Aliexpress Cables
Aug 13, 2022 at 12:32 AM Post #466 of 4,456
@cdacosta a few questions / brainstorming for my incoming Furutech Nano Liquid. If I should apply it to both sides connections, what should I use to apply it into the female contacts? Maybe a cotton q-tip would leave flakes behind. That would probably be the same thing I was thinking to use for cleaning the contacts beforehand though. Not sure what else is soft, small and firm enough to clean the likes of radio tube pins, per say.

And did you say I'm likely to hear a difference straight away or does it take a burn-in period? If so, I assume higher voltage connections luke AC would burn in faster. I think you posted more recommendations earlier, but I can't seem to find that post.
I disagree with Doug, apply to both connections. Only applicator you will use is the included brush, do not use anything else as a applicator. I will see if I can find the post in this thread where I detailed exactly how to clean/prep connection and then treat with Nano Liquid.
Aug 13, 2022 at 12:38 AM Post #467 of 4,456
Just ordered 3 of these and I have no idea what they are supposed to do other than in the description....LOL but at 10 bucks a pop how could you not? I like it too because it reminds me of some kind of firework!

Screenshot 2022-08-13 001945.jpg
I'm calling in skeptical hippo on that one but interested to see if it makes any difference.

Then again, I bought these carbon fiber discs and vibration absorption thingies to see if they make any difference. It would probably help if I did one at a time but I put them all on all at once.

There was a small bit of a noticeable increase in the stage and depth, and it sounds more airy. Was thinking about getting the spikes for the ares ii but can't figure out how to get the feet off.

Aug 13, 2022 at 12:40 AM Post #468 of 4,456
Look at the below video on Furutech's website showing how to apply the Nano Liquid. Clearly shows you apply to "both" contact surfaces. After using the product I would recommend an even lighter coat than they show in the the video. Be sure to clean both contact surfaces with isopropyl alcohol before applying the Nano Liquid. You can use a cotton swab (Q-tip) or paper towel for cleaning but not applying the Nano Liquid.
Aug 13, 2022 at 12:44 AM Post #469 of 4,456
@cdacosta a few questions / brainstorming for my incoming Furutech Nano Liquid. If I should apply it to both sides connections, what should I use to apply it into the female contacts? Maybe a cotton q-tip would leave flakes behind. That would probably be the same thing I was thinking to use for cleaning the contacts beforehand though. Not sure what else is soft, small and firm enough to clean the likes of radio tube pins, per say.

And did you say I'm likely to hear a difference straight away or does it take a burn-in period? If so, I assume higher voltage connections luke AC would burn in faster. I think you posted more recommendations earlier, but I can't seem to find that post.
Sorry forgot to answer your burn-in question. You will hear a difference immediately but will roll off the top end a bit and mask some resolution until at least 72 hours of signal through the connection. Then it will open up.
Aug 13, 2022 at 1:12 AM Post #470 of 4,456
A few more tips regarding the application of Nano Liquid...

1) Shake the bottle side to side for about 20 seconds before starting any treatment or application.

2) The liquid is very thin. One way to tell if you applied too much is if the liquid starts running. To remedy this just brush over surface and the brush will pick up some of the liquid. You want to apply a very thin coat.

3) In the video of Furutech's website shows them using inside top of the bottle to remove excess liquid from brush. You want to use this technique to remove enough of the liquid off the brush until there is almost nothing left on the brush. Once you do this a few times you will understand what I am suggesting here.

4) If you were like me and wanted to know what the audible effect of treating a mechanical contact is... treat one or two contacts first. Then listen. Maybe even let the Nano Liquid break-in or newly formed connection settle in. The first connection I tried it on was the headphone cable. Applied to the amp's balanced contacts, headphone, headphone cable's three contact points (balanced connector, and connectors to the headphone). When I listened after application I was shocked. The rest is history.

5) Make a list of where you applied the Nano Liquid. This way you can see where you have not applied it. Possibly make notes of what you hear. Trust me when I say you will "want to treat all connections" after you "hear" what the Nano Liquid does. By documenting where you have applied the Nano Liquid, it is possible for you to take a picture and post it. I can help with ideas of where else to treat.
Aug 13, 2022 at 1:33 AM Post #471 of 4,456
A few more tips regarding the application of Nano Liquid...

1) Shake the bottle side to side for about 20 seconds before starting any treatment or application.

2) The liquid is very thin. One way to tell if you applied too much is if the liquid starts running. To remedy this just brush over surface and the brush will pick up some of the liquid. You want to apply a very thin coat.

3) In the video of Furutech's website shows them using inside top of the bottle to remove excess liquid from brush. You want to use this technique to remove enough of the liquid off the brush until there is almost nothing left on the brush. Once you do this a few times you will understand what I am suggesting here.

4) If you were like me and wanted to know what the audible effect of treating a mechanical contact is... treat one or two contacts first. Then listen. Maybe even let the Nano Liquid break-in or newly formed connection settle in. The first connection I tried it on was the headphone cable. Applied to the amp's balanced contacts, headphone, headphone cable's three contact points (balanced connector, and connectors to the headphone). When I listened after application I was shocked. The rest is history.

5) Make a list of where you applied the Nano Liquid. This way you can see where you have not applied it. Possibly make notes of what you hear. Trust me when I say you will "want to treat all connections" after you "hear" what the Nano Liquid does. By documenting where you have applied the Nano Liquid, it is possible for you to take a picture and post it. I can help with ideas of where else to treat.

