ALO Audio Studio Six Reviews and Impressions Thread
Feb 21, 2018 at 6:50 PM Post #871 of 1,383
MelaVerde Quote: "I was looking for the RCA Red Base but of course I might have more luck finding a pink Unicorn; as usual any suggestion or advice is highly appreciated. BTW this thread is a well of knowledge and a shocker for my wallet."

MelaVerde, I fully understand and concur with your sentiments. I have good news for you, however.

It's actually not really necessary to source the most expensive/exotic/rare tubes in order to have the ST-6 play at a top-notch level of performance. IMHO, a good variety of affordable New Old Stock 6V6 family output tubes, and 6SN7 input tubes can be used to achieve 95% of the sonic performance the amplifier is capable of producing.

The selection of the 6V6 and 6SN7 tubes make the overwhelming contribution to the sound. The selection of the 5AR4 rectifier does also contribute to the sound but very much less so, and the 0B2 regulators make very little contribution at all.

So, I'd recommend staying with the stock 5AR4 and 0B2 tubes, and experimenting only with the 6V6 and 6SN7 tubes --at least initially.

There are a number of positive reports from ST-6 users using some of the more expensive/exotic current-manufacture 6SN7 tubes etc, but I'd caution leaping into such expenses until first trying some more modestly priced quality 1940's through 1960's tubes.

*Additional Note: there were some very good military and/or industrial quality 6V6 type tubes manufactured up into the 1980's. A good example are the Philips ECG JAN 6V6GT tubes, which are a very attractive choice. FYI: Head-fier/ Studio-Six owner longbowbbs brought these tubes to my awareness.

I hope that helps.

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Feb 21, 2018 at 7:19 PM Post #872 of 1,383
MelaVerde Quote: "Tonight after coming home from work and turned on my SS I found the 6SN7 tube black inside, although still working, so it seems, I am concern that it might either deteriorate my listening experience or prematurely die. It does not have many hours on it I would say 200 at the most and the amp is under warranty I have included pictures of the tube and the system. Can anyone shed some light and educate me on what is the issue and my next step? Appreciated is everyone knowledge and support."

Hello MelaVerde,

Let me first apologize to you: I have been away from this forum, and somehow I failed to see your question regarding the visual appearance of your 6SN7 tube.

From the photo you've shared, it would appear the dark spot in your tube is simply the normal 'getter', which is a layer of compounds deposited on the inside of a tube envelope during the manufacturing process intended to absorb any residual gas/ contaminants within the tube remaining after the tube is evacuated.

When/if a tube starts to fail by leaking, the 'getter' will begin to turn white or gray in color, as opposed to the normal metallic look as seen on your tube.

It's quite likely you simply did not notice the 'getter' initially --totally understandable.

I hope your Studio-Six is working well, and sounding good :wink:

Please, do not hesitate to Private Message me directly should you have any problems etc, I'm glad to help.

Again, sorry for the delayed response. I'm presently preparing for a 600 mile move to California, and so my attention to this forum has been sporadic.

All the best!
Dear TomSix,

no apologies are needed and I appreciate the follow up to my question. As I stated I am very ignorant in regards of tubes so you can understand my apprehension as my 6SN7 was displaying the dark spot from the inside; as far as I can tell no changes in sound can be perceived, so beside a purely cosmetics blemish nothing is worrying me at all. Thank you for your clear explanation on the reason behind the coloration. I will replace it with something different as I am preparing myself to the journey of tubes rolling, I was looking for the Northern Electric 6SN7 from Canada, any thoughts, at your earliest convenience, would be appreciated. I will receive the phono pre-amp tomorrow and excited to see both together.

Good luck with your move to California, I did mine from Italy 19 years ago to Seattle and later on to South Carolina, still have some boxes unopened from both trips!!! The StudioSix is my first tube amp as I grew up with solid state in the 80's, thanks again for your kind offer for PM I will use it only in case of extreme necessity or anxiety, it is a pleasure being part of such great group of music enthusiasts.

Best regards
Feb 21, 2018 at 7:59 PM Post #873 of 1,383

Nice to hear your feedback --thank you.

I appreciate your enthusiasm for the Studio-Six system. The unit has been on the market continuously since June 2013, and a very dedicated group of owner/users has formed. This has been humbling and gratifying.

As you have probably discovered, a number of quite experienced headphone enthusiasts contribute to this thread, and the level of friendliness and helpfulness is high.

Personally, I hesitate to make too many specific tube rolling recommendations beyond general guidelines. The reason being two-fold: there is a high level of subjectivity/personal taste in the equation; and also there are experienced ST-6 tube rollers in this thread who have very good recommendations.

Unfortunately, I don't personally have experience with the Northern Electric tubes you mention.

FYI: The ST-6 tube rolling experiences and recommendations of both Currawong and longbowbbs , in particular, are quite helpful, and their posts in this thread contain lots of good information,

I will "stick my neck out" a bit though, and suggest that you perhaps obtain a pair of the Philips ECG JAN 6V6GT tubes. I feel you can't go wrong giving those a try.

BTW: I wager you're going to enjoy the Studio-Six phono stage. As long as your phono cartridge is within the 1mV to 10mV rated output range, the results should be splendid.

Keep us posted!
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Feb 27, 2018 at 1:27 PM Post #874 of 1,383
New Marconi 6V6G, impressions will follow in the next couple of days!!!!!
Mar 9, 2018 at 6:47 AM Post #877 of 1,383
I've decided to jump on the Studio Six train and ordered one from my local dealer. I'm complete noob to tubes and this would be my first tube amp, was hoping to get advice on which tubes should I look to change in the future. I'm planing to use the S6 with my Utopia's and was hoping to get an increase in warmth and sound stage as the Utopia lack in both aspects for me but everything else already sounds stellar. Any suggestions would be great. TYIA!

