「Official」Asian Anime, Manga, and Music Lounge
Dec 6, 2012 at 11:21 AM Post #42,961 of 177,750
You can just link it :/

Your blog post is your opinion of course but our thread one is ours :)

At least I'll do a teaser quote and leave the best OP/ED in the link so that people go to it lol. But now I think I have to at least wait after I watch at least two episodes of Girls und Panzer and chu2koi, just to give a fair shake of late additions.

According to the Germans it apparently is.

Which subs group chu2koi?
Dec 6, 2012 at 11:21 AM Post #42,962 of 177,750
Project-H talk have been minimal over the last few weeks, thankfully.
Though I have to agree that there is not that much music going round in here. Perhaps because the intersection of our tastes is not that big.
Speaking of music,
I have been checking out some more Bill Evans stuff in my library, and I downloaded discographies of John Coltrane, Art Blakey and Charles Mingus today. (I already had Coltrane and Mingus, but I had bad downloads of those). My craving for Jazz has been fueled by listening to Yoko Kanno's OST of Sakamichi no Apollon over the past week or two.
Right now I'm listening to Blakey's Moanin', and I have to say that it's pretty darn good.

Nobody ever posts music so there is no way to know LOL.
edit: on top of you being album driven for some reason, which I have little to no desire to accommodate for >_<
Dec 6, 2012 at 11:36 AM Post #42,963 of 177,750
At least I'll do a teaser quote and leave the best OP/ED in the link so that people go to it lol. But now I think I have to at least wait after I watch at least two episodes of Girls und Panzer and chu2koi, just to give a fair shake of late additions.
Which subs group chu2koi?

I always watch it using gg's subs, but URW also subs it.

Nobody ever posts music so there is no way to know LOL.

edit: on top of you being album driven for some reason, which I have little to no desire to accommodate for >_<

It happens from time to time when you apparently aren't looking.

For example, I think I have a decent understanding of the Panda's tastes, as do I of Accoun, Manveru and Boris.
As far as I know Accoun and Manveru have a pretty good taste, but in my opinion the Panda and Boris don't. (not meant in an offensive way, it's just that I don't care for it). I also think I sort of know what you tastes are like.

The Panda is also mostly song oriented. The beasts.
Dec 6, 2012 at 11:39 AM Post #42,964 of 177,750
Muv-luv Alternative
What... one second we were having an emotional talk...
the next, half her head was gone and getting eaten (without censoring too) .............
good thing I'm immune to anime gore, but seriously... that came out of nowhere!
Dec 6, 2012 at 11:45 AM Post #42,966 of 177,750
Jesus this is hard to read and understand for some reason. I skipped out on Girls und Panzer because it didn't seem very appealing. I haven't heard much to deter that I'm missing out on much. Now if you are too lazy to sift through all the anime then I guess that's too bad but that's why for years I have been trying to polish a method of evaluating shows and seeing what I will and will not watch and yet I still have a sub 20% drop ratio over the past 5 or 6 years. It's just the risk I take because sometimes shows are just surprisingly not what I thought they were or I take chances in case something is better than expected or has "potential". As far as trope ridden crap, yeah, there are the "Onii-chan Ai's" of the world and they pop up lots of the time(although I have lots of respect for that director, he knows how to take decent concepts to the next level...but there was no saving this one). But every year there are at least...I'll say five anime that excel above and beyond in their genre. Even things like K-On, while it's definitely a moe show, know how to bring across the joys of SoL(though Aria is still the king imo).

The whole push with recent moe things is just the latest in these occurrences. Every decade has something that gets really big and then pushes a genre to be animated more than others and then dilutes that genre's quality pool. Whether it's been ultra violent anime, giant robots, or whatever else, it comes and goes. We just happen to be in the middle of an era where moe driven anime, which is usually romcoms and slice of life, reign king. But once again, there continue to be new stuff that catch my eye and put me back in my seat and remind me while I love anime. Now that being said, I'm different from most, I tolerate all genres from at a basic understanding. Some less so than others, and I am particularly judgmental with plot driven anime. But this tolerance allows me to see anime from a different lens I suppose.

As far as animation is concerned....I'm not sure what your problem is honestly *shrug*. Every era has copy cat drawing styles or one that comes across as common. And among those eras are a decent amount of anime that will verge from it. There is also something to be said about the difference between animation and art direction. Shin Sekai Yori for instance is inconsistently animated(although it has glorious moments) but art wise? It is gorgeous. A lighter example would be Natsuiro Kiseki. That show has a very common looking art style but it's art is wonderful and I just love looking at the town.

Anyway, I just think you are going through a state where you feel like after you've been getting into a constant state of watching ongoing or new anime, you start to look back on when you were first watching and ingested all the great acclaimed anime of years past and now you look at anime's current state against what you initially got into. Or who knows, you could just be genuinely disappointed. I just know each year I look back and if I can grab at least 5-10 anime that I can say I truly enjoyed and will stay with me, then it was successful. In addition 5-10 or so more decent anime top out to be 10-20+ anime that I am glad I watched. That to me is a successful year.

