As promised, the direct comparo of Hornet vs. Move
Jul 21, 2007 at 4:19 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 43


Headphoneus Supremus
Aug 28, 2006
I know I made the comparo, but I figured some people probably would miss the review, and this is a direct comparo to those who were on the fence between a Hornet and Move like I was. Also, because these are both reputedly the punchiest amps out there.

If you want to read my review of all the amps I've reviewed, check out my sig for the link.






Anyhow, I go at this by category, and who comes out on top.

Build quality

Build Quality - Tie
There are positives and negatives to each, which I think cancel eachother out. The hornet wins in overall beauty, with awesome graphics, labeling and colorscheme, but the screws are an eyesore. Makes for convenience, but makes for detracting from the beauty. The power switch is an elegant touch. Everything is well spaced too for how small it is.

The Move has an industrial look vice the elegance the Hornet has. Simple and Brutale if you wish. The symbols detract from it's overall beauty, but it makes it more industrial I guess. The back end is what's clean, with that simple battery access, and no screws. The HP jack is a little close to the volume knob, but it's nothing too bothersome, just cuts it kinda close.

Both are solid, but for whatever reason, the corda feels a bit more sturdy...I dunno why, prolly because of it's weight.

Bass - Move
They both have some immense bass, but neither is bloated. The Moves just has a TAD more punch and quantity. But it's still tight and articulate, if you can imagine. They're REALLY similar in sound sig with the Move being SLIGHTLY warmer. I think the Hornets can go just as low, but I'm thinking the impact and punch of the Move makes me think otherwise. In either case, neither will disappoint.

Mids - Hornet
The mids have a slight edge on the Hornet for being OH SO SLIGHTLY more upfront. It may be because there isn't as much impact, but male vocals seem to OH SO SLIGHTLY pop a little more in your face.

Highs - Move
The moves seem to sparkle a little more on the extremes. Otherwise, they're almost identical. With the amp being a little more warm, it's funny how this worked out. It was a little odd to hear, but is still refreshing knowing nothing gets clipped (not that anything really clips with the Hornet).

Soundstage - Hornet
The soundstage...I think it may be it's why I think the Move wins, but at the same time, the Hornet isn't anything to shrug at and is just as capable. It may not necessarily be larger per say, but it's a bit more upfront...making it seem a little larger. I like my amps a little more upfront, or on stage sounding, rather than being in the crowd a couple rows back like the Hornet. So...I dunno, I prefer the soundstage a little more on the Move, but neither are small....they are however, both SLIGHTLY smaller than that of an SR71...I kinda dig the imaging the Hornet gives, even though I prefer the Moves soundstage "position".

Transparency - Tied
Why? Because the Move is o punchy, I'm thinking it may be a little more colored than the Hornet...The Move is warmer, SOMEWHAT giving you the feeling of being in a nice mist. No veil, but it's so aggressive. It's smooth as heck too. The Hornet is a bit scratchy/grainy, but it is transparent. they both have thier points. It's as cold sounding as the Move is they cancel eachother here....

Overall, I don't think you can go wrong with either amp. Both are an insane amp. Until you own either of these, you truley do not know what you are missing in music (if you haven't already heard a PRII...which is the level at which all amps are measured at, IMO.) For the price...the move wins hands down. Has a DAC(which was not used in this review, battery power only), is $115 cheaper before the Hornet is even shipped, has slightly more bass, and has a bit more punch. It is however heavier and bigger, but not by much. If those don't make a difference to you, the Move is the winner. But, I wouldn't kick the Hornet to the curb. FWIW, If you want more punch than a Hornet, but can't buy a PRII, this is a perfect compromise. And in a MANY WAYS, it's not a compromise at all....well, except for the bass knob and absolutely stunning looks. but what you "sacrifice" there, you gain in portability, battery life, and most importantly, your wallet.
Jul 21, 2007 at 12:52 PM Post #8 of 43
Yeah that part is confusing, Move wins soundstage in the end?

Also, what about ease of driving bigger headphones like the HD650 and usability as a home amp, even though they are meant to be portables, but a DAC in the move makes me think it is meant to be a home amp as please
Jul 21, 2007 at 2:40 PM Post #11 of 43

Originally Posted by rumatt /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Yeah, I thought that part would be a little confusing. It's kinda hard for me to distinguish whether the Hornet soundstage is actually bigger or if it's just the presentation because "you're a couple rows back" and it sounds just as alrge. I prefer being front row, which is why I said the move wins (by preference).

Easiest way to explain it, if you're ever at a concert and you're front row, the soundstage is HUGE. You can accurately place everything where it is, because well, you're right there. But since you're front row, it may seem like it's larger than it actually is, if that makes sense.

Now the Hornet, sounds just as large, but you're not actually right up front, but a couple rows does that mean it's actually larger than the Moves? Or is it all psycho-acoustical?

Hitting the 75 hour mark, the sound hasn't changed much in the Move, so I'm fairly confident nothing will if it hasn't by this point. And I prefer the front row soundstage as compared to 5-10 rows that's the reason I said I think the Move wins....mostly preference, but both are comparably large and engulfing....

Hope that explained a little bit.

As far as the headphones used, I used UM2's. RP21's have been getting some love, but not as much as the UM2s.... Source for the review was an iMod, but I used the Nano in the pics for size purposes since many people use a nano and IEMs for portable use anyways. Also, you can see how close the jacks are to the volume knob, and also, how much each player puts as far as stress goes on the jacks. See how flat the nano sits on the Move, whereas on the Hornet, you have to flatten it more(the dock end is pointing up unless you flatten it out yourself), putting more stress on the IC/jacks. Something I noticed anyways.

Really, the only time I find myself using my iMod is when I'm either doing comparos, or I left my nano at home, lol. Mainly it's because I can store most of my library on there, convenience if you will...

And as far as driving larger cans...the RP21s are fairly easy to drive. I did however listen to a pair of DT770 pros 250ohm from a friend that are driven fairly easily from the Move. I didn't get much listening time, but I did notice that the volume knob wasn't anywhere near maxed out and was definitly pushing the DT770's with authority. I do want to hear some more referency cans though, as IMO, the DT770's are fund cans, not reference cans...until they're darthed. But I do want to hear some Darth's on the Move...I think my wallet will divorce me afterwards...FWIW, I'm using high current high gain on the Move....
Jul 21, 2007 at 3:28 PM Post #13 of 43

Originally Posted by Downer /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Great review; what about driving cans like DT880 or HD650, which one is the winner in that aspect ???

I am also wondering about K501 or K701. I saw you have a K501 in another meet thread?
Jul 21, 2007 at 5:10 PM Post #15 of 43
My Move has no issue w/my 650s or 701s. The volume knob
ends up at about 1-2:00 but no s/q issues. Sounds absolutely fabulous w/both. Still on 2nd day of burn in so I am not putting anything in stone as to which of the hps sounds better.

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