100+ Head-Fier
Came across this and wondered if anyone had taken one for the team and tried this out? I searched forums and was surprised nothing posted about it... anyone???
Product Link:
Update #1 (2/22/2008)
Sovkiller took the time to put these together and send them to me, so I am now investing my time in sharing my experience. I am not a big fan of typing so please note this is for the benefit of all and not my idea of a good time
(I like sharing but it really feels like homework...)
[size=xx-small]This is my experience expressed via my own words. I am only reporting on what I know and would consider to be 'facts' and anything that would begin with the words 'I think' will not be presented as a fact of my experience. Either it happened or it didn't... period!!! For those who enjoy arguing just for the sake of arguing(we all see these types posting here) I am letting you know upfront I will not be responding to you. You are more than welcome to argue among yourselves, but I will not be participating
I will not be commenting on gas additives, male enhancement tablets, personal horoscopes or any other tangents I've seen this thread take. [/size]
Equipment Used:
Iron lung Jellyfish >Furman PL-8 II >Denon DCM-390 >Moon Audio Black Dragon RCA >Meier Corda Aria >Audio-Technica A900Ti & Sennheiser HD280
Sony DNE720 >Moon Audio Black Dragon Mini >Meier Corda Move >Audio-Technica A900Ti & Sennheiser HD280
Compact Disc Used:
The Cure 'Faith'
#1 reason is that it is one of the first Music CD's I ever owned and I have been listening to it for over 20years
[size=xx-small](really dated myself with that disclosure)[/size]
[size=xx-small][size=x-small]#2 It is difficult to accurately/pleasingly reproduce the 8 tracks it contains, especially the bass guitar and general low end. If you want to hear difference between 'accurate' bass and 'boomy, flabby' stuff this CD will really make it evident. [/size][size=xx-small](HD280 vs Sony V6 - although V6 will have 'more' bass in its sound, but it all kinda smears together and all the subtlety between frequencies just isn't present - while the HD280 seems to have 'less' bass in a direct comparison, it is strikingly accurate and you can actually tell what is making what noise down there and it reproduces quite low frequencies)[/size][/size]
[size=xx-small][size=x-small]#3 The highs are delicate, spatial, with lots of left/right action and completely unforgiving if they aren't treated right. [/size][/size]
#4 Mids are complexly layered with multiple guitars, piano, vocals, subtle enrichments like [size=xx-small](bells, water drops splashing & echoing)[/size]
#5 Each track is quite consistent in sound signature throughout its entire length. So there is no need for sampling specific sections over & over while doing critical listening[size=xx-small](20sec here 45 sec there etc...).[/size]
What Tested:
Densen Demagic CD
Why... just the first one I chose
I did my 'testing' over the last month and quite randomly[size=xx-small](sometimes short intervals... sometimes long - sometimes after I was using equipment for an extended period... sometimes when I first turned on after it sat for a while). [/size][size=x-small]Most important aspect to me was that I did it when I wanted to do it and did not force myself to do any critical listening. I listened at different volume levels, but always the same during my comparison. I always listened to The Cure before and after I ran Demagic CD[/size][size=xx-small](never adjusting volume during comparison). [/size]
What type of "Listener" am I?:
I would be categorized as the 'Golden Ear' type. Quality, quality and more quality... that's #1-10 on my preference list. Personally I wish I was like the following person[size=xx-small](I would spend less on audio equipment, but probably wouldn't have as much fun though).[/size] I recently read about someone here who snapped together a bunch of 1/4" & 1/8" adapters to see if it degraded sound quality and couldn't hear the difference. Unfortunately, that is not me
