  1. T

    Etymotic er2xr vs er3xr

    Hi, I'm looking for a good, isolating, non fatiguing iem under 200. After some research I've came down to the Etymotic er2xr, er3xr, and the er4xr. I plan on using these during study sessions in my school library and stationary listening. These will be plugged into my phone (iphone 11) for...
  2. 5

    Wired Over-Ear headphones recommendation

  3. 4

    Shure se425 still relevant? Looking for a neutral IEM under 300

    Hello. Being dead tired of heavy, shweaty overon-ear headphones (my last ones are akg q701), I have finally decided to join the IEM game. And while q701 is adequate - their fatiguing highs and weak bass (personally not a bass-head, though) is something I would like to get away from to something...
  4. S

    Low clamp force = throat centre mass

    I did a mod for the T20RP where I attached the metal bar from inside the head band to attach to the copper-coloured adjusters and left the rubber headband flexible. At first it felt comfortable and lifted the stress off my head. But my t20rp actually is now stressing my throat and causing it to...