Whizzer Kylin HE10


Headphoneus Supremus
Pros: Well accessorized
Beautiful aesthetics and solid build
Comfortable and light
Moderately to drive
Smooth, fatigue-free and pleasant tonality
Natural timbre
Cons: Middling technicalities
Bass isn't the tightest
Trebleheads may need to look elsewhere due to lack of air/sparkle

I would like to thank Whizzer for furnishing this unit. It can be gotten here: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005005270401168.html (no affliate links).

Whizzer 5.jpg

  • Driver configuration: 10.2 mm carbon nanotube diaphragm dynamic driver
  • Impedance: 36 Ohms
  • Frequency response: 15 Hz - 40 kHz
  • Sensitivity: 119 dB/Vrms
  • Cable: 2-pin, 0.78 mm, 5N silver-plated oxygen free copper, 3.5 mm
  • Tested at $70 USD


Other than the IEM, the following are included:
- Whizzer VC20 silicone tips (S/M/L)
- Whizzer SS20 silicone tips (S/M/L)
- Whizzer ET100 silicone tips (S/M/L)
- Cable
- Round hard case
- Cleaning brush

For a sub-$100 USD pair, the accessories are very decent. Perhaps the addition of foam tips or a modular cable would have been the icing on the cake, but this is just nitpicking.

Whizzer tips.jpg

3 variants of Whizzer's inhouse silicone tips are provided.
- The VC20 tips have the narrowest bore, and boost bass the most, with a compromise of a smaller soundstage.
- The SS20 tips have the widest bore, and increase treble and soundstage.
- The ET100 midpoint between the 2, though it has the deepest insertion and is the most inflexible - it may be uncomfortable for those that are sensitive to deep insertion as such.


Whizzer Cable.jpg

A 5N Litz OFC silver-plate cable is included. This cable is apparently shielded with silver foil externally. Said cable is very well braided with minimal tangling. Microphonics are minimal, with a chin chinch for added grip. Strangely, it does not have lettering to notify the user of the left and right terminals - there is just a dot on the right terminal.

Whizzer Case.jpg

Completing the accessory line-up, we have a cleaning brush to remove debris, and a hard round metal case. The case is really solid, with cushioned interiors, and its contents should easily survive a fall.

The rest of this review was done with the stock cable and stock SS20 tips. No aftermarket accessories were used, so as not to add any confounders to the sound.


Whizzer 3.jpg

The HE10's chassis is designed by J.IDEA+. It is fashioned from high-precision 5-axis CNC machining, via vacuum plating. They look superbly elegant, with a metallic grey inner body and a rose gold outline. Whizzer's logo is emblazoned along the gold rim.

Whizzer 4.jpg

The shells are built like a tank, yet are very light in weight. I had no issues with regards to comfort, despite using the HE10 for a month of testing.

Do note that the HE10's 2-pin ports are semi-protruding. While after market 2-pin cables can be paired with it, if the cable does not have a shroud, cosmetically, the protruding port may be visualized, which may mar the aesthetics.

Whizzer 8.jpg

Being a vented IEM, isolation is below average, but the HE10 should still be usable outdoors. I did not find any driver flex on my set.


I tested the Whizzer HE10 with the following sources:
- Apple dongle
- Cayin RU7
- Colorfly CDA M1 DAC/AMP dongle
- Creative Sound Blaster X5
- E1DA DAC/AMP dongle
- Hiby R3 Pro Saber 2022 DAP
- Khadas Tone Board -> Schiit Asgard 3 amp
- Khadas Tone Board -> Topping L30 amp
- Questyle M15 DAC/AMP dongle
- Sony Walkman NW A-55 DAP (Walkman One WM1Z Plus v2 Mod)
- Sony Walkman NW A-55 DAP (Walkman One Neutral Mod)
- Sony Walkman NW WM1A DAP (Walkman One WM1Z Plus v2 Mod)
- Smartphone

This IEM is moderately easy tp drive, though amplification may help it scale.


The HE10 incorporates a 5th generation 10.2 mm CNT diaphragm DD. Its engine is an imported CCAW voice coil, which can generate a magnetic flux of 1.6 Tesla - this is marketed to lower distortion.

Whizzer 2.jpg

The acoustic cavity is modified using a FEA (Finite Element Analysis) process. The HE10 utilizes a dual cavity system, with a high-density multi-damping system on the front cavity, and a rear cavity to control resonance waves.


