AT-EW9 question
Feb 9, 2005 at 8:35 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 17


Dec 15, 2004
So I got my Audio technica EW-9's the other day and have been using them with my iPod->Porta Corda MKII. For some music, these things sound awesome. Jazz and this Ani Difranco album I'm listening to right now sounds really good. Snares are just nuts! I also like the clip design. Now if team digital would just get back to me about the 1m extension that was not included in the package...

Anyways, I find them somewhat tinny when compared to my KSC-35's. The EW9's have a very similar quality to the A900's I have, and that part of it is fine. I'm not expecting the same warmth and bass that I was getting with the KSC-35's, but what I *am* hoping is that these things will get a little warmer as they break in. I seem to recall my A900's being somewhat sterile when I first got them too, but they have broken in quite nicely. Anyone know if I can expect the same from the EW9's? I usually dont leave things running just to break things in, but I'm thinking about leaving them overnight to help speed the process up. It's somewhat annoying in some music...
Feb 10, 2005 at 12:16 AM Post #2 of 17
Yes definitely EW9 becomes warmer after some time (my experience is after a month or two). Harsh mid-highs get tamed, bass gives more presense.
But I'm not totally sure about breaking it in with leaving it playing overnight (or even over a week), as I believe break-in happens to both headphones and your ears (in other words, getting used to it), IMHO.
Feb 10, 2005 at 2:31 AM Post #3 of 17
Mine seem warmer now than when I got them.
I also came from the KSC-35. That is a big jump to make. Almost anything can sound tinny compared to the KSC-35.

Also, I find that position of the EW9 makes a difference. I had to slide mine all the way to the bottom of the post to get them where they need to be on my ear.
Feb 10, 2005 at 2:27 PM Post #4 of 17
Awesome. This is exactly what I was hoping to hear.
Thanks guys!

I agree also that the positioning is key. I didn't even realize I could slide them down until the second day and BOY do they fit better now that I realized that.
Feb 10, 2005 at 7:15 PM Post #5 of 17
Congrats! I like my EW9s more and more. They are my favorite office phones, as they sound nice, let in a little noise (so I hear the phone) and go off and on easy. I second the placement tips that came up earlier. Another trick I use is to pick one song that I know really well just to place them--once placed they seem to stay put. [Hate to admit it, but they are really pretty too.]
Feb 10, 2005 at 7:24 PM Post #6 of 17
today is the first day that i've put any significant time on the ew9 that i got last week. they've been burning in for about 48 hours already so i thought that they would be a little less tinny but like you guys have said, they're still a bit tinny. they don't sound as good as my em9d, which are well broken in and sound a lot warmer.

the em9d also sounded tinny at first so i'm looking forward to even better sound once the ew9 once they're fully burned in. even without full burn in, the ew9 feel like they sound fuller and seem to have more prominent lows and mids. only time will tell...
Apr 20, 2005 at 2:58 PM Post #7 of 17
Sorry for bumping a somewhat dated thread but I just got a pair of EW9's myself. I bought these used but according to the seller they don't have a lot of hours on them. I was wondering what your experiences were now that your cans are fully burned in.

I agree with the observations in this thread. I found certain high frequency information to be a bit harsh. Midrange is very smooth. There is a lot of detail and soundstage is pretty good. They are very comfortable but positioning is key; in the wrong position they can sound bass shy. With the right positioning, bass is just how I like it, punchy and tight and not overwhelming.

So how have your EW9s (or your ears
) changed over the past month or so?
Apr 26, 2005 at 3:33 AM Post #8 of 17
No answer? Did you guys sell your EW9? Did they burn in so well you can't bring yourself to type?

One thing I can't figure out on these headphones is the cord. Why is the cord for the right cup so long? I don't see the point.
Apr 26, 2005 at 3:53 AM Post #9 of 17

Originally Posted by erikzen
One thing I can't figure out on these headphones is the cord. Why is the cord for the right cup so long? I don't see the point.

I think its designed like many of the Sonys, to be worn behind your neck. That's the way I wear mine.
Apr 26, 2005 at 4:01 AM Post #10 of 17
The funny thing is that I had to put the cord behind my head because that was the only way to get it out of the way. Once I actually did that I was wondering if that's the way it was designed. I guess it is!

So I take it that you enjoy yours since it's going on a year that you've had them. Or is requisite as "Keeper of the Phones" to actually keep every headphone you've ever owned?
Apr 26, 2005 at 4:20 AM Post #11 of 17

Originally Posted by erikzen
The funny thing is that I had to put the cord behind my head because that was the only way to get it out of the way. Once I actually did that I was wondering if that's the way it was designed. I guess it is!

