2002 at 11:24 PM Post #13 of 31

Originally posted by bangraman

Uh oh!! Hopefull these new cans make better use of the anacronym than the A900s did!!!! I would hate to buy a set of these and have the low end disappear from the music. I happen to like bass and would get rid of these cans if they don't have it, or diminish it.
Nov 16, 2002 at 4:12 AM Post #14 of 31

Originally posted by ServinginEcuador
Uh oh!! Hopefull these new cans make better use of the anacronym than the A900s did!!!!

hahahah, make better use of the acronym. that's quite funny to hear. but, i am in the same boat as you servinginequador; i love my bass also. hope the W1000 will have plenty of it.
Nov 16, 2002 at 6:48 AM Post #15 of 31

Originally posted by kin3tix
hahahah, make better use of the acronym. that's quite funny to hear. but, i am in the same boat as you servinginequador; i love my bass also. hope the W1000 will have plenty of it.

Word!!! I am about two mouse clicks away from taking the plunge and just buying a set of the W1000s and getting it all over with. My schedule before leaving to go back to work in Ecuador is pretty tight with a visit to Maryland and North Carolina, so I really want to get this over with and make sure I get a pair of these things before going back home!!!! I would hate to leave and have a new pair of ATs sitting here until I can figure out a way to get them to me without losing them in transit, or paying a huge import tax to get them to my home!!!!!!!

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