AD2000/HA01 or W5000/HA20
Jul 29, 2006 at 2:23 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 45


100+ Head-Fier
Apr 16, 2005
Hi guys, I am kinda confused between the two, I have a budget of 1K and I figure both of these combos are good and would cost me around the same price, but which 1 should i pick? These will be my first Headphone purchase so please point to the right direction so i get hooked to headfi
. anways i will be using them on notebook so I guess i need to buy a DAC aswell and I am considering Zhaolu 2.0.

AD2000/Ha01 or W5000/Ha20, or any other good combos u know that cost around $1k budget that are as good as these?, what would you get for 1k if you were in my place?
Jul 29, 2006 at 2:30 PM Post #2 of 45
I am not very familier with AT amps but I would go for the AD2000 with the nicer amp, since the AD2000 is susposed to sound just as good if not better than the W5000 in some areas (soundstage, imaging, less coloration).
Jul 29, 2006 at 2:37 PM Post #3 of 45

Originally Posted by 003
I am not very familier with AT amps but I would go for the AD2000 with the nicer amp, since the AD2000 is susposed to sound just as good if not better than the W5000 in some areas (soundstage, imaging, less coloration).

Can u plz name any good amps that do good with Ad2k, thx
Jul 29, 2006 at 2:39 PM Post #4 of 45
Well I really dont know, I have never actually heard the AD2000, but I really want to. When I said nicer amp, I meant the nicer of the two you were looking at.
Jul 29, 2006 at 2:54 PM Post #5 of 45
Any "high current" amp will be good for the low impedance AD2Ks or the W5Ks. The first example is the AT-HA5000 which is out of your price range for now. Probably the HA-01 from Higher Fidility will be one to consider if you can extend you range to cover the cost of this with shipping would be somewhere around 600$. A couple of people around here have ordered this amp sometime last week and should be about ready to recieve them and report on them. I am waiting for these reports. They are reported to have been designed with the ATH headphones in mind. There is one thread about these here.

Check out post #31 and #31 for those who have ordered these units. One stated his price was 615$. There are pictures for these there as well.

"High current" amps are those which should be able to double when the impedance level doubles from 16 ohms up to 600 ohms for something to look for in an amp spec. If doubling is not part of the spec I would suppect that it would not be "high current" capable.
Jul 29, 2006 at 3:05 PM Post #6 of 45
I hardly doubt the AD2000 has a better soundstage and imaging than the W5000. Without having heard it myself; from the posts i gathered here it might have a wider soundstage but is more upfront. It has flat drivers too which are very close to your ears, the W5000 has angled drivers.
Jul 29, 2006 at 3:08 PM Post #7 of 45
I know my W5000 have a great soundstage but I would suggest an open mind since almost everyone (as I remember) who have both have said that the AD2k's is at least as good in soundstage as the W5Ks.


Originally Posted by bizkid
I hardly doubt the AD2000 has a better soundstage and imaging than the W5000. Without having heard it myself; from the posts i gathered here it might have a wider soundstage but is more upfront. It has flat drivers too which are very close to your ears, the W5000 has angled drivers.

Jul 29, 2006 at 4:27 PM Post #8 of 45
Having owned both the AD2000 and W5000 I can tell you they sound very different indeed. The AD2000 has a very full and rounded sound with plenty of bass bordering on bloated for my taste. The W5000 has is much faster, leaner more detailed presentation and although the bass is less in quantity, the quality is outstanding. Both of these phones can sound pretty good without amplification, so my advice would be to spend the money on the phones first and worry about the amplification once you decide you like them.
Jul 29, 2006 at 4:30 PM Post #9 of 45
What about headphones like SA5000/HD650/K701 are they a tier below or should i consider buying one of those instead of Ad2000/W5000? and plz any comparison between them would be really greatly appriciated.
Jul 29, 2006 at 4:43 PM Post #10 of 45
If you can't audition them, why not get one of each and sale/return the ones you don't enjoy afterward. This is the only way to make for certain that you will be getting the sound you want.

Objectively, you can't miss with any of these headphones. They all are very good and each has its own supporters. Each also has a synergy with amplification that is essential to maximizing their sound production.

Any preferrences stated around here are just guides, not final conclusions as to the reality of the situation. These are things you have to figure out on your own. Whatever one of us around here says, you are the final arbiter for what you really enjoy.

