
  1. Lavricables Grand XLR balanced interconnects v4

    Lavricables Grand XLR balanced interconnects v4

    Lavricables Grand XLR balanced interconnects
  2. Lavricables Grand Silver V2

    Lavricables Grand Silver V2

    Lavricables Grand Silver V2 Our best cable for 2 pin and mmcx iems. Made from 4 cores of 6N purity Cryo treated awg20 multistrand litz silver! Built like a tank! You won’t find similar cable anywhere else! Reveal full potential of your iems!!! • Carefully handmade braided cable consists of...
  3. Lavricables Ultimate line v4 for T+A Solitaire T

    Lavricables Ultimate line v4 for T+A Solitaire T

  4. Lavricables REFERENCE Silver USB-C cable

    Lavricables REFERENCE Silver USB-C cable

  5. Lavricables Master (V3) Power Cable

    Lavricables Master (V3) Power Cable

    Now available in V3 – overall silver gauge is increased with 5n purity awg26 silver strands of different geometry. True Hi-End masterpiece made out of 20 cores of 5N purity silver! Built like a tank! Would perfectly fit Preamp, DAC, Streamer, CD player, AB class 100w integrated amp. Will...
  6. Lavricables Grand Silver Susvara baltic grey

    Lavricables Grand Silver Susvara baltic grey

    Our top product for Hifiman Susvara and HE1000 headphones. Available now in 6n purity awg20 Cryo treated multistrand litz version! Built like a tank! You won’t find similar cable anywhere else! Reveal full potential of you Hifimans!!! More about Product lines. We advice at least 150h of burn in...
  7. Lavricables Grand headphone cable (multistrand litz version)

    Lavricables Grand headphone cable (multistrand litz version)

    Lavricables Grand headphone cable New 6n purity awg20 Cryo treated multistrand litz version
  8. Lavricables Grand Silver Cable

    Lavricables Grand Silver Cable

    From the Manufacturer: • Carefully handmade cable consists of 4 cores of awg20 multistrand litz cryo treated 6N purity silver wire. • Soldered with Mundorf Supreme Silver 9.5% audio solder. • Graphene groups are placed in the center of wire in order to make vocals more precise and open. •...
  9. Lavricables Master Line V3

    Lavricables Master Line V3

  10. 5

    M8, Hifiman Arya and A&K T9iE

    Ideally to be posted in the Shanling M8 thread. Hello to all, Before throwing out my question allow me to express my gratitude for the forum and these exchanges. It helped me in making my choices, and occasionally focus on listening rather than thinking about the music. :-) I went crazy on...
  11. Wladimir

    Lavricables - Impressions & Discussion Thread

    Hello and welcome, since there was no established thread about Lavricables brand, I decided to start one, where owners can share their experience and people looking for aftermarket cables can find more information to decide on. So without further ado, let's kick this first post off with my...