
  1. TheFragileOne

    Look for great IEM's for under ~$50

    Hey everyone, I'm currently looking for good IEM's for ~$50. I may or may not buy new IEM's because I might get a free pair of Apple Earpods (hoping they're better than the Skullcandy's) but, I was thinking about buying a pair of Steelseries Siberia V2's since I want a new headset. So I'm not...
  2. scrappy34

    Which is better? *College Student Budget*

    Ive recently been doing a lot of reading about IEMs' here on these forums and I need some help picking out an IEM that can give me a hint of the audiophile's experience when listening to music. For now I am looking for something in the $30-60 price range, but I plan on working my way up to some...
  3. akshayshah12

    IEM that can produce excellent Sound imaging.

    Hi guys, so far i have tried Brainwavz M2, Soundmagic E10, Soundmagic E30, Hippo VB, Sennheiser CX300-II, Sennheiser CX-180 etc. I love E10 over rest all. Thanks to the folks who recommended. But none of them has exceptional imaging capability. Hippo VB being the costliest among the lot, was let...
  4. strikeruy

    Bluetooth Stereo Music Audio Receiver with SoundMagic E10 In-ear headphones.

    Hi everyone!.   Finally, I bought the Soundmagic E10.   I use them riding a motorcyle, connected to a Galaxy phone (android)   So, I needed a bluetooth audio receiver to control the music (pause, play, volume up, down, etc.)   I bought a IKROSS Bluetooth Stereo Music Audio...
  5. gabriel56

    SoundMAGIC E10 or VSONIC GR02 Pro II? $30

    Sorry for being so specific but which one you guys recommend?    Any better choices around $30?    Thanks.
  6. Soundmagic E10

    Soundmagic E10

    Dynamic driver IEM