「Official」Asian Anime, Manga, and Music Lounge
Jan 5, 2015 at 12:15 PM Post #142,171 of 177,750
  Dead Tube is a new manga that has been getting a lot of attention recently
Is the only thing I can say. Chapter 6...holy schiit......hell, the first chapter was holy schiit
This is some new type schiit. 

Dead Tube sorta sounds like Darknet. Might check that out 
Damn straight. Misaka's Tsundere is top-notch. And while I like Oreimo, Kirino is 90% tsun and 10% dere, and even then she tries to hide it.

Kirino annoys the hell outta me at times, she's insanely abrasive 
  Cross post from secret santa thread, to show some of our newer members what we were up to.
Got my package safely, big thanks to my SS. :D:D
Miku artbook and a pocket monkey?!?!

It's a multitool that goes in your wallet, it will be part of my EDC from today. 
 Made in USA too, don't see that very often these days!
Hot damn.

I was staring at that on my phone and wondering how the hell that could ever function as a tool, then Mice's vid made all clear lol 
Jan 5, 2015 at 12:57 PM Post #142,172 of 177,750
  Oh nice! Glad to hear you're enjoying it. I'm (relatively) new to the area as well, I've only been living here on and off for college for about a year now. The traffic, well I usually stay at my dorm most of the time but I-5 really sucks trying to travel to Tacoma on Friday afternoon -_-

I literally laughed out loud. I-5 sucks from 7am to 7pm Monday thru Friday. I've traveled at 2pm every day of the week and the ramps are clogged and southbound traffic is backed up for miles. I've witnessed near-misses, almost hit a vehicle that slammed their brakes quicker than mine slam (I was able to dodge out my lane into the right lane that was fortuitously open) and almost been hit several times by crazy people exiting or entering from ramps.

Haha, what about weekends? Those can suck too from my experience! And yeah, there are a bunch of really bad drivers on I-5... I nearly got hit one of the only times I actually drove on it by someone cutting me off twice in a row...
The iPhone is the only smartphone that has a temperature safeguard to my knowledge. I've only ever encountered it by intentionally heating my iPhone up using a hot air gun.

Mmmm...expired roasted seaweed on expired Christmas-themed plates.

No, I'm pretty sure there are other phones that do it too, like the LG G3. I'm talking about a situation like Vwinter mentioned though, where you can't unlock the phone.
Mmm, that still looks good
  I literally laughed out loud. I-5 sucks from 7am to 7pm Monday thru Friday. I've traveled at 2pm every day of the week and the ramps are clogged and southbound traffic is backed up for miles. I've witnessed near-misses, almost hit a vehicle that slammed their brakes quicker than mine slam (I was able to dodge out my lane into the right lane that was fortuitously open) and almost been hit several times by crazy people exiting or entering from ramps.

Good to know those of us in Los Angeles aren't the only ones suffering. The I-5 is literally the same situation here lol! There has been more than a few situations where I or another friend had been driving on the I-5 at like 4 am and hit traffic.

I think I-5 is universally bad no matter where you're at. Even in the middle of nowhere between Portland and Seattle there is still a crap ton of traffic D:
Ooh I definitely agree too! I think I'm a bit of clarity whore and that's probably why I like STAX so much, they just sound so much clearer than dynamics!

That's an awesome metal sculpture thing! I always saw those but never tried putting one together... :X

Welcome, yet another Seattlite on the thread I see?!?
You sir have great taste!

Indeed! Transparency FTW.

You need to have very small tools to work with those models. A standard pair of household needlenose pliers can do the job...but a needle needlenose pliers would probably be better. The pliers I have at hand barely gripped the 1x2 mm tabs. >.>

The iPhone is the only smartphone that has a temperature safeguard to my knowledge. I've only ever encountered it by intentionally heating my iPhone up using a hot air gun.