. I recently had to chop off stock plug on my A900Ti and solder on a Cardas GRQ SS because the screw on 1/4" adapter completely destroyed the audio signal. I was actually near tears because they were sounding so terrible compared to how incredible they sounded when I first received them. Plus, they sounded worse on my new Aria than they did on my Move!!! Finally it dawned on me... what was the only difference from the amp to my head??? That damn screw on 1/4" adapter!!!
Sure enough, I grabbed my HD280 adapter and BAM... instant improvement. Next day, CHOP... SOLDER... and voila... sound like million buck now!!!!
If my home speaker is off axis 1 degree, I will hear it and have to get up and adjust it. If my power capacitors are old & dying in my car system, I will hear it and have to replace them. I can also set the timing on a V8 engine by ear. Although I am new to high-end head phone nirvana, I've been a critical listener for my whole life. Always looking to achieve that next level in audio reproduction perfection. Did not even know high-end head phone world existed just a few months ago.
My previous experience is with Car Audio and Home Audio. More with car because I found it more enjoyable and rewarding and not so bank account dependent.
What the Hell Happened????:
Well, it's only a 3 minute track and that was the experiment part I performed while listening to above CD. The following results are facts based on my actual experience. Not opinions! And yes, these results were apparent with the rest of my music library(650+ cd's and counting). FYI Every time I did this I went WOW. That is why I am sharing. Because I feel it is actually worth my time and worthwhile for other 'critical' types(picky SOB's or the like) to try for themselves. I am extremely skeptical by nature and have to experience everything for myself before I will believe it for myself
#1. Dynamic range of audio reproduction increases dramatically!!! Any perceived congestion(I hear it a lot on extremely busy musical sections) has been eliminated. The music faucet is wide open baby!!! No more flow control! It doesn't make a regular CD a HDCD, but everything has more depth than ever and is extremely 3-dimensional. You can 'mentally' focus on any sound and/or instrument in the music and it exists more independently and dimensionally than I have heard before. I can listen to a cymbal and enjoy it all by itself without it melting away into other sounds not associated with it.
#2. More transparency, head phones disappear and music surrounds you. Almost 'invades' you in a way. Like how you feel a part of the music at a live performance.
#3. I find this one odd but I will do my best to put it into words. Even though I did not use my cross-feed filter in any of my testing. One prominent improvement was what a cross-feed filter is supposed to do by definition. Even though left and right channel material maintained its separation(didn't feel like it was more 'mono' in presentation at all). The 'space' between left & right channels that I perceive with head phones(also the same thing that makes some people ill because they get disoriented from the extreme stereo separation) virtually disappears. Instead of two floor speakers 20ft apart(which would exaggerate stereo separation) they are sucked in to a more optimal 6ft apart.
Okay... this part IS my opinion. I believe less than 15% of Headfier's would perceive the same benefits that I do. Like I said before, I am of the 'Golden Ear' type and therefore represent a small minority of the population and I am well aware of it.
[size=small]For the record...[/size] Til' this very day I still absolutely have no idea what this Densen CD is supposed to do. I never heard of it before I opened the package from Sovkiller and all I read about it from the internet was the instructions.
"Play 3 minute track at normal listening volume. Repeat weekly or monthly."
So, maybe it's supposed to do something completely different... like make everything sound like it was recorded during a thunderstorm in Kentucky inside a one car garage by drunken chimpanzee's on crack??? I don't know and don't care... I am surprised as hell it does what it does and will continue to use it.