So I take it that you enjoy yours since it's going on a year that you've had them. Or is requisite as "Keeper of the Phones" to actually keep every headphone you've ever owned?

Your recent postings regarding these little beauties led me to give them another listen. I liked them when I first got them, as I felt they were a great improvement over the EM7, the silver clip-ons, which have ZERO bass. But I tired of their rather thin sound, possibly because I had been using them straight our of an iPod.
Since you posted that you liked them a lot, I figured I would give them another shot, but this time amped with a JMT built CHA47. The improvement is rather startling. The soundstage is excellent, close to full sized headphones, and the bass filled out nicely.....not too much, nor too little. They are actually very pleasurable, with excellent detail and an upfront midrange. Thanks to your positive comments, I've been able to experience the baby ATs in a much more positive light.
Plus, as "Keeper of the 'phones," I may as well use them, cause I sure as hell can't get rid of would violate my sacred oath!
Apr 26, 2005 at 4:53 AM Post #12 of 17

Originally Posted by joelongwood
Thanks to your positive comments, I've been able to experience the baby ATs in a much more positive light.

I'm glad I could be of some assistance. These phones absolutely need amping to sound their best and they need a good source, too. Using the HeadRoom Overture really let's these babies sing. There are times when I could use a touch more bass, but I'll give up bass for clarity any day of the week. I'm glad you felt the way you did about soundstage too because I was thinking it was pretty darn good but I've read a few posts where people have felt it was non-existent.
Apr 26, 2005 at 5:10 AM Post #13 of 17
I've sort of become a keeper of the phones as well, and this probably explains why I'm still hanging on to the EW9's. That, and they're so cool looking!

Oddly enough, I've dug mine out based on Erik's recent posts as well, but I'm still getting a ho-hum reaction. While there is nothing "bad" about them and I can't pinpoint exactly what is missing (other than being bass shy), they don't grab me in any way emotionally. The sound is somewhat clinical, I guess.

But there is hope! Until this thread, I wasn't aware that you could adjust the "height" of the drivers over your ears by expanding the posts! I'll give that a try now. Also, my EW9's are far from being broken in, so I'm sure there are gains to be had there.

About the cord length issue, I assumed that Erik knew they were designed to be worn around the neck. Shame on you, Erik.
But I still have "issues" with the cord design because even allowing for the largest human head on the planet (and I should know because mine is in the running for that award), the cord for the right ear peice is STILL way too long! I'd say at least 3"-4" too long. What's worse, is that the cord length for the left earcup is about 3"-4" too short! Put them on and look in the mirror, and you'll see a lot of loose cord behind your neck (the excess for the right cup) and you'll also see that the "Y" joint where the left and right cords merge is way too high (because the cord coming out of the left ear cup is too short).

The problem with this is that the weight of the cable now "pulls" on your left ear peice. What makes matters worse is that if you are taller than about 5'6" you would HAVE TO use the "extension cord" to reach the iPod (imaginary in my case) that is clipped to your belt. This, of course, adds additional weight resulting in more "pull" on the left earpiece.

Thus, if I were to redesign the EW9 cord system, I'd do the following:

1) reduce the right cord length by 3"-4", although this is not critical.

2) add at least 3"-4" to the left cord length, and preferably 6", such that the "Y" joint isn't suspended in mid air along the side of your neck, but instead rests gently on your front or back shoulder, depending on how you route the cord to your source.

3) add at least 6"-8" to the length of the cord on the EW9's from the "Y" joint to the 1/8" headphone plug. This would eliminate everyday use of the "extension cord" for those using the EW9's with iPods.

I suspect that part of the cord design "flaws" (in my view, at least) have to do with marketing. In other words, at 6'0" I'd be a bit on the tall side of the fence in Japan, so the shorter lengths may well be appropriate for the Japanese market. This would explain "flaws" 2 and 3 above, which is where the main problems come in for me.

Why does all of this matter? It's a comfort issue for me. I've found that the only way to avoid the "pull" issue on the left earcup is to wear a shirt with a pocket that I can stuff the cord into, and thus dampen the pulling force caused by the extra weight added by joining the EW9's to the extension cord. Otherwise, even when sitting at a desk and working, the left earcup is constantly being tugged on.
Apr 26, 2005 at 1:52 PM Post #15 of 17
I'm afraid we all might be a bit camera-shy. I need to get one of the bangraman style hoods. That being said, I might give it a shot. Just remeber that these phones don't come with a double chin. You have to get that on your own.

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