Whizzer HE10.jpg

Graph of the Whizzer HE10 via IEC711 coupler. 8 kHz is a coupler artefact peak.

Tonally, the HE10 is a smooth Harmanish set.

Timbral accuracy is organic as per its single DD roots, and vocals and acoustic instruments are natural. Folks who listen to jazz and classical will have a field day with the timbre.

Sadly, the HE10 is bang average when it comes to technicalities, and this department is nothing to write home about. The HE10 has an average soundstage, and instrument separation and layering is lacking. Music gets congested when complex riffs with competing instruments come out to play, and imaging is fuzzy. Micro-details and clarity aren't class-leading too.

The HE10 is a sub-bass focused IEM. The bass rumbles well with great extension, and is just a level shy of true basshead badness. Bass quality isn't tight or clean though, with average texturing and some mid-bass bleed. Bass speed may be on the slower side.

Whizzer 1.jpg

The mid-bass bleed warms the lower midrange, thickening this area and adding warmth. However, as a consequence, the midrange isn't transparent, nor clear. The upper mids have about 9 dB ear gain, pushing vocals forwards without overt shoutiness (this is balanced by the big bass, so the region is generally safe).

The HE10 has an early treble roll-off, and there is a lack of air and sparkle. Sibilance is kept to a minimal, though we lose resolution in the treble. Treble-sensitive folk will love the fatigue-free sonics, though trebleheads might lament this tuning choice.


Comparisons were made with other sub $100 single DDs. Planars, hybrids and pure BA types were left out of the equation as the different transducers have their pros and cons.

Whizzer 6.jpg

Tripowin Olina SE

The Olina SE is a Harmanish set with less bass and more treble. The Olina SE has greater air and sparkle, and the bass is tighter and faster. However, the Olina SE can come across as a bit more fatiguing and sibilant in the upper frequencies.

The Olina SE is thinner in note weight, though it has faster transients and sharper edge definition to notes. The Olina SE is more detailed, with better imaging and soundstage.

Simgot EA500

The EA500 has 2 tuning nozzles to give greater versatility. The red nozzle confers a Harmanish tone, whereas the black nozzle provides neutral bright sonics.

The EA500 is a definitely a brighter IEM across both tuning nozzles, with less bass. The EA500's bass is however, faster and cleaner, and it is way more technical, boasting better transients, clarity, imaging, soundstage, instrument separation and micro-detailing.

On the flip side, the EA500 has a thinner note weight, and can be more fatiguing around the upper mids/lower treble region, with some shout noted in the upper mids.


The KIMA is another Harmanish tuned fare. The KIMA has inferior soundstage, imaging, micro-details and instrument separation, and sounds more compressed than the Whizzer HE10. It has less air and sparkle than the HE10, but the upper midrange is a bit more forwards.


Whizzer 4.jpg

The Whizzer HE10 is a very safely tuned Harmanish single DD, with smooth and sibilant-free sonics. Timbre is very natural and this IEM can be used for hours-on-end without fatigue. The aesthetics are also downright alluring, and accessories, ergonomics and build are quite impeccable.

Sadly, the HE10 may not be a treblehead's cup of tea, due to the lack of air and sparkle, and the technicalities department is quite average, with middling resolution.

In the big scheme of things, being average or even above average is going to make it quite tough to stand out from the cut-throat competition at the sub-$100 market. Perhaps the HE10 will have a place in the ears of consumers who want something analoguish with a pleasant tone, with not an ounce of fatigue in the tuning. However, for technical junkies, this IEM might not be the best option, and there are rivals out there that can give more mileage in this area.
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K othic

New Head-Fier
Whizzer Kylin HE10: not your typical V-shape boy
Pros: First-class presentation and accessories
Build above its price point
Variety of tips to suit all preferences
Subbass quantity & quality
Mids stand out despite being a V-shaped IEM
Cons: Bass quality (nitpick)
Poor resolution and lack of air in the treble
Instrument separation could be better


After more than 10 reviews since I started writing, I wanted to change the format I use and combine it with another hobby I love: gaming. That's why, with this new Whizzer model (and from now on), I will try to show the build and accessories in more entertaining way using photos and summarizing my experience with them as captions attached to those pictures. Additionally, the sound section will include my gaming experience and subjective description of the sound, along with the albums I listened to for drawing my conclusions. I hope you enjoy it!

