Aroma audio product impressions.
Apr 13, 2022 at 12:35 PM Post #451 of 1,895
Aroma Jewel: pkcpga Impressions
Analog Perfection
I purchased the Aroma Jewel from @MusicTeck who I highly recommend, the Jewel arrived quickly, 2 days after I ordered it. And the follow up cable arrived the next day, very impressive service.
I paired the Jewel with N8ii in P+ class AB tube mode. Along with PW Audio’s First Times cable.
For myself this combo fits the photo above as it’s best description down to the cartridge I decided to photograph it with. The Jewel with FT and N8ii has an analog, airy and detailed sound. It sounds like one of my Lynn tables with an Ortofon MC cartridge, it has that wide soundstage, airy detailed highs with lovely slightly rounded layered edges. No harsh or teeth clenching details but perfectly separated clean details. Jewel has a detailed well placed stage with instruments coming from right where you’d expect them with amazing left to right separation and a nice focused center stage when called for.
The Jewel’s tonality took me for a bit of a surprise, my first thought was 6 EST with 6 BA’s and only 1 DD, that this was going to be a bright IEM. I found the Jewel to be very neutral with a touch of a bass bump. The EST’s provide a lot of air and details, but they are very well tuned and not forward or harsh but extremely well controlled. The BA’s for mids and upper bass are very neutral and natural sounding allowing for excellent details with exceptional separation between vocals and instruments. Everything even in very congested passages has its place. Vocals have a great tone and natural texture, nothing sounds thin or overly weighted or syrupy. The DD provides very nice deep bass going into sub categories. Bass is very natural and will be very present when the song calls for it but will not bleed into mids or deep make vocals. Bass does not go into bass head territory or extend past natural sounding. Sub bass can be felt by the nature of DD’s, mid bass it not very boosted but natural, detailed and clean sounding. Bass can be slow rolling or rapid depending on what the song calls for, which along with the felt air movement/vibration is the big advantage to the DD for bass over BA’s.
Jewel comes in safe like metal case, make sure you get instructions on how to open it. The case slides open to the right with some pressure on the right edge. The included leather case is very nice, much better fitting of the IEM with cable then the EVO or Odin cases. The included cable I personally did not like due to microphonic and cheap feeling for an IEM of this price point. The FT cable was a perfect up grade, slightly warmed up vocals with offering a slightly bigger soundstage over the stock cable.
Stock cable looks nice and is very comfortable, just wasn’t my cup of tea with its microphonic.

Comparing to Odin: The Jewel is the step up from the Odin I was looking for. It’s more detailed, better separation all while keeping the DD bass and adding a bit of warmth in vocals. The Jewel has less of a bump in the upper mids if your sensitive to that but it still has a bump there. Difference is the Jewel is much more refined and looses the hard forward edges for soft layered edges. Deep male vocals all the way to soprano are equally present. For myself the Jewel is the refined Odin with a more analog sound without becoming syrupy.
I no longer have the Traillii to compare the Jewel with. All I can say it the Trailli never meshed well with me. Was not a fan of its bass, very well boosted just less natural sounding and feeling to me. Traillii had more mid bass presence but a little less sub bass extension. Traillii also had warmer less layered mids with a little harder edged highs from my notes and memory. Although it’s hard to compare an IEM I haven’t owned in a while, but I have decided to demo it again multiple times to make sure I didn’t make a mistake in selling it and hearing so many rave about it. After hearing the Jewel I definitely did not, the Jewel fits my sound preference much better.
The Jewel is one of those IEMs like the A12t that plays well with all music types and sounds great even with poorly recorded songs. It tends to bring the best out in almost everything I’ve played with it. The Jewel has very good macro dynamics but is not as powerful as EVO or legend. Since owning the Jewel the only other IEM I’ve reached for is EVO and that was for some EDM music that someone suggested on here. Which there really is no replacement for EVO if you are craving big deep bass with big macro dynamic swings. Currently I’m quite happy with N8ii, Jewel and EVO combo, covers all my music playlists. The Jewel also paired very well with my sp2000 and m15, I just preferred the N8ii for it’s expansive soundstage and in P+ mode stronger macro dynamics. The Jewel definitely pair up very well as your source improves.
Nice! hope you enjoy it!
Apr 16, 2022 at 2:35 PM Post #452 of 1,895
Have any of the main reviewers been given jewel to review? Can't find a single review for jewel apart from the one on here...
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Apr 16, 2022 at 4:17 PM Post #453 of 1,895
Apr 16, 2022 at 4:29 PM Post #454 of 1,895
Have any of the main reviewers been given jewel to review? Can't find a single review for jewel apart from the one on here...
@twister6 posted impressions in the nick thread, but no full reviews. Plenty of user impressions around now though
Apr 19, 2022 at 6:51 AM Post #455 of 1,895
v5i-D A100TB.JPEG

