~2 months with Zhaolu -> HD-595. What's next?
Oct 26, 2006 at 1:17 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 27


New Head-Fier
Aug 14, 2006
Just nearly around 2 months w/ this current setup (Revolution 7.1 -> Zhaolu D2C w/ discreet amp -> HD-595.) This is my first official "Head-fi" setup (prior heard before these include IEM's like e2c's, EX71-LP's.) At first listen, I was not immediately impressed, but after fine-tuning in the form of minor EQ adjustments, using ASIO instead of DirectSound, and just overall more time spent with them, I have come to gain a much deeper appreciation for these things. In general, I am now very pleased with my setup.

So what's next?

I have several thoughts and questions.

- Since I have little experience with other headphones, I do not know if the Zhaolu and 595 have good "synergy" or not. My impression from others, is that the Zhaolu is a bright sounding DAC, and that the 595's are somewhat balanced yet slightly leaning to the bright side. How would you relate synergy to these kinds of descriptors?

- Speaking of descriptors like "bright" and "warm", where does this current setup fall under? I may have answered my own question here in the previous question, but I would like to get more input from other Head-fiers.

- I am terribly unsure of what my sound preferences are. I don't know if I lean towards the "warm" side, or the "bright" given my limited experience with high-end headphones. Therefore it's difficult for me to describe what I like and don't like in formal terminology. I'll list some of my observations though:

KSC-75:These definitely sound lively, but the harsh high's make them very uncomfortable for me to listen to. Plugged into the Zhaolu, sibilance is very apparent, and grating at times. EQ'ing them by decreasing the high's seems to help a bit, but then they lose their liveliness.

e2c:Very muddled. Low-end seems to be emphasized a bit, and treble lacks punch. Sounds very "compressed." Lacks clarity.What descriptor words would these IEM's fall under?

HD-595:The best way I can describe these, is that they're "in the middle, and just right." Their comfort makes them suitable for use for hours on end, and the sound is not as fatiguing as the KSC-75's are to my ears.

Electronica, such as ambient, trance, and house, sound incredible through the HD-595's (anything too bass driven such as jungle or drum and bass don't particularly shine however, but I'm assuming not many headphones fare well with these.) Is this the lower mid-range that's being highlighted here?

Rock tracks like sound pretty great. "Porcupine Tree - Trains" sounds incredible. I feel acoustic guitars, and some electric guitar, is well represented (not too much distortion.) In Muse's "Knight's of Cyndonia," the vocals in the middle of that track especially, sends chills down my spine. However, I do kind of feel that vocals could be a little more crisp as a whole, but I'm afraid that if I start seeking more crispness or detailed high-range, I'll experience the bad effects I don't like with the KSC-75's. Would Grado's fill this void without the negative side effects?

Given the above, would I be more suited to "warm" or "bright" sounding headphones? Or am I well suited with the HD-595's as is?

Last but not least, here's a shot of my very minor (no more than 1.6 DB) EQ adjustments on WinAmp:
Oct 26, 2006 at 1:41 PM Post #2 of 27
I guess a few things you could look into, would be a better amp? You could go up a few sound levels, by spending a few 100 bucks on a solo amp. Or you could improve your power supply, or headphone cables, but that wont go too far

If you know your not too pleased with your setup, take a step back, and see how much money you can save up, and how much you can get for your Zu if you sell it. Then, buy something used as well, and the gap isn't too great in price, to try and find something better.
Oct 27, 2006 at 1:23 AM Post #3 of 27
Actually, I feel really content for what I have right now. I think I've gotten to the point where any further headphone purchases won't give me drastically better sound quality, but rather different sound signatures and tiny subtle changes.

The HD-595 and Zhaolu are really the only 2 decent components I've had access to up to know. So I'm curious to what other headphones and their differing sound signatures may have to offer, and if such things may be my cup of tea. Plus I'm curious as to where this current setup falls under stylistically as well since I'm kinda new to all this.
Oct 27, 2006 at 1:51 AM Post #4 of 27
You might want to try something along the Audio-Technica line. Personally, I've been quite impressed with the A900 LTDs, and am looking to step up a notch to the W5000s when I get the funds.
Oct 27, 2006 at 1:58 AM Post #5 of 27
Yeah, trying out different headphones/making side-steps would be the wisest thing to do at this stage, IMO. It's most important to find the type of sound you like first, then you can focus on actually upgrading.

I'm a big electronica buff as well. What's your budget? I was pleasantly surprised at how well the SAx000 series and my STAX handled electronica. Note that these 2 headphones won't have nearly as much visceral bass impact/sludge as your Senns, and you'll probably find the SAx000 series too bright with your source (The D2C is rather bright; SA5k + D2C = VERY FATIGUING!).

If I was in your situation I'd try the following:
1. Grados
2. SAx000 series or some electrostats (STAX)
3. Maybe some Beyers (DT880?) or Audio-Technicas (A900(LTD)? ADx000?)?

I think something like this would you give you a decent footing into different sound signatures and would give you enough info to point you in the right direction as far as what kind of sound you're really looking for. Note, however, that you are using a rather bright source (So take that into consideration when sampling other headphones. For example, if you find the SAx000 series too bright, you may consider if they'd be better if you used a warmer amp/source, such as a tube-based device).
Oct 27, 2006 at 2:39 AM Post #6 of 27
Hmm, would I be correct in assuming that pairing a bright source with a brighter headphone is usually not a good idea? I defintely want to give some Grado's a shot, but it feels that I may need a new source before spring for a pair. This may be the case too with electrostatics. That said, Audio Technica's or some Beyerdynamic's may be something I'd be interested in, while sticking with my Zhaolu source.