If I apply on Headphone jack, which I keep plugging and unplugging every day, does liquid still remain on jack or I have reapply again?
Aug 13, 2022 at 1:48 AM Post #472 of 4,456
If I apply on Headphone jack, which I keep plugging and unplugging every day, does liquid still remain on jack or I have reapply again?
Only downside is if you unplug and plug after several times you will need to reapply. I confirmed this with Furutech. I emailed them and asked them a lot of questions while I was waiting for the Nano Liquid to arrive from VH Audio. Only thing they told me that was BS was they said no break-in was required.
Aug 13, 2022 at 1:50 AM Post #473 of 4,456
If I apply on Headphone jack, which I keep plugging and unplugging every day, does liquid still remain on jack or I have reapply again?
It wears off if you are constantly plugging and unplugging, you'll be able to tell because if you reapply it, the sound changes.
Aug 14, 2022 at 7:28 AM Post #474 of 4,456
So I think I've had another breakthrough with my burn in...The mids were sounding way too forward. I know it was the cables because suddenly all my IEM's sounded that way, but after a few days of that, the mids are becoming more and more transparent with no more 'forwardness'...sound over all is definitly settling down. I have 770 hours on my first Odin2 cable, thats on the AresII dac, the other 2 power cables have 360 and 300 hours on them, they are on the Jot2 and PC, the XLR Gold has 150 hours of signal and the Odin USB cable has about 75 hours of signal...
Aug 15, 2022 at 2:28 AM Post #477 of 4,456
Here is a quick update of my system with many of these clone Nordost Odin 2 and Odin Gold cables. It is safe to say that all the cables are burned in by now.

Approx. time of signal through the individual cables:
- Odin Gold power cable - 770 hours
- Odin 2 power cable - 1900 hours
- Odin Ethernet cable - 1600 hours
- Odin 2 SPDIF coax w/RCA - 2000 hours
- Odin 2 XLR balanced interconnects - 1400 hours

Take in consideration I do EQ my headphone setup. But I have not adjusted any settings since before starting with all of the above cables. Here is a general list of what the characteristics of the mix of cables in the system bring or do not. Judged mainly off of Tidal, genres being Jazz, rock and fast EDM...

- Any HF glare during break in is gone. But if the recording is poor or hot it is obvious. Put another way, will not hide a poor recording.
- PRAT is fairly quick but not weird or off feeling. With this much silver in the chain this is a bit smoother than I would have expected.
- Does offer a very exciting and dynamic presentation.
- Presentation is balanced. Although bottom end to upper frequencies have been extended, no real tilt toward any frequency range.
- Timbre is a bit better than good, not exceptional. But then again I would never expect exceptional timbre at this price point or without more high end copper in the chain.
- Excellent detail retrieval across frequency spectrum.
- Sound stage and separation is very good. I have heard better, but not anywhere near this price point.
- Male and female vocals and midrange in general are very good.
- To get the above attributes the system does move a bit toward neutral.

Overall pretty good, exceptional for the money. Really good for movies from HBO Max, Netflix or Disney +.
Aug 15, 2022 at 3:35 AM Post #478 of 4,456
Regarding the cables...

Listening to fast EDM on Tidal while doing some research. Not at a high volume, I would say medium volume. Two things I am noticing. One is the bass is very authoritative, I can feel the vibration in my ankles and feet which is kind of trippy. Every been to a club or rave? You can hear sound from 360 degrees with notes floating in the air, meaning all around you, on a vertical and horizontal axis. So the stage is very deep (cannot feel there is a barrier or ending of the stage), 360 degrees and also tall. Sounds like this. Now I think it is my DAC that is producing this effect but the cabling is allowing it to all come through with really cool decay and floating of many sounds across the sound stage 360 degrees around me. Kind of trippy and cool.
Aug 15, 2022 at 9:08 AM Post #479 of 4,456
The mids are clearing up now. I moved the cables around; I put the oldest cable on my amp, that seems to be the most sensitive component. The Odin Gold power cable should be here in about a week, I will swap out the PC cable when that one comes.
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Aug 15, 2022 at 6:45 PM Post #480 of 4,456
Incoming today was my first knockoff package. Gold Odin AC cable and THIS THING LOOKS LEGIT!!! Built like a tank, b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l and a show stopper. Looks and feels like $10,000.00 (but was only $79)!! Maybe they accidentally gave me the a real Nordost Odin Audiophile cable :):darthsmile:


From the feel of it, I speculate what they said is true about its taking advantage of hollow interior, maybe for some sonic benefit or isolation of some sort. Mine says Odin Gold on the wood blocks and Odin 2 on the connectors in white lettering... wonder how that makes mine stack up with others around here?

I plugged it in from the wall outlet to my Furman power conditioner that's central for my entire rig, just for burn-in and as recommended from someone here would make a difference. And I am astonished to say it LOOKS LIKE THEY WERE RIGHT! (I think @cdacosta .) Just an informal listen on budget room speakers so far, but it seems the sound I'm getting straight from the off is more realistic and plush with drums sound more like drums including some sort of nice wooden texture type quality to them.

Also in the center is my High Quality HiFi Audio Cable Ground Loop Noise Isolator's. Surprised at how small they are, and will try them soon.

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