Watch the video review here

Check out previous reviews here (or in spanish here)

Unboxing, Build & Comfort




Build: It features a strong yet lightweight metal alloy with nice gold accents. The 2-pin connection is recessed (also compatible with other 0.78mm 2-pin cables). The nozzle size is approximately 5.5mm.

Driver: It utilizes a dual cavity 10.2mm dynamic driver with a carbon nanotube diaphragm.



Cable: The outer part consists of two protective layers of silver, while the inner part is made of two high-purity copper cores (5N + Litz) plated in silver. It's an excellent cable priced below $100 USD, with connectors similar to QDC ones. It has a pleasing aesthetic, good flexibility and sound quality.



Tips: Three varieties of EasyTips are included: 3 pairs of ET100 (straight, similar to other balanced tips but with a kind of protrusion), 3 pairs of VC20 (vocal, narrower), and 3 pairs of SS20 (my favorite with a wide bore).


Case: Made of hard plastic, it offers good internal protection and enough space to hold the IEMs and their cable.

Filter brush: A nice addition (I didn't take pictures, hehe).

Comfort: The ergonomics and size of the HE10's nozzle fit me very well. Using TRI Clarion tips, the seal is impressive, and the comfort is top-notch. Highly recommended.

Subjective sound description

HE10 graph.png

Credits: Ian Fann

Sound profile: Following the Harman target curve with a certain warmth in the bass region (V-shaped signature).

Gear used: IFI Zen Air Can (AMP) + Fiio E10K (DAC) / TempoTec Sonata HD PRO (dongle)


Recently, I started playing the remake of Resident Evil 4, and that's what I've been using the HE10 for. As soon as I tried these IEMs with some music, I knew they would be fantastic for shooter-type games. Why? The bass is strong but not overwhelming, and most importantly, the treble plays it safe and lacks a bit of sparkle resulting in a quick decay of sounds in this range. This translates to less strident gunshot sounds to the ear, which I really appreciate.


One of the most important aspects for me in any game of this kind is being able to correctly identify where the sounds are coming from and how far the character/thing emitting them is. Here, the HE10 did a great job. I could easily distinguish where each voice was coming from, shouting things like " Puedes correr, pero no te puedes esconder" or " Hay que atraparlo". The distance was also relatively easy to differentiate, especially in situations like entering a new section of the map where enemies are further away or when a zombie is just a wall apart.


  • “Live After Death” – Iron Maiden
  • “The Sick, The Dying… And The Dead!” – Megadeth
  • “21” – Adele
  • “25” – Adele
  • “Antonio Vivaldi : Les quatre saisons” – Fabio Biondi, Europa Galante
  • “Beethoven: The last 3 Piano Sonatas, Opp. 109, 110, 111” – Anne Queffélec
  • “Sibelius: Complete Symphonies” - Oslo Philharmonic Orchestra, Klaus Mäkelä
  • “Dirt Femme” – Tove Lo
  • “New York” – Frank Sinatra
  • “Greatest Hits” – Queen
  • “DRIVE” – Tiesto


The boosted subbass and bass give these IEMs their warm tonality (not basshead levels but enough for a proper representation of the entire spectrum). The subbass delivers a magnificent rumble with admirable extension, truly a delight for listening to deep bass notes in rock-like genres and fantastic for enjoying EDM. The bass also holds its power in the signature, but the real star is the subbass. There's a good amount of midbass, but the definition is a bit lacking, affecting the clarity during the impact of drum kicks. Despite this, the signature chosen by Whizzer aligns with my preference, but I must point out that the bass can subtly bleed into the midrange in certain songs.


Organic and with just the right weight, they sit slightly behind in the mix. However, this doesn't take away from the fact that the vocals retain a natural timbre, especially bringing female vocals with higher registers to life. Male vocals become gentle and serene in comparison. To clarify, I personally found the reproduction of female vocals to be vivid and forward without being bothersome, while male vocals sound a bit calmer or tranquil.

In string instruments, the main violins carry a good weight in each note. One instrument that surprised me was the harpsichord, which presents itself with a lot of character and is distinguishable even when used more in the background. Winds have less weight, making them sound smoother and losing a bit of detail. Obviously, this will depend on the type of instrument, for example, trumpets try not to be too strident, while oboes or flutes acquire an "extra" touch of gentleness, which softens their details.