I think it is the best of the season at this point as well. Btooom is a decent short shounen action but I think my top shounen is Zetsuen no Tempest so far. It's production is pretty awesome and Michiru on the OST is awesome as per usual. Tonari started strong for me but it's kinda diluted in quality with a more typical shoujo approach to it's drama that hasn't been very striking.

Well I'll be hard-pressed to pick 5 good shows from each season, but 3 is doable. But then I'm not this guy:

that can watch 20 series even going through med school in the heat of exams. Yes it's probably that I'm lazy and just have my attention and interest elsewhere right now, what with it being split between the ever-growing digital piles of games I got from bundles and sales, my urge to watch arguably funny live-streamers and VG tourneys.

Fair point on trends though, as I don't like this particular genre, so the latest trend is not to my liking.

Well, for one, overbudget animation usually means that the story isn't probably very good or well thought out. Sure for SoL and harem that isn't hard to sideline at all, one just have to imagine the next mundane normal stuff for a group of cute girls to do, or some sexual scenario for Insert-kun and 1-dimensional group of herpp derp girls in Harem Anime № 9042. From whatever limited experience I had with anime that I like, so far from what I can remember only Madoka seems to have the budget for great animation and good story (but then they have the earthquake to thank for for the delay for them to work on the last two episodes properly). Almost all the other anime that I love in my MAL list is not up to par to whatever SoL or harem shows get. I would also argue that the art style for the faces in Shinsekai Yori (SSY) is also not really fitting but then I have to acknowledge that it does changes a little bit to show how their once-innocent face (bloody big eyes and kind of innocent look to them) changes subtle enough, for me at least, to show how much mind-screw they had. Except in episode 10, where the only two human characters in that is just flat emotionless, despite the tears shed. And the bloody crotch and ass shots.

If we're going to talk about shonen, I think it would be amiss to not include JoJo's BA in the group, since it's way better than what I can see of BTOOOOM or Tempest carried. It is just pure shonen, with no pretense of depth (or not much at least) and a few unconventional un-shonen tropes (main characters can and will die easily). That or just it's just my glee of seeing one of the most awesome shonen manga animated as eccentric and intriguing as its source. Also not to be forgotten is Magi. I read the manga once but dropped it somewhere, and I think this is also one of the better shonen that I can recommend to anyone, especially to newbs.

*Sorry that my post is a bit hard to read. One of my problems is that I can't really put my thoughts coherent enough for people to get my points. Thus this usually results in quite a lot of lost arguments.
Dec 6, 2012 at 11:48 AM Post #42,968 of 177,750
I think it is the best of the season at this point as well. Btooom is a decent short shounen action but I think my top shounen is Zetsuen no Tempest so far. It's production is pretty awesome and Michiru on the OST is awesome as per usual. Tonari started strong for me but it's kinda diluted in quality with a more typical shoujo approach to it's drama that hasn't been very striking.

Yea. The problem with Tonari no Kaibutsukun is that it isn't going ANYWHERE. It started off pretty good, but they've just been going in circles. The relationship isn't going anywhere. They need to either start dating or forget each other. That aspect has been pretty annoying.
Dec 6, 2012 at 11:58 AM Post #42,971 of 177,750
I'd use spoiler tags on it, Boris...

I wonder, is he the only one watching it. If not, who else is even watching that?

I was talking about the game.
and not total eclipse.
the game is great btw, check it out if you have 50 hours to spare.
Dec 6, 2012 at 11:59 AM Post #42,972 of 177,750
I'm contemplating really heavily right now whether or not to embed the Blood-C gif gore fest here... I'm not going to let any potential for someone to report me for posting mind-screw gif.

pfff~  probably nothing compared to what I just saw in MLA (PC).
Dec 6, 2012 at 12:16 PM Post #42,974 of 177,750
Imo best OSTs this year definitely go to Kyoukaisen, very varied genres of music in one album and the songs are very catchy as well. It goes from something very grand to fast paced pop.
Not counting Little Busters! Anime ver as that is a classic in a sense, the best OP probably goes to Nanoha Movie 2nd's OP BRIGHT STREAM, very good vocals and fast catchy song that still awes me every time I listen to it.
If you have not, have a listen to Morgen Nacht by Touyama Nao and Nitta Emi released this year as well in Kyoukaisen jou no horizon Special CD2, that song is very melodic.
The character songs from Symphogear, Zettou Amano Habakiri and Makyuu Tenshi Isshi-Bal are excellent as well. Makyuu Tenshi Isshi Bal is j-rock done right lol.
As for most worth buying albums I got this year, going to have to give the title to Lantis Self Tribute Album~ Heart of Magic Garden for stellar quality featuring various Lantis artistes, Hironobu Kageyama's Little Wing especially was simply a blast. Also worth mentioning for production value is Kalafina's single released in July, Moonfesta.

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