Are there any other headphones that have the same surround effect as Ultrasones?
Aug 14, 2008 at 5:44 PM Post #31 of 106

Originally Posted by krmathis /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Can't go much wrong, sound stage wise, with one of these..

Although I have never heard the K-1000's, from what I've read, I think I would tend to agree with you.
I'm not sure where I read this information, it might have been from a post by kwkarth, but my understanding is that the K-1000 places the sound stage in front and to the sides of the listener. Is that correct? If it is, one of the differences, apparently, between the sound stage of the K-1000 and the Pro 750 (which I have heard many times) is that the Pro 750 places the sounds not only in front and to the sides of the listener but also behind, above and even below the listener.
Aug 14, 2008 at 5:48 PM Post #32 of 106

Originally Posted by flashnolan /img/forum/go_quote.gif
And here all along I thought it was pixie dust.

Seriously though I own a pair of 2500s, and to me they sound more open then all of the Grados, AKG, etc. that I have tried. They did not sounds as sonically accurate as the RS-1s I tried, but listening to music through them sounded very natural and enjoyable (for which I attribute to the openness).

And, something even stranger: To my ears, the Pro 750's (which are "closed") sound more spacious than some "open" headphones I've heard.
Aug 14, 2008 at 6:33 PM Post #33 of 106

Originally Posted by Peter Pinna /img/forum/go_quote.gif
The S-Logic is definitely a unique technology. If you think it isn't, I suggest you do some more research because you have been vastly misinformed.

Now I should understand some marketing mumbo-jumbo in order to hear what I couldn't in the first place. Trust me, I've done my share of research and Ultrasone ownership to be fairly educated on this "technology".
But if you know something more please enlighten us, we are all ears.

And btw W5000 just mops the floor with Ultrasone when soundstage and spatial positioning is concerned. D2000, also being closed, has much more spacious soundstage and better, more natural positioning.
Aug 14, 2008 at 6:46 PM Post #34 of 106

Originally Posted by Peter Pinna /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Although I have never heard the K-1000's, from what I've read, I think I would tend to agree with you.
I'm not sure where I read this information, it might have been from a post by kwkarth, but my understanding is that the K-1000 places the sound stage in front and to the sides of the listener. Is that correct? If it is, one of the differences, apparently, between the sound stage of the K-1000 and the Pro 750 (which I have heard many times) is that the Pro 750 places the sounds not only in front and to the sides of the listener but also behind, above and even below the listener.

This is like saying a dodge neon maneuvers like a Porsche, except the neon not only goes forward and reverse and turns both ways but also shakes up and down while doing it. The audio information in a stereo signal isn't available for anything other than side to side and depth.

I've owned a Pro750. Taste is an individual thing, I gave the 750's to my nephew (who liked them) within a few weeks. They were "unique" in a way that didn't appeal to me for a headphone in the price range. The PRO750's reminded me of a kid with blue hair. It really attracts attention, which is the intention with blue hair dye, but my impression isn't exactly flattering. YMMV
Aug 14, 2008 at 9:04 PM Post #35 of 106

Originally Posted by Andrew_WOT /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Now I should understand some marketing mumbo-jumbo in order to hear what I couldn't in the first place. Trust me, I've done my share of research and Ultrasone ownership to be fairly educated on this "technology".
But if you know something more please enlighten us, we are all ears.

And btw W5000 just mops the floor with Ultrasone when soundstage and spatial positioning is concerned. D2000, also being closed, has much more spacious soundstage and better, more natural positioning.