Then, particularly with the piano, whether it's the star of the song or acting as an accompaniment, it truly stands out in this range. The texture and weight of each note on this instrument are excellent.

Finally, the sound emitted by electric guitars is well done but with a sense of moderate tactility. It's not remarkable, but it's not a point I consider highly negative. I would have liked a bit more sharpness and distinction between each strum played by the artists.


As I mentioned in the previous segment, the treble plays it safe: brightness was turned down, along with a lack of sparkle in its reproduction. This affects the definition of cymbals and bells' percussion, but on the other hand, it helps to prevent listener’s fatigue since the attack ceases somewhat abruptly. Overall, it strikes a good balance, sacrificing some resolution, although I know treble enthusiasts may not love its representation.

Soundstage & Imaging

As I briefly mentioned during the gaming section, the soundstage and imaging of the Whizzer HE10 is decent, not enough to build a monument around it, but sufficient to avoid getting lost in the three-dimensional scene. I found the width to be average, and the depth is adequate but not its strongest point. That's why its imaging is more precise in identifying instruments/voices from left to right rather than distinguishing those in front of those behind on the stage.

Whizzer Kylin HE10 vs Moondrop Aria

HE10 vs Aria.png

Credits: Ian Fann
  • The subbass has more quantity and quality in the HE10. The rumble is much more notable thanks to the focus on this frequency.
  • The Aria's signature leans a bit more towards the midbass, reflected in a more prominent reproduction of kick drums. However, more quantity doesn't mean better quality, as both are on par. Aria bleeds more into the midrange.
  • The HE10 excels in naturalness in the mids. Overall, the Aria muddles this frequency a bit more with its bass, slightly subduing the vocals.
  • Similarly with instruments, the warmth of the HE10 provides more body and texture to instruments in this range.
  • The Aria's treble has more sparkle and air, but in both IEMs, I don't find this range overly bright. The Aria slightly favors treble resolution by a small margin.
  • Instrument separation slightly favors the Aria, so the imaging goes to this set. The soundstage feels identical. I can't pick a winner, both perform well in this aspect.

With the packaging and accessories that Whizzer offers with the HE10, it seems like an excellent choice over the Aria for those who prefer mid frequencies with more warmth, body, and naturalness, and without as much bass bleed.


In a sea full of IEMs trying to follow the Harman target, the Whizzer Kylin HE10 left me more than satisfied by presenting something that few in this group can achieve: mids with appropriate presence almost all the time, setting itself apart from the V-shaped signatures of other models.

From my analysis, the most relevant drawback is the lack of sparkle and air in the treble, but beyond that, this Whizzer model offers remarkable performance along with stunning design and top-notch accessories for $70 USD.

Final notes:
I want to thank the Whizzer team very much for sending me this product for review. The opinions in this review are 100% honest and my own.

You can find the Whizzer Kylin HE10 here: https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256...279e2ddbIyoNhn&gatewayAdapt=glo2usa4itemAdapt
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Hey 👏 well done! Love the link into the parallel gaming space, would love to see more of that (even though I'm not a gamer).

This looks to be a much better executed gaming crossover IEM for exactly the reasons you outline in your review. Obviously nail that experience far better than the half baked, I'll considered and poorly executed Razer Moray bilge!
👆🏼 "Ill considered" - autocorrect, my apologies 😂😇
K othic
K othic
@innovated Thank you so much for reading and for your comment! Yeah, as many stated before, Razer just wanted to take advantage of the new trend of gamers using IEMs. Just build a mid IEM, stamp the branding and out to the masses. I hope people do their research before ending up with a mid (at best) IEM.

Thank you again for your kind words!


New Head-Fier
Whizzer Kylin HE10 Review!
Pros: A master of overall mass appeal under 100 USD!

All-rounder, fatigue-free sound signature.

Very good tonal performance.

Elevated yet composed bass response.

Lush, smooth, warm midrange.

Non-fatiguing upper frequencies.

Average technical performance.

Excellent build quality. All metal, smooth edged IEM under 100USD!

Excellent quality and quantity of accessories. 3 sets of eartips!

Excellent fit, comfort and isolation.

Excellent packaging craftsmanship. This sure is visually pleasing!

Easy to drive to its full potential.
Cons: The overall sound isn’t bad by any means, but it is somewhat redundant compared to the recent IEMs that exist under 100USD (could be a good or a bad thing, your call).

