Oct 6, 2012 at 1:49 AM Post #3 of 5
I've been using my latest cans, the Beyerdynamic DT 770 Pros (250 Ohms), for a few months now, and they've been preforming amazingly for me. The v-shaped sound really fits my genres and the overall construction makes them super comfortable. However, the sound still leaves a bit to be desired. I've been using it both with and without my Fiio E10. While it's a solid sounding can, the mids are a tad too recessed, the sound feels a little confined, and more detail would be nice. I can go for both an open or closed can, although closed is preferred (as a student there will always be some scenarios where I need the sound to be contained). My main genres are EDM and Alt Rock, but I also listen to Reggae and Jazz. I'm a bass lover, but I prefer deep and detailed with a little bit of punch instead of over-emphasis. Recessed mids are fine, but should not be overly so. I can buy a new amp/dac if I need to. My budget is $300 USD, but I could stretch it up to $500 if more expensive headphones are worth it. They can be circumaural or supraaural. Fire away! Cheers :)
P.S. Sorry for not posting in the recommendations thread :p
In MalVeauX we trust.

Maybe the Denon AH-D2000, hear great things said about the D2000's bass.
As the D2000 are only 25-Ohm, way easy for the Fiio E10 to drive them.
What program do you use for music?
Have you tried Foobar2000?
Oct 9, 2012 at 10:26 AM Post #4 of 5
Thanks for the responses guys! I don't know if waiting for more than 2 days to respond is against the rules, but I didn't see anything about time limits on old threads in the forum rules :p Sue me if I'm wrong.
HE-400 seems interesting, might check it out! what will I need to drive them?
I've used the Denon D2k in the past and loved them a lot. It's really the perfect choice for me, I just didn't know if it was enough of a bump from the DT770s, but I guess I won't know until I get a few weeks with them on my own music.
I just use iTunes for music. Should I use Foobar instead? (I'm in Mac land but I can run it with Wine)
Oct 9, 2012 at 10:41 AM Post #5 of 5
HE-400's don't need anything special to drive them. E10 will work great, and the headphone out of most devices will do just fine also.
I believe the sound quality on iTunes for mac is great, I think I read somewhere that it is bitperfect when the volume is maxed. Might want to fact check me on that though. You are probably better off using that over any media player ran through Wine, as that is usually a little buggy.

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