Having never heard the W5000 or the D2000, I could not comment on their sound or performance.
I do not work for or with Ultrasone. I do not write "marketing mumbo jumbo". I write comments in these forums exactly as either I know things to be or what my opinion holds as true. The idea that you can not hear the S-Logic "surround effect" does not mean that it does not actually exist. It simply means that you, for whatever reason, can't hear it. You are not the only one who can't hear it. There are theories as to why some are able to hear the S-Logic surround effect and others can't. See the first post in my thread "The Sound of the Ultrasone Proline (Pro) 750" (link in my signature area) for some of those theories.
It isn't possible, IMO, to be completely "educated" on the subject of the S-Logic technology without actually experiencing it. I suppose this idea would be very much like reading about swimming without actually swimming. Until you swim in the water, you can only begin to understand everything about swimming, IMO.
Perhaps I am more fortunate than you (and others who can't hear the S-Logic surround effect) because, I most definitely am able to hear this effect.


Originally Posted by bada bing /img/forum/go_quote.gif
This is like saying a dodge neon maneuvers like a Porsche, except the neon not only goes forward and reverse and turns both ways but also shakes up and down while doing it. The audio information in a stereo signal isn't available for anything other than side to side and depth.

I've owned a Pro750. Taste is an individual thing, I gave the 750's to my nephew (who liked them) within a few weeks. They were "unique" in a way that didn't appeal to me for a headphone in the price range. The PRO750's reminded me of a kid with blue hair. It really attracts attention, which is the intention with blue hair dye, but my impression isn't exactly flattering. YMMV

I mean no personal offense by the following:
It's hard for me to take seriously a comment by someone who thinks the sound stage of headphones shouldn't be "anything other than side to side and depth". After reading that, everything else in your post became invalid for me.
Aug 14, 2008 at 9:17 PM Post #36 of 106
I have 400+ hours with my Ed9 and never understood the supposed surround effect, or S-Logic behind this headphone. Although I must say it DOES sounds 'unique'. I still can't quite explain how it does that.
Aug 14, 2008 at 9:22 PM Post #37 of 106

Originally Posted by Akabeth /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I have 400+ hours with my Ed9 and never understood the supposed surround effect, or S-Logic behind this headphone. Although I must say it DOES sounds 'unique'. I still can't quite explain how it does that.

Would you explain, please, what you meant by "unique" and what you meant when you wrote "I still can't quite explain how it does that". What did you mean by "that"?
Aug 14, 2008 at 10:43 PM Post #38 of 106
Peter the way you are refuting everything and the tone that you are soing so with makes me wonder if you are actually anti-ultrasones because you've basically scared me away from wanting to try them. If you're not trying to convince others to try ultrasone, then you're simply trying to justify your own purchase. Either way, continuing your assault is definitely not going to attract people.
Aug 14, 2008 at 11:33 PM Post #39 of 106

Originally Posted by TDRKZ /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Peter the way you are refuting everything and the tone that you are soing so with makes me wonder if you are actually anti-ultrasones because you've basically scared me away from wanting to try them. If you're not trying to convince others to try ultrasone, then you're simply trying to justify your own purchase. Either way, continuing your assault is definitely not going to attract people.

Are you saying that I should ignore comments with which I disagree or ignore comments that I know are not true (such as the comments found in your post)? That's not my style and not in the best interest of these forums, IMO. If something any poster has written in these forums "scares" you from doing anything, I suggest that you take comments in these forums way too seriously.
For the aforementioned reason and for the reason that you make highly subjective comments consisting of nothing more than speculative conjecture, it's extremely difficult for me to give any level of credence to any of your comments in your most recent post to me.
I suggest you go into the main Ultrasone thread as well as other Ultrasone threads where you will find many people who also enjoy their Utrasone headphones and who also encourage others to try them. If you do this, I have no doubt, that you will believe that they, also, are trying to "justify" their purchases.
One last thought: Your post and my reply to your post are both extremely off-topic and disruptive to this thread. Because of this I offer my apologies to the OP. Usually, I would not reply publicly to an "attacking" and negative post such as this one of yours. However, I replied because I wanted to "set the record straight" and put an immediate stop to the highly erroneous and invalid comments such as the ones found in your post.
Aug 15, 2008 at 12:10 AM Post #40 of 106
I would never go back to the AD700, I cant away it going to its new owner soon. The sound of the AD700 was in my head. It didnt sound big to me. It was like the music was in my head and was trap.I couldnt stand it.