The treble can be perceived as “too safe” by some ears (subjective).

Whizzer HE10 Review!

Good day! After 5 days of casual and critical listening, here’s my written review for the Whizzer Kylin HE10. Whizzer the Rizzler!

  • I don’t read and read FR graphs. I only use my ears, as how earphones should be used.
  • Whizzer sent this unit to me in an exchange for an honest, unbiased review. Rest assured that this review will do its best to devoid from any bias/es as much as possible.
  • The following remarks and observations shall be made and owned only by me.
  • No monetary compensation is/was involved before, during, and after the period of creation of this review.
  • Your mileage may (and always, will) vary.

Burn-in time: 4-8 hours per day, 5 days.

Source/s used:
  • Hiby R3 Pro Saber
  • Fosi Audio DS1
  • Non-HiFi smartphone (Infinix Note 12 G96), PC.
  • Local Files via Foobar, YouTube Music, Deezer, and Qobuz with UAPP.
IEM/Earbud/Setup configuration: stock medium vocal eartips, any form of EQ or MSEB off, 3.5 SE plug, 40-60% volume, low gain and high gain.

Sound signature:
  • The Whizzer Kylin HE10 follows the KAI target - which basically is a modified Harman Target by the company. As a result, the HE10 will sound warm, balanced-warm, fun-sounding, v/u-shaped at most, depending on the source paired and hearing perception you have.
  • The lows are substantially elevated, a bit subbass dominant, and thick. Attack and decay leans to the natural side, which means that this isn’t too clean and too boomy at the same time. There is still some texture to it, preventing me from calling it “monotonous”. Bassheads may not find the bass on the HE10 as chunky or hard hitting as what the 7HzLegato has, but it sure is fun and enjoyable on most bassy tracks used with it.
  • The mids are also on the natural side, and suffer a bit of slight midbass bleed, keeping things warm, smooth, lush, and thick. Lower midrange sounds thick, lush, and smooth without any instances of recession perceived, even on busy tracks. Upper mids are mildly elevated, with a good amount of clarity, air, and sparkle. Those people with sensitive ears will enjoy the HE10 due to its fatigue-free sound as this never sounded sibilant or even peaky on my tests.
  • Moving to the highs, it is there, present, adequately extended, but will sound “lacking” or “relaxed” in terms of extension. Treble aficionados will find these lacking, but for the majority of people in this hobby, and even to those who are just “passing by” in this hobby, this will be enough for most genres you throw at it. Detail retrieval is average as it can render the primary details existing in the played track.
Soundstage, Imaging, and separation:
  • As for the technicalities, it isn’t the strongest suit of the HE10. It does the job well and justified for its asking price, but nothing new to write home about. The soundstage is on the average side in terms of width, height and depth. It is more on the “natural” type as well and does not have that wide effect just like what you hear on open back headphones or some IEMs within this price. Separation and layering are average and may experience some slight congestion on some busy tracks. Imaging is also average and is able to render some spaces and position between the vocals and instruments.