Product Link:
Update #1 (2/22/2008)
Sovkiller took the time to put these together and send them to me, so I am now investing my time in sharing my experience. I am not a big fan of typing so please note this is for the benefit of all and not my idea of a good time

[size=xx-small]This is my experience expressed via my own words. I am only reporting on what I know and would consider to be 'facts' and anything that would begin with the words 'I think' will not be presented as a fact of my experience. Either it happened or it didn't... period!!! For those who enjoy arguing just for the sake of arguing(we all see these types posting here) I am letting you know upfront I will not be responding to you. You are more than welcome to argue among yourselves, but I will not be participating

Equipment Used:
Iron lung Jellyfish >Furman PL-8 II >Denon DCM-390 >Moon Audio Black Dragon RCA >Meier Corda Aria >Audio-Technica A900Ti & Sennheiser HD280
Sony DNE720 >Moon Audio Black Dragon Mini >Meier Corda Move >Audio-Technica A900Ti & Sennheiser HD280
Compact Disc Used:
The Cure 'Faith'
#1 reason is that it is one of the first Music CD's I ever owned and I have been listening to it for over 20years

[size=xx-small][size=x-small]#2 It is difficult to accurately/pleasingly reproduce the 8 tracks it contains, especially the bass guitar and general low end. If you want to hear difference between 'accurate' bass and 'boomy, flabby' stuff this CD will really make it evident. [/size][size=xx-small](HD280 vs Sony V6 - although V6 will have 'more' bass in its sound, but it all kinda smears together and all the subtlety between frequencies just isn't present - while the HD280 seems to have 'less' bass in a direct comparison, it is strikingly accurate and you can actually tell what is making what noise down there and it reproduces quite low frequencies)[/size][/size]
[size=xx-small][size=x-small]#3 The highs are delicate, spatial, with lots of left/right action and completely unforgiving if they aren't treated right. [/size][/size]
#4 Mids are complexly layered with multiple guitars, piano, vocals, subtle enrichments like [size=xx-small](bells, water drops splashing & echoing)[/size]
#5 Each track is quite consistent in sound signature throughout its entire length. So there is no need for sampling specific sections over & over while doing critical listening[size=xx-small](20sec here 45 sec there etc...).[/size]
What Tested:
Densen Demagic CD
Why... just the first one I chose

I did my 'testing' over the last month and quite randomly[size=xx-small](sometimes short intervals... sometimes long - sometimes after I was using equipment for an extended period... sometimes when I first turned on after it sat for a while). [/size][size=x-small]Most important aspect to me was that I did it when I wanted to do it and did not force myself to do any critical listening. I listened at different volume levels, but always the same during my comparison. I always listened to The Cure before and after I ran Demagic CD[/size][size=xx-small](never adjusting volume during comparison). [/size]
What type of "Listener" am I?:
I would be categorized as the 'Golden Ear' type. Quality, quality and more quality... that's #1-10 on my preference list. Personally I wish I was like the following person[size=xx-small](I would spend less on audio equipment, but probably wouldn't have as much fun though).[/size] I recently read about someone here who snapped together a bunch of 1/4" & 1/8" adapters to see if it degraded sound quality and couldn't hear the difference. Unfortunately, that is not me

What the Hell Happened????:
Well, it's only a 3 minute track and that was the experiment part I performed while listening to above CD. The following results are facts based on my actual experience. Not opinions! And yes, these results were apparent with the rest of my music library(650+ cd's and counting). FYI Every time I did this I went WOW. That is why I am sharing. Because I feel it is actually worth my time and worthwhile for other 'critical' types(picky SOB's or the like) to try for themselves. I am extremely skeptical by nature and have to experience everything for myself before I will believe it for myself

#1. Dynamic range of audio reproduction increases dramatically!!! Any perceived congestion(I hear it a lot on extremely busy musical sections) has been eliminated. The music faucet is wide open baby!!! No more flow control! It doesn't make a regular CD a HDCD, but everything has more depth than ever and is extremely 3-dimensional. You can 'mentally' focus on any sound and/or instrument in the music and it exists more independently and dimensionally than I have heard before. I can listen to a cymbal and enjoy it all by itself without it melting away into other sounds not associated with it.
#2. More transparency, head phones disappear and music surrounds you. Almost 'invades' you in a way. Like how you feel a part of the music at a live performance.
#3. I find this one odd but I will do my best to put it into words. Even though I did not use my cross-feed filter in any of my testing. One prominent improvement was what a cross-feed filter is supposed to do by definition. Even though left and right channel material maintained its separation(didn't feel like it was more 'mono' in presentation at all). The 'space' between left & right channels that I perceive with head phones(also the same thing that makes some people ill because they get disoriented from the extreme stereo separation) virtually disappears. Instead of two floor speakers 20ft apart(which would exaggerate stereo separation) they are sucked in to a more optimal 6ft apart.
Okay... this part IS my opinion. I believe less than 15% of Headfier's would perceive the same benefits that I do. Like I said before, I am of the 'Golden Ear' type and therefore represent a small minority of the population and I am well aware of it.
[size=small]For the record...[/size] Til' this very day I still absolutely have no idea what this Densen CD is supposed to do. I never heard of it before I opened the package from Sovkiller and all I read about it from the internet was the instructions.
"Play 3 minute track at normal listening volume. Repeat weekly or monthly."
So, maybe it's supposed to do something completely different... like make everything sound like it was recorded during a thunderstorm in Kentucky inside a one car garage by drunken chimpanzee's on crack??? I don't know and don't care... I am surprised as hell it does what it does and will continue to use it.