Seriously? That's a nice feature to have, especially when you accidentally leave your phone in your pocket, with the camera turned on, at maximum brightness, and your leg taps the screen to keep auto-focusing. That there is a hot brick after 10 minutes and it gets so hot that the flash gets disabled.
Didn't know an iPhone can critically overheat...... :|
Camera flash, not Adobe Flash.

Lol, I bet the tools I got with those gundam sets would work well...
What, is this new member female? I just assume everyone on the internet is male until otherwise proven to be female, sorry.
No I'm talking about this message:

Jan 5, 2015 at 1:33 PM Post #142,174 of 177,750
Anyone wanna bite? http://www.head-fi.org/t/749365/akg-k7xx
Nvm, the catch is that the shipping is from Singapore. 
Jan 5, 2015 at 1:36 PM Post #142,175 of 177,750
  Just when I wanna buy some Kancolle doujn music, I don't know what to get. Maybe next month then.
Need to listen to the pirated version first

Just checked out your sig...
You Pixiv? Nice!
Jan 5, 2015 at 2:01 PM Post #142,176 of 177,750
Finished reading the first chapter of Utsuro no Hako to Zero no Maria.
Sooooo....why exactly is this the highest rated light novel on MAL?
Am I missing something? How many more chapters do I have to read till it gets awesome?
So right now this is basically a dark grim version of Haruhis Endless Eight with some annoying Yandere BS thrown in (I really really don't like yandere stuff btw).
The only reason I would continue reading this is because I kind of want to know with what the author managed to fill five more chapters. More people with more boxes? Is this some "monster of the week" kind of series?
Jan 5, 2015 at 2:29 PM Post #142,177 of 177,750
Some good Japanese music:
Ruins' Tatsuya Yoshida + Tsuneo Imahori (he did soundtracks for Gungrave, Trigun etc. Also helped with music for Texhnolyze, Wolf's Rain and Cowboy Bebop).
Jan 5, 2015 at 2:50 PM Post #142,178 of 177,750
Ruins is so FLIPPIN good, even if it's just a rip of Magma
Jan 5, 2015 at 3:16 PM Post #142,179 of 177,750
@Absolute Duo 01
*drool............ slurp* Duhuhu~~
Currently suffering from acute moe overdose.
Just what I needed after 5 hrs of programming work.
I totally did not expect this, ready to give a 10/10 for the series just because of the main heroine.
I'm your "typical otaku", deal with it.
The "ja" and "nein" sounds out of place when mixed with Japanese but w/e.
Jan 5, 2015 at 3:22 PM Post #142,180 of 177,750
I'll be honest with you guys.
I'm into all kinds of weird prog and tech music, but this stuff right here and and real Free Jazz (the one without any kind of structure or sense) is just not for me. This is where even I nope out.
I'll now go back, listening to some Cynic. Bye.

Jan 5, 2015 at 3:39 PM Post #142,182 of 177,750
  @Absolute Duo 01
*drool............ slurp* Duhuhu~~
Currently suffering from acute moe overdose.
  I totally did not expect this, ready to give a 10/10 for the series just because of the main heroine.
I'm your "typical otaku", deal with it.
The "ja" and "nein" sounds out of place when mixed with Japanese but w/e.

Seconded. My brain is too fried to process stuff that requires half a brain.
Jan 5, 2015 at 3:40 PM Post #142,183 of 177,750
Watching This one atm, @ EP05 , hope it will get more exciting ;3 there is a certain thing in my mind that i hope the writer will do, i hope he will @_@, 
will post more once i finish it XD  ( in case someone here at least saw it)

Jan 5, 2015 at 3:42 PM Post #142,184 of 177,750
I like you.
How did you like Space Dandy? I could gush about it for hours.

I enjoyed Space Dandy because it was honest about itself. It didn't stray from taking silliness to the extreme, and the romanticism of the music, pop culture, art style, and "c'est la vie" motto appealed to my dumb American self.
  Yeah, by the way...
AGDQ 2015 is upon us!



I'll not turn off Twitch for a week.
I wonder if they'll raise more money than last year (around $1mil).

I like you, too.
Started watching in 2013. Amazing stuff.

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