Are the Sennheisers HD580 good for rock music?
Jun 13, 2004 at 3:46 AM Post #32 of 43

Originally Posted by mAsh
You guys are killing me. I don't know what to decide

You can use them, of course, as any other headphone, what they are trying to say is that there are others a lot better for that purpose, and it doesn't matter if you like the sound of the 580 or not, a laid back presentation is not good IMO and IME for rock at all, and others will be better for rock, all of the ones mentioned, DT770, Grados, CD3000....etc... Of the ones I have heard the CD3000 is still my favorite, to the point that I have two pairs. A versatile headphone, good for everything you play on it (if you like it of course) I had never need any other headphone since then, but it is more expensive than the 580....
Jun 13, 2004 at 3:51 AM Post #33 of 43

Originally Posted by mAsh
Is this store that I found good? (Has the Grados in stock and shipping worldwide)

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IIRC we have two sponsors that carry the Grado line....Todd and Headroom....
Jun 13, 2004 at 3:52 AM Post #34 of 43

Originally Posted by Sovkiller
Of the ones I have heard the CD3000 is still my favorite, to the point that I have two pairs. A versatile headphone, good for everything you play on it (if you like it of course) I had never need any other headphone since then, but it is more expensive than the 580....

I agree, they're the best all-arounder's that I've tried. I'd still have some Stax and a K1000, in a perfect world.
Jun 13, 2004 at 7:20 AM Post #35 of 43

Originally Posted by halcyon
Yes they are, if you like their sound (like I do).

If you like more upfront sound, then perhaps not.

It's down to your ears - don't listen to others who say what you should like.

Definately agree with this. I liked my HD600s with rock, especially with the Oehlbach cable. But that's because I like its sound signature and I've grown to like a more laid back sound. They are very laid back which some people will like, some people won't. All you can do is try them yourself and find out
Jun 13, 2004 at 2:59 PM Post #36 of 43

Originally Posted by halcyon
Yes they are, if you like their sound (like I do).

If you like more upfront sound, then perhaps not.

It's down to your ears - don't listen to others who say what you should like

And.....aren't you doing the same? We are not saying him what he should like, we are telling him what we like, and what we had experienced, at the end the decision is up to him, of course, have you compared any of the other headphones in question with it? It doesn't matter how you like it, or how good it sound, you will find others "best suited" for that particular kind of music, this doesn't mean that the HD580 could not be used, nor that it is a bad headphone because of that, OK? Just that is not the best suited for that.
Jun 13, 2004 at 4:04 PM Post #37 of 43
Nah, you misread me.

I encouraged him to trust his own ears, and not the ears of others.

I like HD600 for rock _for me_ on _my ears_, but I make no silly universal claims about how "they are the best cans for rock".

Everybody finds their own happines
Jun 13, 2004 at 5:38 PM Post #38 of 43
For me, the Senns are great all arounder... including rock. I wouldn't pick anything else, and i've tried just about everything. The only caveat is that you'll need a decent amp. If you're going with no amp, I'd suggest a Grados. That is exactly what I have been doing. When I'm moving around with my portable with no amp, I use grado. But when I sit down with my home rig, it's Senns all the way.
Jun 14, 2004 at 11:43 PM Post #39 of 43

Originally Posted by halcyon
Nah, you misread me.

I encouraged him to trust his own ears, and not the ears of others.

I like HD600 for rock _for me_ on _my ears_, but I make no silly universal claims about how "they are the best cans for rock".

Everybody finds their own happiness

Please, he is only asking for our opinions, you could get 150 opinions and at the end, you will get what you will find right for your personal taste, of course. But if you do not ask first, you will begin to get BS out there completely blind , (the way I did) instead of going the wise way, sometimes others do the homework for us, consider this as a knowledge sharing.....period....
BTW Nobody gets headphones because others like them, unless they purchase the headphones for these other persons.....

OTOH, again and again, nobody is saying that you could not hear rock with the HD600/580, of course you do (BTW I did) and they sound good, but when you compared them with others, you find the others more fun to listen and more appropriate for this particular application....
Jun 15, 2004 at 2:08 AM Post #41 of 43

Originally Posted by Sovkiller
You can use them, of course, as any other headphone, what they are trying to say is that there are others a lot better for that purpose, and it doesn't matter if you like the sound of the 580 or not, a laid back presentation is not good IMO and IME for rock at all

Except maybe for laid back rock
. I love the Senns in particular for "pop rock" from the 70's and 80's, and even most dance music. But there's really more of the faster/harder stuff around overall. Still, depends on musical tastes.
Jun 15, 2004 at 6:09 AM Post #43 of 43
Don't listen to some of these bone-heads who will give you a flat out, "No, Sennheisers cannot do rock--only classical and perhaps jazz." The audio world is far too subjective for such broad claims. Personally, I love my Sennheisers on rock. Admittedly they don't do vocals quite as well as higher-end Grados, and I could sometimes do with the up-front nature of Grados. But, I also think the Sennheisers do a lot better than the Grados. For example, to my ears they are tighter in the lows and highs than the Graods. They also sound more natural to me. YMMV. Definitely order someplace with a trial policy to compare the two.

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