With my HFI-780 The music is all around me and not in my head.Its like I'm There. I dont know a better way for me to explain it. But I love the way this sound. if the AD700 drivers are angle to do the same thing, It sure doesnt sound like it to me.

It the same way with games to me also.

It not gonna be the same to every one. Of course there gonna be people that dont hear the diffents. Because people ears are diffent. You cant say just because you dont hear it that peter or any one esle doesnt hear it.
Aug 15, 2008 at 5:58 AM Post #41 of 106
I'm with Andrew: W5000 eradicates Ultrasones when it comes to soundstage.

And I'm with catscratch: What was that, my brain still hurts from those posts.
Aug 15, 2008 at 5:59 AM Post #42 of 106

Originally Posted by genclaymore /img/forum/go_quote.gif
With my HFI-780 The music is all around me and not in my head.Its like I'm There. I dont know a better way for me to explain it. But I love the way this sound. if the AD700 drivers are angle to do the same thing, It sure doesnt sound like it to me.

You know, some sounds are actually in the middle :wink:.
Aug 15, 2008 at 5:23 PM Post #43 of 106

Originally Posted by Peter Pinna /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Are you saying that I should ignore comments with which I disagree or ignore comments that I know are not true (such as the comments found in your post)? That's not my style and not in the best interest of these forums, IMO.

[rant=] Maybe sometimes you should...
You posted a lovely sentence in another thread: "Do not allow yourself to be pressured by the opinions on these forums".
Maybe you should try a little less pressuring your opinions on somebody else.
Everytime somebody posts his opinions on the 750s which contradicts with yours you say they haven't listened carefully or, that's not true; they do have x x and x you just don't know how to use your ears and I do coz I'm a pro..
You might not say it in that exact phrasing but it sure boils down to that.
Have you ever wondered why people keep attacking you the way they do? If you did, did you think it was just because you love the 750s to death..?
I mean, I surely like my 750s and talked lots of good stuff about them but I never had any of the reactions you had. Sure, mocking ones but that's fine..I do have the best 750 that's out there

I'm not saying you have to swallow your opinions but enough is enough. After one time stating it people know your point of view. One look at your signature alone is enough for that matter.
But please stop the continuous defending your point of view beyond reason. When people hear things otherwise doesn't mean you're a liar, it just means you hear things differently. Respect opinions from other people without questioning them every time and stating you're very fortunate with your ears. [/end of rant]
Aug 15, 2008 at 6:05 PM Post #44 of 106

Originally Posted by Contrastique /img/forum/go_quote.gif
[rant=] Maybe sometimes you should...
You posted a lovely sentence in another thread: "Do not allow yourself to be pressured by the opinions on these forums".
Maybe you should try a little less pressuring your opinions on somebody else.
Everytime somebody posts his opinions on the 750s which contradicts with yours you say they haven't listened carefully or, that's not true; they do have x x and x you just don't know how to use your ears and I do coz I'm a pro..
You might not say it in that exact phrasing but it sure boils down to that.
Have you ever wondered why people keep attacking you the way they do? If you did, did you think it was just because you love the 750s to death..?
I mean, I surely like my 750s and talked lots of good stuff about them but I never had any of the reactions you had. Sure, mocking ones but that's fine..I do have the best 750 that's out there

I'm not saying you have to swallow your opinions but enough is enough. After one time stating it people know your point of view. One look at your signature alone is enough for that matter.
But please stop the continuous defending your point of view beyond reason. When people hear things otherwise doesn't mean you're a liar, it just means you hear things differently. Respect opinions from other people without questioning them every time and stating you're very fortunate with your ears. [/end of rant]

Thank you very much Contrastique! Extremely well put and I couldn't agree more.
Aug 16, 2008 at 2:06 AM Post #45 of 106

