Are DAP's outdated?

Jun 27, 2015 at 12:14 PM Post #16 of 19
Some cellphones/smartphones are raising their game, but unfortunately not their output.
While higher sampling rates and bit depths are materialising, a long with better DACs in these devices, European law is stopping them from having substantial enough outputs to drive even portable headphones.  This makes it all rather futile.
iPhones in Europe, and Sony phones everywhere limit the output to around 300mV rms due to legislation to help stop hearing damage.  It is commendable, but it stops those production from being compatible with headphones such as Oppo PM-3 and KEF M500, as they are barely loud enough.  LG and Samsung are only a bit better.  iPhones outside the EU have a a full 1Vrms headphone output.
This is where DAPs can keep a place in the market, as they so far do not seem to need to comply
Jun 27, 2015 at 8:40 PM Post #17 of 19
battery life is a big deal.  i'm using a note 4 as a phone and internet device and i've been shocked and disappointed that with fairly light usage i'm usually below 50% at the end of the day.  i have a spare battery that i've carried on the rare days i know i'm likely to need it - and i have needed it on those days.  the only time i use it for music is at the gym, and in fact i'm usually listening to podcasts there, instead.
sq is also a big deal.  i'm quite happy with the sound of my dx90, and its effectively infinite battery life.  i have my dx90 in a pouch i wear or throw in my briefcase when i want to have it with me.  also in that pouch are my ety4's, my flc8's, a dime card for carrying multiple microsd cards, and 4 spare batteries.  i have about 300 gb of music coded in flac5 spread over 3 microsd's.  find me a phone that can last indefinitely, has great sq, and holds over 300gb of music, and i'll be all over it.
Jun 27, 2015 at 10:38 PM Post #18 of 19
I don't think daps are outdated, but I do think majority don't want to carry two gadgets and another majority maybe thinking its a waste of money as cellphones can do the job of a dap and more.
As regard to sound, as many don't have higher end iems, they wouldn't care less.
I know I've spoken as a no oboe but that's the scene.
Who wants to walk around with a CD player when you can download music into your phone or even listen via YouTube.:sunflower:
Who wants to put a dap into the left pocket, a phone in the right pocket and the keys sticking the rear?:smile_cat:
Jun 27, 2015 at 11:34 PM Post #19 of 19
I don't think daps are outdated, but I do think majority don't want to carry two gadgets and another majority maybe thinking its a waste of money as cellphones can do the job of a dap and more.
As regard to sound, as many don't have higher end iems, they wouldn't care less.
I know I've spoken as a no oboe but that's the scene.
Who wants to walk around with a CD player when you can download music into your phone or even listen via YouTube.:sunflower:
Who wants to put a dap into the left pocket, a phone in the right pocket and the keys sticking the rear?:smile_cat:

very true, also it's clear that not everybody is looking for hifi in a DAP. for most people it's all about the convenience of portable stuff.
now TBH, it's not 1990 anymore and many "audiophile" DAPs are really badly made, both in design and interface. and when I see that my bedroom light I bought like 6 years ago, has more functionalities than some of my DAPs and can be programmed to wake me up with  the music out of an usb stick, it does give a feeling that most DAPs nowadays are still coming straight out of a north korean garage.

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