Just installed a pair of Burson v5i-D op amp into the A100TB. These are my second batch, direct from Burson Audio; I had previously purchased one from Aliexpress to test, and suspected it wasn't not the real McCoy. I checked further at the Burson Audio web site only to find that I could have bought them from their online store, which I then did.

v5i-D top.JPEG

You can see the difference in shape, as well as the shoddy engraving on the imitation. The seller did throw in a riser, which was a good thing but I'm unsure if I trust it enough to use it!

v5i-D bottom.JPEG

The image of the underside isn't very good but you could still probably make out the home-made painted effects versus a proper base enclosure. More importantly, there is the notch at the top of the real thing. This enables you to slot the op amp in the correct direction, without which you wouldn't know which way up or down!

The most irritating thing was the v5i-D was even more expensive on Aliexpress! 🤬🤬🤬
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Apr 19, 2022 at 10:38 AM Post #456 of 1,895
Thank you for your feedback!
Did you notice differences between Burson and stock Opamp (Muse?!?)?
Apr 19, 2022 at 11:08 AM Post #457 of 1,895
Thank you for your feedback!
Did you notice differences between Burson and stock Opamp (Muse?!?)?
The stock op amp isn't Muse, it's Ti LF535P. Difference, you ask? NIGHT & DAY. Soundstage, resolution, pitch black noise floor, sheer and unfettered power (I am at 9 o'clock where I had been around 11 o'clock or more before), the weight of the notes -- lush transients and decay, oh the coherence... layering and instrumental separation, 3D imaging -- from the grand airiness of a cathedral to the intimate sound at the front of the stage in a small jazz club, there is nothing that was not improved... when I did not think/believe the HM1K-Aroma power stack could get better. How could a $79 pair of op amp do this? I am just blown away. Again. And I cannot stop listening...
Apr 19, 2022 at 11:15 AM Post #458 of 1,895
The stock op amp isn't Muse, it's Ti LF535P. Difference, you ask? NIGHT & DAY. Soundstage, resolution, pitch black noise floor, sheer and unfettered power (I am at 9 o'clock where I had been around 11 o'clock or more before), the weight of the notes -- lush transients and decay, oh the coherence... layering and instrumental separation, 3D imaging -- from the grand airiness of a cathedral to the intimate sound at the front of the stage in a small jazz club, there is nothing that was not improved... when I did not think/believe the HM1K-Aroma power stack could get better. How could a $79 pair of op amp do this? I am just blown away. Again. And I cannot stop listening...
Ok, ordered the Burson op amps (Supreme Sound Opamp V5i - Dual x 2) haha.

This Aroma stack is the real deal.
Apr 19, 2022 at 11:15 AM Post #459 of 1,895
Did you pay 79$ 2 opamp? I remeber there are also bigger Burson and more expensive in red case...
Apr 19, 2022 at 11:16 AM Post #460 of 1,895
Did you pay 79$ 2 opamp? I remeber there are also bigger Burson and more expensive in red case...
I conferred with Aroma, the larger ones with plastic housing (red etc) are not compatible due to size.
Apr 19, 2022 at 11:37 AM Post #461 of 1,895
Ok, ordered the Burson op amps (Supreme Sound Opamp V5i - Dual x 2) haha.

This Aroma stack is the real deal.
I am still stunned by how a $79 pair of this here mini steel nuggets improved the sound more than... a $7000 cable! Speechless.

But listen, you must promise to listen to the stock op amp for at least 2 weeks; get used to that sound, then swap in the v5i-Ds and... be blown away all over again!
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Apr 19, 2022 at 11:39 AM Post #462 of 1,895
Did you pay 79$ 2 opamp? I remeber there are also bigger Burson and more expensive in red case...
I conferred with Aroma, the larger ones with plastic housing (red etc) are not compatible due to size.
@bigbeans is right, the v6s are too tall, wouldn't be able to close the lid on the A100TB with those plugged in.
Apr 19, 2022 at 11:43 AM Post #463 of 1,895
Would there be enough room around the sockets for Sparkos?
Apr 19, 2022 at 11:45 AM Post #464 of 1,895
Would there be enough room around the sockets for Sparkos?
Glad you asked haha! After several exchanges with Andrew, we have come to the conclusion that the the A100TB will not be able to take the SS3602 Dual Discrete babies. But I have another amp coming that would likely have the space; heard so many good things about them, can't wait to try! :L3000:
Apr 19, 2022 at 12:56 PM Post #465 of 1,895
@bigbeans is right, the v6s are too tall, wouldn't be able to close the lid on the A100TB with those plugged in.
If it work could cabriolet mode could be an option 🤣

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