Edit: Maybe another option is to buy one and start an exchange program with someone that is willing (NIMBY) to part with theirs for yours.


Originally Posted by gunman_csz
What about headphones like SA5000/HD650/K701 are they a tier below or should i consider buying one of those instead of Ad2000/W5000? and plz any comparison between them would be really greatly appriciated.

Jul 29, 2006 at 4:57 PM Post #11 of 45

Originally Posted by gunman_csz
What about headphones like SA5000/HD650/K701 are they a tier below...

Absolutely not. The cans listed are absolutely tier 2 headphones just like the ATs. Tier 1 headphones are for the truly lost
Jul 29, 2006 at 8:22 PM Post #12 of 45
You mentioned you'd need to get a source eventually: For that reason, I suggest you get a Lavry DA10 and use its headphone jack, which works very well for low impedance headphones. I'm currently using it with the SA5000, and I'm thinking it sounds fantastic. Slwiser can comment on how it sounds with the W5000, in comparison with the HA5000.

Also, he suggested that you find someone who will promise to trade with you if you don't like the headphones you choose. If you get the AD2000 and don't like them, I'd be willing to trade you my SA5000 + cash for them. Just PM me. The W5000 looks great as well, but unfortunately I don't have the cash to make up the difference there, so you'd have to either find someone else to trade with or take a hit trading with me. Have a good day!
Jul 29, 2006 at 8:53 PM Post #13 of 45

Originally Posted by slwiser
If you can't audition them, why not get one of each and sale/return the ones you don't enjoy afterward. This is the only way to make for certain that you will be getting the sound you want.

First I cant audition stuff because I live in middle-east and there arent any highend headphones availabel here. If I told ppl here that there are headphones worth more than $100, the will laught at me
. Second the exchange thingi wont work because paypal accounts are not availabel to ppl who live here so it would be so inconvieneit and nearly possible to transfer money and also shipping.Third I dont have enoguh to buy multiple headphones to compare each other, so this like a do or die situation where I have to just get it right or live with the bad desicion.

So any1 can mention a killing combo for near $1000 that would be awesome, a headphone or setup that best represents the Audiophiles and if u do have any of these headphones could just describe them or compare if you have others too.


Originally Posted by steaxauce
You mentioned you'd need to get a source eventually: For that reason, I suggest you get a Lavry DA10 and use its headphone jack, which works very well for low impedance headphones. I'm currently using it with the SA5000, and I'm thinking it sounds fantastic. Slwiser can comment on how it sounds with the W5000, in comparison with the HA5000

I thought Lavry DA10 was Dac, does it also have builtin Amp? or have i got it completely wrong?
Jul 29, 2006 at 9:43 PM Post #14 of 45

Originally Posted by gunman_csz
I thought Lavry DA10 was Dac, does it also have builtin Amp? or have i got it completely wrong?

The Lavry is primarily a DAC, but it does have a built in headphone amplifier. I've heard that the amplifier doesn't work very well for high impedance headphones, but that it is very good low impedance headphones like ATs and Sonys. It does indeed drive my SA5000 very well.

If you wanted to trade, I could just send you a check or something with my headphones, and shipping isn't too bad. I've sold a few items overseas.
Jul 29, 2006 at 10:53 PM Post #15 of 45
The Lavry DA10 is a very good DAC with a very good Amp. The problem for you is that it cost upwards of over 900$ without having a headphone.

This would be the best that you can do with that limit:

This is a speical on right now.


Originally Posted by gunman_csz
First I cant audition stuff because I live in middle-east and there arent any highend headphones availabel here. If I told ppl here that there are headphones worth more than $100, the will laught at me
. Second the exchange thingi wont work because paypal accounts are not availabel to ppl who live here so it would be so inconvieneit and nearly possible to transfer money and also shipping.Third I dont have enoguh to buy multiple headphones to compare each other, so this like a do or die situation where I have to just get it right or live with the bad desicion.

So any1 can mention a killing combo for near $1000 that would be awesome, a headphone or setup that best represents the Audiophiles and if u do have any of these headphones could just describe them or compare if you have others too.

I thought Lavry DA10 was Dac, does it also have builtin Amp? or have i got it completely wrong?


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