Are you the destroyer of threads?
Jul 20, 2006 at 10:32 PM Post #31 of 48

Originally Posted by Lazarus Short
...on Adolph. You see, and I know you'll think I've really flipped out this time [some of you know for sure], the Nazis did everything they could in WW II to make life miserable for the Brits. Everywhere they could, also. In India, and I swear this is historical FACT, Germany gave aid to Subhas Bose and his followers. He led a military effort to oust the Brits, but as we all know, Ghandi got all the credit, being the darling of the liberals in the west. I'm sure not many Americans know that.

Man, oh man, is this thread ever off track now...


The worlds best sound....Or else!!!!! Sparks enough for a War right there!!!
Jul 20, 2006 at 11:35 PM Post #39 of 48

Originally Posted by chia-pet
I've always wondered:

On forums like this one, at what point does a thread die (stop getting new replies)? Who is the last individual to post on that thread, and is their post the single reason why the thread stopped getting replies?

It could be for any number of reasons a thread gets no more responses; the last poster has comprehensively answered the thread, the thread has been discussed out, time has simply taken its toll on the thread, or maybe the last poster has posted something uninspiring that has killed everyone's mood.

To bring the thread back on track (I bet my post will end up killing though
), all the reasons for thread-destruction that you list are valid, and I think would make any scientific/statistical study of it extremely difficult to interpret (i.e., too many variables).

What might be more interesting would be to see how many threads get zero replies (Lord knows that's happened to me more than once
). Just an idea....
Jul 21, 2006 at 12:56 AM Post #43 of 48
hah, I've thought about making a thread like this before. It seems I always kill the threads when I don't want to, but it never works when I try to kill one.

Maybe someone with a lot of time on their hands, like maybe someone from xxxxCalifornia could go through and tally up the thread killers, and why they died. It wouldn't have to be too complicated, either a 'questions answered', 'locked', 'lost interest', etc..
Jul 21, 2006 at 1:05 AM Post #44 of 48
I still wonder why anyone would wonder 'bouts the dietary habits of ol' Pat Metheny, and if finding out he IS a vegatarian how that influances the inquisitively minded in their music appreciation of his art?

/its worked before

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