Cyrilix, I see you have a Zhaolu as well. Does it synergize well with the A900 LTD's? What does the Zhaolu's brightness do to cans like these?

I am under the impression that the A900 and Beyerdynamic DT-770/880 have a bit more bass emphasis than, say the 595's. Would the 2 brands (A900 & DT-770/880) be comparable in any sense? Or what would be the major differences between them?

I'm looking to spend in the same vicinity that I spent on my 595's ($160 shipped) but looking at a few prices for these headphones, that may not be enough
. Regardless I suppose it's good to look at things in advance, so I could do additional research and what not.
Oct 27, 2006 at 3:47 AM Post #7 of 27
It's all about the type of sound you like. Generally, pairing bright headphones with a bright source will result in a very fatiguing and bright sound that most people would not like. However, that's not to say that people here don't have really bright rigs that they find pleasing. If you prefer a darker presentation then you likely won't like the result of bright headphones fed with a bright source. However, I wouldn't keep this from preventing you to try out some other headphones (I don't think it'd make as much of a difference with Beyers, Audio-Technicas, Grados, AKGs, etc. as much as it would with something like the SAx000 series or electrostats).

I had a Zhaolu D2C with the SAx000 and found it reasonable and somewhat pleasing to listen to, but if definetly was fatiguing. I ended up selling the Zhaolu but I've got another one coming in a couple days. I'll report if I have the same experience with my STAX (They aren't nearly as fatiguing/bright as the SAx000 series).

Oh, and also keep in mind that you can also mod your Zhaolu. I've read that Ori's discrete output stage makes the Zhaolu sound smoother and less harsh, so you might want to consider that.
Nov 1, 2006 at 6:52 PM Post #8 of 27
my Zhaolu D2 discrete headamp drives both the HD600 and W5k quite decently. i like the HD600 best off the D2. im just starting to experiment with the W5k to see which amp i like best with it.

based on my woodens ears, the D2 discrete amp is very decent quality. U'd probly have to spend quite a bit to do better. a better upgrade would be a new set of headfons IMO.

ps:the cheapie ksc75 sounds insane on my D2 discrete amp. try bending the ear clips to fit as close to your ears as possible. for me, this simple mod improved bass quality and toned down the highs without muffling details
Nov 1, 2006 at 7:08 PM Post #9 of 27
I'm a new Head-Fi as well. I currently have a modded 580/595/now AKG501. I'm actually thinking of getting a Zhaolu for my DAC. So far, I'd say if you like the 595 stick with it! Of AKG fans, I've heard many say the 501s are good for electronica. I can say comparing them to the 595s, I like the 595s a lot better. The 595s have a slightly warm soundstage, but also have a punchy kick to them. I think they're a great all rounder headphone. Judging from what Grado people say, the Grados are punchier at the expense of a soundstage (and what some people would judge as being too bright). I would suggest looking at a HeadRoom or Meier headphone amp as maybe something to consider. I find with my 595s, my HeadRoom adds more mids. It's crossfeed seems really good for vocals and electronica. Just a thought.....

*edit* Of headphones, maybe ATs are something to try. For my own tastes, I think I'd still side with the 595s for their openess.
Nov 1, 2006 at 8:44 PM Post #10 of 27
I think your Zhaolu is fine as a source/amp, and that you're one of the head-fi minority who stand to benefit more from new headphones than from a new amp or source. Eventually, you may want to add in a tube amp to give you a whole different side to the possibilities of amplification, but before that I think there's a looooong way to upgrade from an HD595. (I don't care for the 595 against virtually any major hifi can)

I think what makes sense now would be not necessarily to upgrade to electrostats, but to try some very different sound signatures to better learn where your preferences lie. Now is a good time to do that, with K501s on fire sale for $99. I'm sure you've read on the forums some accounts of what they sound like. To get something on the other side of the spectrum, how about a Koss A250 or Grado SR-225: punchy, bright, fast, and foot-tapping headphones.
Nov 1, 2006 at 8:50 PM Post #11 of 27
I just picked up the 501s....the 595s are so much better then the 501s for electronica IMHO. The 595s are punchier while still having a soundstage. With my HeadRoom amp, the 595s are also brighter. The only change in headphones to try is whether you want to go bass heavy with something like the HD650 or mid heavy like Grados.....
Nov 1, 2006 at 8:57 PM Post #12 of 27
Have you removed the output caps in your Zhaolu yet? If you haven't then this should be no.1 item on your "what's next?" list. It significantly improves the sound of Zhaolu - not a subtle change at all.
Nov 2, 2006 at 3:33 AM Post #13 of 27

Originally Posted by fwojciec
Have you removed the output caps in your Zhaolu yet? If you haven't then this should be no.1 item on your "what's next?" list. It significantly improves the sound of Zhaolu - not a subtle change at all.

What output caps?
Nov 2, 2006 at 3:50 AM Post #14 of 27

Originally Posted by El Condor
What output caps?

the 4DC output caps. huge improvement in sound. i oso rolled my opamps from 2604 to opa2107s. toned the highs juz a tad and extended the bottom end.
Nov 2, 2006 at 3:56 AM Post #15 of 27

Originally Posted by s0matic
Actually, I feel really content for what I have right now. I think I've gotten to the point where any further headphone purchases won't give me drastically better sound quality, but rather different sound signatures and tiny subtle changes.

The HD-595 and Zhaolu are really the only 2 decent components I've had access to up to know. So I'm curious to what other headphones and their differing sound signatures may have to offer, and if such things may be my cup of tea. Plus I'm curious as to where this current setup falls under stylistically as well since I'm kinda new to all this.

If you are content, I don't see any reason to change. The old saying really is true. You know which one

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