Cheers :beerchug:
Mar 9, 2018 at 7:02 AM Post #878 of 1,383
I've decided to jump on the Studio Six train and ordered one from my local dealer. I'm complete noob to tubes and this would be my first tube amp, was hoping to get advice on which tubes should I look to change in the future. I'm planing to use the S6 with my Utopia's and was hoping to get an increase in warmth and sound stage as the Utopia lack in both aspects for me but everything else already sounds stellar. Any suggestions would be great. TYIA!

Cheers :beerchug:

I have never heard the Utopia headphones myself, but have read many good things about them. What other headphones have you compared to, that excel in those areas you have found lacking with the Utopia ? Just wanted to keep this short, since the thread is about Alo Audio Studio Six amp.
You can send a pm if you want to, so we don't spoil the thread.
Mar 9, 2018 at 9:38 AM Post #879 of 1,383
THe S6 works beautifully with any pair of reference headphones I have used, including the Utopia’s. The amp is particularly well suited for the Sennheiser HD800’s. Great synergy.
Mar 9, 2018 at 1:18 PM Post #880 of 1,383
THe S6 works beautifully with any pair of reference headphones I have used, including the Utopia’s. The amp is particularly well suited for the Sennheiser HD800’s. Great synergy.

I am torn between the HD800S and the Audeze LCD-3 as I would like to complement my listening experience with something different from my Foster TH900MK2, I am heavily into traditional jazz and vocal jazz, blues is something I am getting exposed too, do you have any insight or guidance on which will be more suited for my amp/music combo? I understand it is very subjective but unfortunately I live way too far from any place that offer an opportunity to audition either of my selection. Thank you Kindly for any help and guidance you can provide in the selection process. BTW I am also considering the Focal Clear but have not found much of how it performs with the SS.

Best Regards
Mar 9, 2018 at 1:32 PM Post #881 of 1,383

you are right it is a subjective thing. Also, to be fair, I have not been a fan of the LCD 2 or 3. I love the LCD-X though and it is my Planar Magnetic open reference. Power wise the S6 has no trouble with low impedance headphones. I do love the LCD-X's with Jazz too. I enjoy Jazz with them more than I do the Sennheiser's. The Sennheiser's are amazing with female vocals. One track, Use Me, by Vanessa Fernandez would be an interesting one to use for comparing dynamic and Planar Magnetic as she has incredible vocal skills and the track is a Jazz combo in a wonderfully miked space. You may wish to try that song (and album!) and see if it helps you determine your personal preferences with the S6.
Mar 9, 2018 at 1:39 PM Post #882 of 1,383
How do you like the Marconi? I had the chance to get a pair of those at the local tube shop but the Marconi failed so I exchanged for something else.


after few hours on it I start to like them very much. Initially I thought that the SS with the standard tubes sounded good but a little sterile or lifeless if you will, as I invested in a tube amp, coming from the Hugo TT which I now use strictly as DAC, I was expecting a more warm and liquid sound rather than the more precise and analytical that I was getting. Some of the sibilance of my Fostex TH900MK2 is gone, my beloved Sade sound more natural and inviting, the bottom end of the Mark Knopfler guitar in Brothers in Arms has a more lower register and control. The downside, in my modest opinion, is the soundstage or the reduction of, it seems to me to be smaller narrower if you will, in some instances I miss some of the openers of the previous setup but in the other hand it does make some of my small jazz assembles sounds like they are performing in an empty and reverberating auditorium instead of a smoky small club.

The attack and release on the drums seems slower too, while before it felt quick and sharp with a great sense of size on the instrument now it feels a little slower and constrained. You will have to forgive me if I failed to convey my impressions but I am neither a good writer and English is not my first language, I hope what I said make in somehow sense. I am sorry they did not work out for you but I believe these tube deserve a place in the SS if properly paired with a more revealing 6SN7, I am thinking to try a Northern Electric in this regard or something else but here your greater experience and knowledge can fill the gap I left in my sentence.

Best regards,
Mar 9, 2018 at 1:42 PM Post #883 of 1,383
Classy! If they sound anywhere near as good as they look --then you're in business
Tom see some impression in my reply to fhuang post in regards to the Marconi tubes, I will try the Phillips in the near future and report back. Thanks again for all you do for this forum it is rare to see the product designer being so engaged with he users community.

Mar 9, 2018 at 1:50 PM Post #884 of 1,383
I've decided to jump on the Studio Six train and ordered one from my local dealer. I'm complete noob to tubes and this would be my first tube amp, was hoping to get advice on which tubes should I look to change in the future. I'm planing to use the S6 with my Utopia's and was hoping to get an increase in warmth and sound stage as the Utopia lack in both aspects for me but everything else already sounds stellar. Any suggestions would be great. TYIA!

Cheers :beerchug:
Great choice and congrats on the purchase, this forum is full of great knowledge and precious and valuable information, reading from the begin really provide an amazing source of answer to question that noob like myself was seeking, some members have, with their early adoption and experience, really paved a great path to enjoyment and fun with this astonishing piece of art.
Mar 19, 2018 at 2:05 PM Post #885 of 1,383
Has anyone tried to use the GZ37 CV378 Philips/Mullard as replacement for the current GZ34 / 5AR4? Are the G37 and GZ 34 compatible? I am looking at one NOS Mullard GZ37 from the 1960 as replacement of my current stock JJ. I am currently running two Marconi 6V6 and a GE-Ken Rad 6SN7GT Black Plates 1949, the latest has brought back balance tot he SS after the Marconi introduced a little narrow soundstage but amazing smooth, "tuby" sound. Any feedback from the forum and its amazing and knowledgeable members is highly appreciated.

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