AirPods Max
Dec 16, 2020 at 5:54 PM Post #541 of 5,632
And I feel like a loft of the sonic magic is happening via the signal processing within the apm so. It would be really interesting to see if somebody would hack these so the drives can be hooked up to a normal analogue source and do a sound comparison to the processed sound.
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Dec 16, 2020 at 6:03 PM Post #543 of 5,632
I do have to say that the Digital Crown is an absolute master stroke, very intuitive and much easier to work out than any other control system I’ve used.

a bit rubbish if you’re left handed though maybe?
Dec 16, 2020 at 6:07 PM Post #544 of 5,632
I do have to say that the Digital Crown is an absolute master stroke, very intuitive and much easier to work out than any other control system I’ve used.

a bit rubbish if you’re left handed though maybe?
I'm a southpaw and it doesn't bother me. Though I do wonder why they are not ear agnostic or at least user selectable. Seems like when wireless, it should be something that you could change easily via software.
Dec 16, 2020 at 6:16 PM Post #545 of 5,632
I am no Apple fanboy, but they deserve their reputation, IMO. In general, they make (really) great tech products. Not everything they touch turns to gold, but more often than not, the stuff that rolls off the highly-lauded assembly line are top-notch in both performance and build.

They rarely roll out a product that hasn't been over-analyzed and over-tested over an extended period of time by a pack of tech fanatics.

Compare that approach to many consumer electronics companies who just throw half-baked products at the market to see what sticks.
Dec 16, 2020 at 6:44 PM Post #546 of 5,632
Oops I didn’t catch Crinicle testing his phone from an Android device, would have said something about it. AAC just isn’t handled well on Android.

This thread getting tons of guest views should be no surprise, anything Apple does gets all the mainstream attention and I’m sure people are now scouring the ‘net for more info on these cans. Seems logical they would end up on a audiophile enthusiast forum talking about this very thing.
Dec 16, 2020 at 6:52 PM Post #547 of 5,632
According to CNET Apple had prototypes of AirPods Max that would have cost upwards of $1,000 once they reached production.

I don’t have an issue with the $549 price in itself, I just would have expected more than a conventional headphone design with a premium build to justify it on paper. Now that reviews are starting to be released, it does seem that more critics than not are feeling that the price is justified and that the audio quality is approaching high-end territory.

I am familiar with Apple‘s approach to pricing, which is to design the product first then price it accordingly. I think they made the right call by deciding that $1,000+ headphones would be too niche. Still, this feels like a luxury product/status symbol first and foremost when positioned on the consumer market.
Dec 16, 2020 at 6:55 PM Post #548 of 5,632
Having. the APM for 2 days now. I have to say I'm very impressed by the sound quality and how easy it connects to my MacBook and iPhone. The treble can be a bit harsh on some tracks. Bass can be too boomy with no texture. Female vocals so sound thin at times.

It's a keeper for me.
Dec 16, 2020 at 7:00 PM Post #549 of 5,632
This thread getting tons of guest views should be no surprise, anything Apple does gets all the mainstream attention and I’m sure people are now scouring the ‘net for more info on these cans. Seems logical they would end up on a audiophile enthusiast forum talking about this very thing.

Well many moons ago, I got my start here asking about addiems way back when. Now I have some Audeze and eyeing this and some custom JH Laylas to round off my set.

So it’s possible that the APM introduces new blood into the mid-fi market

That said I’ll likely dump my NC 700 for this ...I already have Apple as a source and Laylas as my hi-fi so...
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Dec 16, 2020 at 7:10 PM Post #550 of 5,632
While I agree soundstage is nothing to rave about in audio mode, I don't hear imaging as being totally off, do you have an example?

I wouldn’t say totally off, but there were a couple of tracks that I use as part of my audio test playlist that are pretty focused on imaging. From my listening notes:

King Oliver, "Memphis Soul Stew" *Master* This is one of the great spatial tracks of all time. Kind of made for showcasing these headphones (although good wired setups do the job even better. Apple's algorithm doesn't quite get everything right). On really good wired headphones, each of the different instruments in this song is very well placed; with the APM, they move around a little bit in weird ways. Also, there is a weird audio glitch on every version of this recording that I have ever heard (a momentary dropout on one recording channel that I'm almost positive is in the original master), and I wasn't able to hear it with these headphones, which is strange.

Duke Ellington/Count Basie, "Jumpin' at the Woodside" First off, how is this not available in MQA?? However, this song does do a nice job of showcasing the spatial sound of these cans. You can totally hear how the different orchestras are playing together. Mids and some part of the highs are just a tiny bit veiled, though. On most gear, some of the horn work in this song is almost too bright, it cuts like a knife through the wall of sound. Not happening here. Also, during the climax of the song, when everyone is going full bore, the sound just breaks down and the positioning and definition go to crap. I think this was the first song where I actively thought the APMs failed.
Dec 16, 2020 at 7:27 PM Post #551 of 5,632
If I want the best quality playback wirelessly should I be putting lossless files (ALAC) on my phone? Will that make a difference?

I'm normally just putting V0 MP3s on my phone for regular AirPod usage...

Dec 16, 2020 at 7:31 PM Post #552 of 5,632
Anybody buying these who's got affordable planar closed backs like the old Oppo pm-3? If it's within the same basic realm of sound quality, I'd definitely consider these for the tech functions (ANC & spacial audio). They'd have to replace the role my Oppo's have taken on as my travel/closed back headphone though. Would love to hear that take (ideally from someone testing using Apple devices as a source).

I have my old PM3s somewhere around here, although as I recall, I really preferred to listen to those with the HA-2 amp. I’d have to dig that setup out of a box (haven’t listened to them since I moved at the beginning of this year). Will try to do that sometime in the next couple of days, I want to put these things through their paces in the next week so that I can decide whether they’re going back by end of year.
Dec 16, 2020 at 7:34 PM Post #553 of 5,632
I will returning the APM tomorrow.

The no so good or bad:
- After only 30 minutes I start feeling discomfort in my ears, isn't exactly the clamping aspect but I'm feeling strange pressure and this is too happening in the top of my head; and my ears are getting a little hot and starting little sweat too. With my h95 I can wearing for many hours and don't having all this problems.

When I first put them on I thought they were fine. But after a few hours I was really feeling it. Pressure at the top of the cups behind my temple, and also on the head. When I put them on again this morning I felt it right away... almost like I’d never taken them off. They Beyer 177x Go feel like pillows in comparison (but way bulkier with no ANC).

I think they‘ll have to go back as well. I was happy with them sound wise. Case is stupid though and the cups that slam together is also not great.
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Dec 16, 2020 at 7:36 PM Post #554 of 5,632
I’m curious, can anyone do a comparison of the AirPods Max vs the HD6XX/650?

I ordered a pair of APMs and that brought me back into the audiophile mindset, which I had been out of for years. That got the ball rolling and made me order the 6XX from Drop.

So now I have both an APM and a 6XX on order.

I’m wondering if both are worthwhile or if the APM is good enough to obviate the need for the Senns. Should I cancel the 6XX order or is it still worth having in addition to the APM?
Dec 16, 2020 at 7:39 PM Post #555 of 5,632
Went to the Apple store, cash in hand, after seeing the store had 1 space grey listed as available in-store... arrived only to see someone buy it before my eyes...

Got to try them though, and they’re lovely headphones. Does not compare to some of my expensive headphones - but wow that build quality and comfort is top tier!

Sound isn’t as “Hi-Fi” as the Airpods Pro, but they’re not terrible, and sound fun with anything you throw at em :)

They sound pretty dark, but still very detailed and decent dynamics

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