Am I (sonically) blind
Dec 24, 2021 at 11:47 PM Post #31 of 186
And with bad advice like that, you'll lose money as well.
Hehe, no.....don’t try any amps or DAPs....noooooooooo. You are the Grinch of Head-Fi Christmas! Don’t even try any new IEMs......noooooo. Do you realize how ridiculous you sound?


He has only heard a limited range of gear. He needs to get out and test stuff for himself, nothing wrong with that. He already has some cables, just try gear! That’s all that’s needed!
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Dec 25, 2021 at 12:07 AM Post #33 of 186

Redcarmoose, are you familiar with the concept of the null test?

Right, the question is he doesn’t hear and difference from the small “test” group of IEMs. I’m not even bringing up the question of cables or amps doing anything. Reason being it actually is not proven one way or another. We can’t test everything. We can test a lot of parameters but not everything.

If we could test everything we wouldn’t actually need to listen to stuff. I sure hope your not referring to him not getting out and simply listening to gear? That would be ludicrous!
Dec 25, 2021 at 12:24 AM Post #34 of 186
Folks, calm down. I think we can agree that the transducers -- headphones or IEMs (or speakers) -- will have the widest range of different responses, and different ones will please different people. Some 'phones will improve with amps, some won't. The source DAP, in this digital era, had better be pretty good to start with, but perhaps has nuances as the price goes up; I'm fine with what I've got. Cables...well, unless they're defective, I don't think so. Others will come at me for that, probably.

Having heard lots of IEMS and headphones, it's pretty clear to me that different gear sounds different. Not everyone will listen the way we do here--and that's fine. What's important is the joy of music. If the OP is happy that's what's most important. Think of the earthly resources conserved with less manufacturing/consumption.
Dec 25, 2021 at 12:34 AM Post #35 of 186
Folks, calm down. I think we can agree that the transducers -- headphones or IEMs (or speakers) -- will have the widest range of different responses, and different ones will please different people. Some 'phones will improve with amps, some won't. The source DAP, in this digital era, had better be pretty good to start with, but perhaps has nuances as the price goes up; I'm fine with what I've got. Cables...well, unless they're defective, I don't think so. Others will come at me for that, probably.

Having heard lots of IEMS and headphones, it's pretty clear to me that different gear sounds different. Not everyone will listen the way we do here--and that's fine. What's important is the joy of music. If the OP is happy that's what's most important. Think of the earthly resources conserved with less manufacturing/consumption.
Right, but the OP could in theory trade out a few pieces of equipment and be zero money out of pocket. The trading of gear is what 1/2 of Head-Fi does. And yes, there may or may not be an improvement in trying new gear? But my guess is that there will be an improvement, but only the OP will be able to test that.

I have numerous quality IEMs that cost a small amount, and yes, they all sound (sometimes) very close to the same. It seems that at times there is a developed “color” or tone to a new IEM which causes it to become exciting. It truth there is many styles of listening just as there are variations of color on a color wheel.

With IEMs today there are thousands of sound signatures available, some closer to even and correct and some way off in character land.
Dec 25, 2021 at 2:48 AM Post #36 of 186
It was bait for the person who preferred "living in ignorance".
Well done there buddy, you must be proud👏

I am however not ‘living in ignorance’..but if I could turn back the clock and return to my old self? I’d do it in a heartbeat and leave all the audio nervosa by the wayside…but I can’t.
Dec 25, 2021 at 3:01 AM Post #37 of 186
It's amazing how people are so open to spending other people's money on things that won't help at all.
Dec 25, 2021 at 3:20 AM Post #38 of 186
Every single thread in Sound Science turns into a Cable/Amp debate! Lol.

Still because transducers create the biggest change, the OP needs to try a bunch!
It's amazing how people are so open to spending other people's money on things that won't help at all.
Dec 25, 2021 at 3:23 AM Post #39 of 186
Thank you for crapping up every thread with bad advice.
Dec 25, 2021 at 3:38 AM Post #40 of 186
Thank you for crapping up every thread with bad advice.
There are many sides to this argument. But with all the purchases over the years, many have found a progress which enabled them to feel they are listening to better gear. Just because you believe one thing doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s going to be true for everyone. Some may find benefits from different amps as well as cables, sources etc etc.

You have to realize it’s pretty silly to simply state that they shouldn’t even try it! Trying is free!

If there was proof positive about much of this stuff, the world would still go on with all styles of different purchases. One person finds some style of pleasure with one set up, another with another. I would like to put it into graphical form, but there is too many variables. Not everything can get measured and quantified, though we would like that it is. That is why we have to demo gear. And demo some more. That’s why a reviewer actually changes their mind back and fourth as to what is superior. There is no superior group of music listening equipment. But what there is is personal favorites. Even then personal favorites can change, but still we are in the ballpark of success. Often a slight tweak here or there will create realignment. Meaning a change of IEM tips, a different firmware in the DAP; there are numerous ways to get a new and possibly better sound.
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Dec 25, 2021 at 9:11 AM Post #42 of 186
Just making stuff up doesn’t qualify as a valid argument.
Dec 25, 2021 at 9:47 AM Post #43 of 186
The best way to listen is when your mind is relaxed and you actually don't try to compare against other IEM. Go through whole album, let your ears adjust to the sound and then suddenly switch to different IEM. When your head is busy trying to spot the difference, switching back and forth can leave you confused.

Difference between IEM can be huge and it is easy to slip into rabbit hole. Once I was very happy with cheap ear buds that comes phone, now apple airpods sounds grainy/bassy to me.

Bluetooth at least AAC codec is not there as wired connection. I have similar dongle as BTR5 and BT connection can not match USB DAC mode. It is very obvious with clear sounding IEM's
Dec 25, 2021 at 10:55 AM Post #44 of 186
You know how they have those cartoons where you’re supposed to spot ten differences between two images that look the same on first glance? Imagine how well you’d do spotting differences if you looked at one alone for an hour, then suddenly switch to looking at the second one all by itself.

…and that would be with visual memory which lasts much longer than auditory memory. The only way to compare similar things is to set them side by side and switch back and forth, directly comparing details to discern differences.
Dec 25, 2021 at 11:34 AM Post #45 of 186
You can't quickly switch back and forth on IEM quickly. Differences needs to be quite large to tell them apart, especially for non experienced ear. Once you listen to one IEM for extended sessions, switching to another one will make it easier to spot on how they differ. It becomes even more obvious once you listen to specific IEM exclusively and your brain adjusts to it's signature

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