  1. Y

    Is the 64audio u12t a good upgrade from the u4s?

    I'm looking for that "final" endgame iem. I own the u4s, and while I love them, I'm looking for that "4k" quality of resolution. While googling iems at the 2k price range (that's my budget), I kept seeing the u12t listed. So, would I be getting that upgrade that I'm looking for, or should I look...
  2. Y

    I need help finding the most "resolving" iem...

    Hello, I am interested in buying an ultra "resolving" iem. I would prefer a value king option, but if there isn't one then thats okay too. I'd stop at kilobuck range (1,300$) and I'd be happy with anything under that obviously. here are all of the iems I've owned/own: 1. fiio fh3 2. mangird...