Any old fart head-fi'ers still around?
Feb 10, 2017 at 11:15 AM Post #466 of 846
What is interesting to me as an old fart, is where we've come from, to where we are...

Imagine going back to 2001, or whenever you joined, with the knowledge of what was to come...

Back then I had a huge Discman collection, and a penchant for old school (even back then, so prehistoric now) CD players...

Still have an original (circa 1983) Yamaha player stored away, it's funny the account of ICs it has on the many PCBs under the hood.

You're not alone Duncan, I original joined because I was looking for some info on a Sony D-E900 or D-E905. I still have many of the PCDPs that I've bought over the years since joining up in storage, some of them working, some of them not. Even went as far as purchasing multiple variations of the same model. Still have in my collection a functioning Sony D-5 up to a Sony D-626 complete with romote orginal box and papers, from a sony D-82 up to a Denon DCP-150. May have to dig them out of storage and check them out once in a while.
Feb 10, 2017 at 10:08 PM Post #467 of 846
You're not alone Duncan, I original joined because I was looking for some info on a Sony D-E900 or D-E905. I still have many of the PCDPs that I've bought over the years since joining up in storage, some of them working, some of them not. Even went as far as purchasing multiple variations of the same model. Still have in my collection a functioning Sony D-5 up to a Sony D-626 complete with romote orginal box and papers, from a sony D-82 up to a Denon DCP-150. May have to dig them out of storage and check them out once in a while.

my precioud D-626 was a total loss after the flood that hit Bangkok a few years back sadly.  i still have the D777, E900, and a few others including the D303.  now i own the zx2 and z1.
Feb 13, 2017 at 10:15 AM Post #468 of 846
Nope, not really around on Head-Fi anymore - but still alive and active member on a couple of other hifi fora, so not all too difficult to find...
Hope you're all doing fine - especially the old-timers.
Greetings from Munich!
   Manfred / lini
Feb 14, 2017 at 9:31 AM Post #469 of 846
It's funny...the peak of my headphone interest and my head-fi activity was kind of the perfect storm...I had little kids, and so almost of all my music listening have to be via headphones. When I joined head-fi in 2005, I owned the Sennheiser HD-650, used only in my main stereo. Suddenly there was this thing called an iPod, and I could play lossless music from it via a headphone amp into great headphones in all sorts of places. Very handy. I sure got sucked in. I think my peak simultaneous headphone inventory was around 20, well over $10k worth.

And now...I own the Beyer DT-880-600, and the AT-ANC7 for trips. My kids are in their late teens, and almost all of my music listening is done through loudspeakers again. I still read and enjoy head-fi in places, but my posting is very infrequent. I'm actually hoping to be overtaken in the top-10 all time posters soon

I'm glad you are still doing just fine. I have paused all my activity about the headphones 5 years ago and when I came back 1 years ago, the first thing I was looking for was your reviews. I didnt see your reviews at all, actually I thought I would see you review the K10, the LCD4 or Hex , but I havnt seen anything. You know I thought about the time when you reviewed the Dx1000 and meier stepdance. I sill own the DX1000 today,even add the Dx2000 to my collection. really glad indeed that you're still around
Feb 14, 2017 at 9:33 AM Post #470 of 846
  Nope, not really around on Head-Fi anymore - but still alive and active member on a couple of other hifi fora, so not all too difficult to find...
Hope you're all doing fine - especially the old-timers.
Greetings from Munich!
   Manfred / lini Oder ????
Feb 14, 2017 at 10:11 AM Post #471 of 846
I'm glad you are still doing just fine. I have paused all my activity about the headphones 5 years ago and when I came back 1 years ago, the first thing I was looking for was your reviews. I didnt see your reviews at all, actually I thought I would see you review the K10, the LCD4 or Hex , but I havnt seen anything. You know I thought about the time when you reviewed the Dx1000 and meier stepdance. I sill own the DX1000 today,even add the Dx2000 to my collection. really glad indeed that you're still around

Thanks Coolcat, very kind of you. I would say of all the headphones I let go, the one pair I kind of wish I still had was the DX1000. If I listened more to headphones, I would probably buy a used pair. Both the fit and sound are so comfy :D
Feb 14, 2017 at 9:07 PM Post #472 of 846 Oder ????

Yup, that belongs to the ones I regularly visit, but it's not my favourite German forum - that would rather be the Dual-Board. While my favourite English/International fora would be VinylEngine and Audiokarma.
Greetings from Munich!
   Manfred / lini
Feb 15, 2017 at 8:49 AM Post #473 of 846
I am also relatively active on Audiokarma.
Feb 15, 2017 at 8:56 AM Post #474 of 846
.... and you're adding to your post count here.....   

But, not to worry   - you'll soon be dropping off the top ten posters...... like by the end of the year......   
Apr 30, 2017 at 1:51 PM Post #475 of 846
Still around, and still haven't gotten rid of anything! I don't use full size headphones much anymore, since I re-finished the basement into a man-cave, complete with a variety of vintage audio and video set-ups. And i haven't gotten rid of any of that stuff either............I'm a hopeless hoarder! It's definitely nice to see a lot of the old names still here. :)
Apr 30, 2017 at 4:57 PM Post #476 of 846
It has been awhile Joe. Nice to see you back.
Sep 25, 2017 at 10:06 PM Post #478 of 846
Whoa. Someone at work invited us to an "Escape the Room" experience. Anyone remember the virtual head-fi escape the room experience? One of the rooms had my personification in it:

Sep 25, 2017 at 10:32 PM Post #479 of 846
Created my account in high school and purchased my first good pair of headphones from the recommendations here: Grado SR 80. Now I am an old fart who spends most of his listening time using earbuds that came with his phone. What have I become!?

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