Anyone picking up the new Flaming Lips album today?
Apr 4, 2006 at 4:14 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 22


Headphoneus Supremus
Jan 14, 2005
I know I will be at the record store during lunch break to pick up this album. Anyone else planning to get this today? I haven't been following the news around this album, but if it's Flaming Lips, I will get it. Hopefully it will be a good album.
Apr 5, 2006 at 3:44 AM Post #3 of 22
Picked up my copy today. Fantastic album, nearly as good as Yoshimi. My favorite song on the album is The Sound Of Failure.
Apr 6, 2006 at 1:43 AM Post #4 of 22
I picked it up at Best Buy yesterday. Came out of work at the dental office and spent 20 minutes there looking for it, only to have an employee tell me that it was at the new items table

I'm listening to it right now, have only been able to listen to bits and pieces here and there. So far I have made it through about 9 songs, but they haven't been able to absorb it. Sonically, I think it's a superior album to Yoshimi, definitely an evolution over that album in terms of sound. I don't like how Wayne's vocals are mixed though, he's too far back in the mix.

Stand out tracks so far for me are The Yeah Yeah Yeah Song (The continual build up and releases sound pretty sweet), The Sound of Failure (cool guitar riffs layered over strings), and Mr. Ambulance Driver (gotta love that disco beat!).

It's definitely a different album then the last two. The Lips seem like they are having fun just discovering new sounds on this album rather then expanding on some theme. Soundwise, the influences are completely all over the map, but it's definitely impressive how the Lips manage to rein it all in and make a cohesive album.
Apr 6, 2006 at 2:52 AM Post #5 of 22
I feel like I was expecting something of this sort, customarily trippy for them but at the same time quite rock and roll. Thier last two albums were so based in strange sounds or drum machine loops that I felt like they would come out with something like pre- soft bulletin. I'm now listening to my cosmic autumn rebellion, and I must say I really like it.
They said it was going to be more guitar based and that is totally true. I hope they are going to tour on this thing...has anyone heard anything? To be honest I was afraid it would never come out and that they were wasting all their time doing "Christmas on Mars" or something like that. I can't wait to give it a few more listens.
Apr 6, 2006 at 4:55 AM Post #6 of 22
Oh god ... X-mas on Mars. Totally forgot all about that. Wayne must be battling weeds in his backyard or something, cause that's been about as long a time coming as "At War with the Mystics". It looks to be totally awesome though, or at least from the trailer. Steve Drozd is a pretty good actor, real jack of all trades, he looked totally intense in some of the scenes.
Apr 6, 2006 at 5:00 AM Post #7 of 22
I actually saw them here last night... I'm sure they'll definitely tour, although this one is just a tiny one, I think only about four dates. NYC, here, and somewhere else (?).

It was a good show, very enjoyable. However, as someone who likes their old stuff WAY better, I had to make sure going in that I focused on enjoying what was played, and not think about what wasn't. Which I did, so it was good. Still, I don't think they really needed to play Bohemian Rhapsody.... jeez.

Still don't know if I'll get the new one. I probably will I guess, but holding me back is that I don't listen to them so much anymore, so when I do I'd probably prefer it be one of my faves. They only played three songs from the new record last night, actually. Only 9 or 10 songs total for the show... the other cover they played was War Pigs, which was cool.
Apr 6, 2006 at 7:13 AM Post #8 of 22

Originally Posted by s m @
However, as someone who likes their old stuff WAY better, I had to make sure going in that I focused on enjoying what was played

As someone who really likes the whole thing, but much preffers the last three or four albums the best I would wonder which albums are your favorite...thier first few were sooooo....ummm....uncouth
Apr 6, 2006 at 10:05 PM Post #9 of 22
Yes, I'm not too big on the first few albums, either. My faves, and I think there aren't too many bands that have put this many great albums out in a row, are from Hit To Death... through Clouds Taste Metallic. Definitely including Zaireeka in there, in case there's doubt.

Don't get me wrong, I also really like Priest and the last two too, but I just liked the others so much it was kind of a hard act to follow. And although I had some quibbles, I still really enjoyed the show. No matter how you look at it, it's pretty impressive that they're still putting out quality music this far on. I've always kind of attributed their longevity to the fact that they've sort of been two different (very good) bands: It was the Wayne Coyne guitar show for a long time, and just when that might have been about to fizzle out, Drozd came in with fresh new ideas to keep things jumping. I dug out all my Lips albums last night to go on a bit of a binge in the next little while.
Apr 7, 2006 at 12:30 PM Post #12 of 22

Originally Posted by s m @
I had to make sure going in that I focused on enjoying what was played, and not think about what wasn't.

Let me guess... no "Chrome Plated Suicide?"
Apr 7, 2006 at 12:40 PM Post #13 of 22

Originally Posted by s m @
Yes, I'm not too big on the first few albums, either. My faves, and I think there aren't too many bands that have put this many great albums out in a row, are from Hit To Death... through Clouds Taste Metallic. Definitely including Zaireeka in there, in case there's doubt.

Don't get me wrong, I also really like Priest and the last two too, but I just liked the others so much it was kind of a hard act to follow. And although I had some quibbles, I still really enjoyed the show. No matter how you look at it, it's pretty impressive that they're still putting out quality music this far on. I've always kind of attributed their longevity to the fact that they've sort of been two different (very good) bands: It was the Wayne Coyne guitar show for a long time, and just when that might have been about to fizzle out, Drozd came in with fresh new ideas to keep things jumping. I dug out all my Lips albums last night to go on a bit of a binge in the next little while.

I agree, it was quite a run of albums they had in the 90's. I still don't "know" ZAIREEKA as well as the others, as I've only managed to mix down a couple of the tracks for regular stereo listening.. I still want to have a ZAIREEKA party someday..

I suppose my favorite will always be TRANSMISSIONS, though my "first Lips" was TELEPATHIC SURGERY so it will hold a soft spot in my heart also. You can really hear Jon Donohue's influence on AMBULANCE and HIT TO DEATH (you can hear him singing there too..).. and those are both great albums as well. I would guess there are a lot of older fans like myself who are looking to MYSTICS to be some kind of "return to form" - I plan on picking it up soon. It's only been recently that I've really started to warm up to YOSHIMI.. it was just hard for me to get used to electronics... great songs though.

Apr 7, 2006 at 1:19 PM Post #14 of 22
Cool; didn't know there was 5.1 coming.

Is the high res version going to be DVD-A or one of those cursed SACD's I can't play?

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