Originally Posted by Contrastique /img/forum/go_quote.gif
[rant=] Maybe sometimes you should...
You posted a lovely sentence in another thread: "Do not allow yourself to be pressured by the opinions on these forums".
Maybe you should try a little less pressuring your opinions on somebody else.
Everytime somebody posts his opinions on the 750s which contradicts with yours you say they haven't listened carefully or, that's not true; they do have x x and x you just don't know how to use your ears and I do coz I'm a pro..
You might not say it in that exact phrasing but it sure boils down to that.
Have you ever wondered why people keep attacking you the way they do? If you did, did you think it was just because you love the 750s to death..?
I mean, I surely like my 750s and talked lots of good stuff about them but I never had any of the reactions you had. Sure, mocking ones but that's fine..I do have the best 750 that's out there

I'm not saying you have to swallow your opinions but enough is enough. After one time stating it people know your point of view. One look at your signature alone is enough for that matter.
But please stop the continuous defending your point of view beyond reason. When people hear things otherwise doesn't mean you're a liar, it just means you hear things differently. Respect opinions from other people without questioning them every time and stating you're very fortunate with your ears. [/end of rant]

You certainly do have a talent for exaggeration.
It has been rare that I have entered more than one comment in a thread except when I am addressed directly or if someone writes something that is in error and no one else replies to contradict that error. If it were not for replying, most of the time I would have had only one post in a thread.
Let me make it clear that I think everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I have never said otherwise. But, some people attempt to make their opinions sound like facts. And, yes, I will continue to contradict ideas with which I disagree (unless someone else does it first) whether anyone likes it or not.
I'm happy we are in agreement about the Pro 750 (excepting that, actually, mine are better than yours
). I am under the impression based on your last post that you must think I and my posts are more famous than others. I do not believe that is true. I think there are many people on these forums who have never heard of me, don't know my position on headphones, and who have never heard of Ultrasone. If you are aware that I have greater fame in these regards than I believe that I do, please tell me so I can imagine myself "basking in the Head-Fi spotlight" for a few seconds.

The words you've written about me should be written about others as well. It is because I do not "automatically" adhere to the Sennheiser and Beyerdynamic status quo that others have written against my point of view. Not that I think there is anything wrong with those particular brands. It's simply that anything new like Ultrasone or Dennon is often not as welcome among the ranks of some Head-Fi members. Someone told me that they think of me as a "kind of rebel" because of my opinions of the Pro 750 and the way that I do not back down. I don't know if I'm a "rebel" or not, but I sure am not going to back down because someone doesn't like me expressing my opinion. And, if you want me to stop repeatedly expressing contradictions to statements that I believe are false, than you also need to tell the other posters that they should stop repeatedly posting those false (IMO) statements. In other words, as long as they are repeating their false (IMO) statements, I will keep repeating my contradictions to those false (IMO) statements, unless someone else does it first.
Once again, if someone makes comments about headphones (regardless of the brand or model) that I know from experience are not true, I will continue to respond and contradict those comments. The Pro 750 is very good example of this: I do not believe that when someone makes a false statement about the Pro 750, that the members of this forum "automatically" think of me (if they know me at all) and know my position. You do because you read my posts. You read my posts for three reasons:
1. You and I are seemingly interested in the same Head-Fi topics so we often end up on the same threads;
2. You have excellent taste;
3. You can't resist reading what the "famous" Peter Pinna has written.

This may come as a surprise to you, Contrastique, but I actually admire you for your diligence in attempting to find out the truth about the Pro 750 vs. Proline 750 ear pads in posting the pictures of those pads and your detailed description. I then followed "in your footsteps" with a potentially valid analysis and theory about what may have actually happened concerning those pads. If it had not been for your posting of the picture of the two pads and your description, I would have not come up with the theory that I posted. Yours was step 1 and mine was step 2. We are still waiting for step 3 which is validation. My point in writing all this is to point out that you and I are very similar, actually. Specifically, concerning Head-Fi related matters, we are both interested in the same thing: the truth! The differences between our "styles of writing" might include the idea that I might "bother" a few more people than you do trying to expose false statements and ultimately reach that truth.
I wish you well.

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