VS Simgot EA500
  • The Simgot EA500 is a brighter, more bass-light set while the HE10 is the complete opposite. The EA500 has better overall technical performance when compared, but the HE10 has the “natural” sound.
VS Simgot EW200
  • The Simgot EW200 is better in almost everything compared to the HE10, except for the packaging. The EW200 is cheaper though. The HE10 is a warmer sounding IEM and is also more safe compared to the EW200.
VS Celest Pandamon
  • The Pandamon sounds more balanced and technical compared to the HE10. Its overall technical performance are also better compared to the HE10. Both may be perceived as “airless” in terms of the treble extension, but the Pandamon pulls and renders more detail on the top end.
VS KZ X HBB PR2 (V1, with Black Mesh)
  • The PR2 is harder to drive since it is a planar IEM and leans to a more “fun yet controlled” sound and may sometimes come across “too clean”. The HE10 sounds more natural and less technical.
VS Moondrop Aria, Aria SE, Chu, LAN, Starfield
  • In a nutshell, all of these IEMs are inspired by the Harman Target. The HE10 is warmer compared to these IEMs, and slightly excels on the separation and layering and naturalness of the mids.
  • A master of overall mass appeal under 100 USD!
  • All-rounder, fatigue-free sound signature.
  • Very good tonal performance.
  • Elevated yet composed bass response.
  • Lush, smooth, warm midrange.
  • Non-fatiguing upper frequencies.
  • Average technical performance.
  • Excellent build quality. All metal, smooth edged IEM under 100USD!
  • Excellent quality and quantity of accessories. 3 sets of eartips!
  • Excellent fit, comfort and isolation.
  • Excellent packaging craftsmanship. This sure is visually pleasing!
  • Easy to drive to its full potential.
  • The overall sound isn’t bad by any means, but it is somewhat redundant compared to the recent IEMs that exist under 100USD (could be a good or a bad thing, your call).
  • The treble can be perceived as “too safe” by some ears (subjective).
The Whizzer HE10 overall is a well-crafted IEM under 100 USD, in terms of packaging, build quality, and sound. Despite not being the “best” sounding IEM in my book, It managed to sound really good and pleasing for most people who have tested this unit sent to me, including myself. Having the Harman Target as a reference for a tuning of an IEM is a double edged sword - it will be liked or maybe even loved by most people, but will be “redundant” to some people who have the same similar sounding IEM in their collection. Nevertheless, I will still wholeheartedly recommend this IEM to anyone who just wants a bit of everything under 100USD. A safe, very good recommendation indeed!
Pairing recommendation/s:
  • Source: This sounds just fine when plugged straight to a phone, but is vastly better when used with a proper source.
  • Eartips: The eartips are more than enough and fits most ears well. However, you may use your preferred eartips.
  • Cable is really, really good. Probably the best stock cable of an IEM you can get with this price, just like what you would get with the Simgot EW200. It is subjective though.
Thank you for reading!

Non-affiliated link here!:

Additional Photos Here:


Thanks for the review and the effort involved!

The Kylin looks majestic, definitely a design success and the cable is very tasteful. Wouldn't be a "buy" for me, but I would buy as a gift for loved ones - the total package looks great, elegant and "valuable" - and the perhaps overly safe tuning helps for that purpose, especially for loved ones still using £5 Samsung ears!


Headphoneus Supremus
Pros: -balanced warm V shape tonality
-safe and smooth tuning
-bassy harman target
-natural timbre
-beautiful female vocal
-not recessed mid range
-excellent craftmanship
-excellent accessories
-excellent packaging
Cons: -easy to love and easy to forget
-lack of treble extension, sparkle, brilliance, decay
-poor bass definition and separation
-average resolution
-not very clean mids
-mellow bass impact
-average technicalities
-poor imaging
-another harman target IEM


Whizzer is a chinese earphones company that was founded in 2015. They are experienced in hybrid and single dynamic driver IEM. One of their most popular earphones was the HE01, which was release in 2019 and still is an IEM I enjoy to listen to.
Today I will review the newest IEM from Whizzer, call Kylin HE10.
The HE10 use a single 10.2mm carbon nano tube dynamic driver and is priced 70$.

Is it the big brother of HE01 that will deliver superior sound quality, keeping a similar energic tonality?
Let see in this review what type of sound flavor deliver the HE10.




The craftmanship of HE10 is very impressive, and if we take the price in account: mind blowing. The housing is all metal with beautifull yet sober design. Its quite small too and the nozzle is long enough for deep fit. Its the kind of IEM built with lot of caring in details, like a red dot for easier left and right selection, or a golden ring around bulbous back plate. The paint job is excellent, everything scream quality and durability.The 2pin connector have a rounded shape thinked for the very Whizzer cable that is include, and isn't bad at all. Yet I would have prefer a non-QDC like connector, for proper cable matching even if any 2pin cable will fit.


Ok, I rarely write about packaging, but this one is very special and unexpected at 70$ price range....again, it scream quality as if it was a mid tier or high end IEM. Presentation is very good and you have great amount of good quality accessories. Whizzer put alot of effort in their packaging but I'm not really sensible to that.

Yet i'm caring about accessories and the carrying case included is very good, in fact, its very similar to my Hifiman Svanar carrying case. Then we have good amount of ear tips, but my favorite isn't in those. We have 9 pairs of silicone eartips in 3 models.

The cable included is very good and don't justify urgent upgrade unless you need balanced plug. Its a 5N silver plated oxygen free (OFC) cable made of 2 thick strands that feel sturdy and soft.
All in all, very impressive packaging, construction and accessories.



