Anyone else can't "do" IEMs?
May 24, 2006 at 10:39 AM Post #17 of 23

Originally Posted by LaBreaHead
Some people probably feel a little claustrophobic with them in.

That's exactly the feeling i had with my shure E3C, seem like my world was all switch up, i prefer to have the normal headphones sensation, music seem to come from somewhere near you not from your brain!

Make me feel claustrophobic and schisofrenic not my kind of joy
May 24, 2006 at 10:46 AM Post #18 of 23
I tried bravly with the EP630s but finally gave up as well. Comfortwise like a finger in the a***, sound wasn't much better than comfort.
May 24, 2006 at 11:49 AM Post #19 of 23
I have no problems with IEMs. I shove my Shue E4Gs as deep into my ears as I can get them, and I don't feel any pain or claustrophobia, and also, I actually prefer the up close and personal "in your brain" sound of IEMs to the sound of full-size headphones. With IEMs, I can truly become one with my music, exist my own little musical world that nobody and nothing can intrude upon.
May 24, 2006 at 1:21 PM Post #20 of 23
I can't do iems anymore. Never really could get them to fit right and it was a pain in the a.. accidentally knocking/ripping them out. Also if your a person that produces a fair amount of wax like me, iems, earplugs, and many other ear inserts can impact the wax in your ear. Oh and the higher risk of thank you. I don't intend on having to visit an ENT for wax removal or infection on a regular basis.
May 24, 2006 at 1:27 PM Post #21 of 23
The given Shure tips were all less than ideal for me, none worked except for the yellow foamies which... well, don't attentuate outside noise as well as the Ety black foamies.

In the end, I did a mod to the E4 to mount the Ultimate Ears universal fit series Biflange onto the E4.
May 24, 2006 at 1:32 PM Post #22 of 23
While I certainly haven't tried them all, I would say E2's are among the MOST uncomfortable of any IEM. I had them for years and could never handle more than an hour at a time. But the higher line Shures I can handle for several hours with no problem.
May 24, 2006 at 3:39 PM Post #23 of 23

Originally Posted by ToneDeath
Add me to the list of can't do IEM's. I've tried the shure E2 & E3's and I just can't stand anything that deep in my canals. I'm now on a quest for buds and over the ears.


The tubes on the E4c's are shorter; the foamies fit better and they are much more comfortable--to me at least. They also sound sooo much better, but that's another story.

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