An advertising exec somewhere needs to be shot.
Dec 19, 2005 at 5:31 PM Post #16 of 23

Originally Posted by lmilhan
The only other commercials I find more offensive than this one are the ones the U.S. Armed services put out. Those commercials look like some big production MTV Video. They make it seem like you will be some sort of a Vin Diesel Triple XXX rock star if you join the Marines, when I know that the truth of the matter is you will really just be scrubbing the floors of a latrine with a tooth brush. I have yet to see a commercial tell a bigger more deceptive lie. I can just see the reaction from the poor people duped by this commercial when they arrive at boot camp - "Goly-gee this ain't nothin' like the commercial wuz".

And before someone gets their panties in a bunch, I am not knocking the people who serve our country - I am grateful for them. I am just pointing out what a lie those commercials are - nothing more, nothing less.

My Marine friend told me they are made for the meatheads who immediately want what they see in the commercials, haha.

Those Carnival Cruise commercials... Iggy Pop's "Lust For Life" was written as an anthem to herion.
Dec 20, 2005 at 2:24 AM Post #17 of 23
I think the most sad part of this thread is that all of us know what commercials the others are talking about.

While I hate all "real" songs used in commercials, I especially can't stand the commercials that alter lyrics to suit their purpose. Oh and the KFC commercials that have a song that sounds JUST ENOUGH like "Sweet Home Alabama" to make every redneck perk up. Just awul.

And yet, the worst commercials don't have any music at all (Geico).
Dec 20, 2005 at 3:03 AM Post #18 of 23
I saw a comercial for a medication that stops bladder incontinence and there was a chorus in the backgrounds singing got-a go, got-a go, gota go! Very funny. My all time favorite comercial blunder has to be the cornnuts song "bust a nut". You MUST listen to it if you haven't already. It is so amazing funny that this song made it on the air! What a bunch a maroons! here's a link for the song
Dec 20, 2005 at 3:12 AM Post #19 of 23

I saw a comercial for a medication that stops bladder incontinence and there was a chorus in the backgrounds singing got-a go, got-a go, gota go! Very funny. My all time favorite comercial blunder has to be the cornnuts song "bust a nut". You MUST listen to it if you haven't already. It is so amazing funny that this song made it on the air! What a bunch a maroons!

hahahaha!! That's the funniest thing I've seen in awhile

And I wholeheartedly agree with androgeny about the worst commercials not having music. As lame the ones with music are, they don't get on your nerves too much unless you have other people walking around reminding you of them all the time.
Dec 21, 2005 at 12:50 AM Post #20 of 23

Originally Posted by headchange4u
Those frikkin' Buger King commercials with that BK Guy CREEPS ME OUT, especially the one where the guy wakes up and the BK guy is in the bed with him.

That BK guy is just scary looking. He sorta reminds me of the clown doll in the movie Poltergeist.

Funny you mention that, I have a roomate that is literally terrified of the BK dude. In fact there was recently a new one (like 2 days ago) and when he saw it for the first time he screamed at the top of his lungs. Hilarious. He also seems to have a similar reaction whenever he sees a grey alien on tv/movie.

On another note, because of commercials I've recently cut down watching tv to almost none, I can't stand those damn commercials, still watch movies though.

Sorry I don't actually have anything to say about music either.
Dec 21, 2005 at 2:47 AM Post #22 of 23
Consider yourself lucky if you don't live in Texas. A couple of times a year we're blessed with a new truck commercial accompanied by 30 seconds of some popular C&W tune. Doesn't sound so bad, eh?

Perform the following:

Find a picture of a guy loading hay into the back of a pickup truck. Now stare at the picture while listening to the chorus from Bob Seger's "Like A Rock". Do this about 50 times a day. Everyday for 6 months. -Welcome to Texas!!!

I honestly don't know anybody in Texas that likes that song anymore.
Dec 21, 2005 at 8:35 PM Post #23 of 23

Originally Posted by Budley007
Find a picture of a guy loading hay into the back of a pickup truck. Now stare at the picture while listening to the chorus from Bob Seger's "Like A Rock". Do this about 50 times a day. Everyday for 6 months. -Welcome to Texas!!!

That may have been a southern regional commercial, because I feel the same way about it as you do and I'm not in Texas

I love seeing "old school" brand names trying to breathe life into their image by using hip hop and other popular musical genres.

(I think) Ivory soap had a spot where they were showing this hip new body wash and had some surprisingly urban sounds associated with it. It would have worked, except the commercial was a bunch of exquisitely clean, multicultural ladies on a stark, white background. The best thing is that I heard this commercial before I saw it. When I finally watched it, I was left shaking my head - "you mean THAT'S what they put to this music?? what the!?!?" (might be a reason why you don't see that commercial anymore)

Beyond all levels of crap commercials lie the worst of the worst - local spots. Not only are these commercials written by morons (or worse, the actual business owner), the audio/video is awful, too.


Originally Posted by acs236
"There she goes" being used to sell birth control pills still takes the cake in my book of ironic advertising campaigns.


You start to wonder if these people have any idea what they're really saying by using certain songs.

Kinda like people wanting to have "Every Breath You Take" by The Police sung at their wedding... or maybe "Possession" by Sarah Mclachlan...

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