So, you already have heard those somewhere, but not with exact same tone, timbre or dynamic rendering. Yes my dear friends, we are in Harman Target territory.....again!
Harman for president!
Make Harman Great Again!
Harman is my kind of man.

Ok, yes, the HE10 are similar to Moondrop Chu-Aria-Starfield -now etc, to Kiwi Ears Cadenza, to Tinhifi T4plus, to Simgot EW100P, but as said, not exactly the same since some have more or less bass, more or less upper mids gain and only one with sparkle is the Aria.

It seem we don't have enough harman tuning because Chifi Market find their holy grail in term of tonal balance with this target and use it extensively.

Personaly, i'm not a fan of some harman target era, and always feel mid range and upper treble are a bit forget in the tuning math.

But this is where the HE10 differentiate from most of other harman tuned IEM: the mids aren't that thin or shouty, and bass isn't anemic and just about sub bass extra presence. It's a mature tuning, but with a bass boost....how can it be? I don't know, it's surely about the bass lift that doesn't follow Moondrop rule of 200hz and down lift, it's not a very cold sounding Harman approach…

The tonality can be vulgarize as warm V shape with extra upper and lower mid range boost and a gently bright treble that play safe.

The bass is warm in roundness and mellow in punch, but it have well felt slam and sustain, thick rumble. Separation is a bit blurry and kick drum lack proper definition, being warmed and thickeness by sub bass when it occur it can gain dynamism but loose in definition edge. Its not a clean sounding bass, nor a very flexible, so a hint boomy in a gentle way.
This is the type of low end that help to extract the bass line and make it easy to follow, since as said, it dominate kick drum and even percussion in term of attention appeal.
If i use the term boomy, it's because this bass line articulation doesn't extend down to 20hz in a lean way and texture bite of attack lead isn't always there, but the physical presence is there still and tone is right, just don't ask it to go ultra fast to the risk of slightly muddy note separation of lowest bass line.

Are these mid centric IEM? It's rare I ask this question for an Harman tuned IEM, but sometime I wonder with the HE10...this is their little miracle I would say and surely explain why I find them very good for classical music, especially chamber orchestra. The timbre is natural, not the thickest but not very thin either, both male and female vocal are fully bodied and present enough, without too much texture boost, again, just enough. It's really a lukewarm territory but as a fan of female vocal, i feel they have enough low harmonic to permit their breathyness or lushness to gently color the musicality of them. Unlike the Chu or Cadenzay, it isn't shouty nor sibilant even if presence is boosted it doesn't add bright grain to the timbre, which stay organic enough. What those vocal lack a bit is wideness of presence, they feel quite centered and a hint compressed.
Even if I say those excell with chamber classical, it doesn't mean the Piano sound very engaging, it does have light note weight but the definition is smooth and clear, with natural tone but a bit foggy decay.
Some might feel the dynamic is a bit lean and lacking in dynamism and note weight, but mids aren't plain recessed even if yes, we are in V shape territory, if the bass occur it will sure make center stage a bit more recessed but not to the point of affecting mid range layering.

And now the treble, the most understated part of the HE10, yet, perhaps the most refined too.
Let just begin by saying upper treble pass 10khz is roll off and this stole air, sparkle and brilliance and make the highs a bit dry and dull sounding.
But we can say it's smooth and balanced if we are a positivist!
And even natural sounding!
But the lack of snap and clean decay can't be hidden, since it already is in sound perception.
We have softed definition edge, we have polished texture, we have the right fundamental for near all instrument but extreme high pitch one like harp, clavichord and acoustic guitar...anything that need brilliance will feel a bit more distant and lean in dynamism, yet the lead attack weight is there, just not the abrasive bite and snap that make us perceive begining of instrument stroke or pulling or rubbing etc.
We are not exactly in plain dark treble oblivion here, but not far. Its a very safe treble tuning, with creamy rendering that avoid it to sound thin or metallic or distracting, to the cost of being plain boring if you are a treble head or seeking for micro details. All the treble goodness is focus on upper mids and lower highs.

The Soundstage is quite average here and not an highlight of the HE10, even if i magnify it with the KBear KB07 eartips, it's close to my head and intimate. We have more wideness than tallness and near no deepness. It's like being sit at your deskop with close stereo speakers in front of you.

Which mean the Imaging is lower than average here, apart bass and vocal or main instrument, it's hard to pull out sound layers and the separation between instrument isn't clean nor wide enough. The fact definition if softened doesn't help to delimitate separation between instrument too.



So those to are very similar but the harman target approach of Cadenza is brighter and more boosted un upper treble which make it sound a bit more W shape. HE10 seem warmer and sub bassier too, less energic and fast in attack (more softed)
The bass is more boosted and warmer, less textured with the HE10, kick drum feel punchier and tighter with Cadenza, but sub bass leaner, more about presence texture than rumble boost of HE10.
Mids are smoother with the HE10, slightly thicker and less brightened in texture presence than Cadenza which have better resolved but slightly more recessed mid range as well as thinner vocal that feel more shouty.
Treble is notably brighter, more energic and snappy with the Cadenza, it dig more micro details and texture grain, it's more agressive and fatiguing than smoother darker HE10, yet both aren't very sparkly still.
Sounstage is wider and taller with HE10, while deeper with the Cadenza.
Imaging is sharper in definition and positioning with the Cadenza.

All in all, overall technical performance seem surpringly superior with the Candeza in term of attack speed and resolution, but tonal balance is more organic, cohesive and smooth (and musical) with the HE10, which offer more natural timbre and tone too as well as deeper bass response with more slam and rumble.


Another Harman'ish tuned IEM, but this time with a more bally bassy rumbly W shape approach. Straight out of the bath, after listening to HE10 and Cadenza for quite a while, it feel like a whole other league listening to the Gimlet, both in openess and dynamic heft, thus the more W shape and crisp approach cause here it's not extra bright grain that we have like the Cadenza with presence but extra sparkly, brilliance and treble extension and air, which is so SO needed in most harman tuning. As well, the bass hit harder with a more define slam than the HE10, underlining faster attack speed and greater macro resolution.
This bass have bigger rumble headroom and more transparency in how it's layered. Overall result is better rounded and faster in punch, more define in texture and longer in natural decay and low end instrument resonance than darker slam and more compressed bass of HE10.
Then the mids are notably better resolve and more open, with better layering and slightly less fowards but wider in presence female vocal. Timbre is more textured and transparent, definition of instruments and vocal is a hint edgier which make note definition more vivid in attack and clean in decay. HE10 mids are slightly warmer-thicker in timbre.
Treble is from another league here and not so overly boosted, it dig more micro details effortlessly, feel less compressed within a flat macroresolution like HE10 and so much more snappy which make percussions way easier to follow properly. It's more vivid and less dry than HE10, which have slight thicker darker edge less treble.
Soundstage feel quite gigantic compared to more intimate sounding HE10, it's way wider and taller and deeper.
Imaging having more space for proper instrument separation, no doubt the Gimlet is again superior here both in Y axis of sound layers separation and positioning in X axis.

All in all, i was utterly surprise by the Gimlet here....I know I love them but didn't expect that much of a different in technical performance as well as a more lively, fun and engaging tonality that feel well balanced in it's more W shape approach. This isn't an harman target IEM afterall, way too lively in musicality for that!



So, those expecting an upgraded HE01, look elsewhere since the tonal balance isn't the same at all and in fact pull off all excitment of HE01 more V shape and engaging musicality.
The HE10 is smoother, bassier, warmer and less dynamic, more lean and safe and it feel distant sounding macro dynamic wise after listening to more excited V shape of HE01, which feel W shape in fact due to more extended and vivid treble.
HE10 feel dark neutral with sub bass boost compared to more open sounding bright V shape with mid bass boost of the HE01.
This bass is warmer and slower with the HE10, and separation is poorer in term of layered due to warmer heavier slam that feel muddy, sub bass is notably more boosted and offer thicker rumble while bass is more textured and better define and separate in presence but less thick with the HE01 which have less bleed into the mids, letting the air properly flow.
Those mids are notably more open with HE01, and feel compress and unidimensional with the HE10. Definition is more edgy, less blurry than HE10 and resolution is higher, as well as brighter. It have more upper mids loudness and vocal are more at risk for sibilance or harshness with the HE01 because presence texture is more boosted. Timbre is thinner and less lush with the HE01 too.
The treble is notably smoother and darker with HE10, less snappy and sparkly and less extended and airy. It roll off faster pass 10khz too and attack edge feel more blurry, affect decay of percussions more.
Soundstage is notably more intimate and compressed, less open, wide, tall and deep than HE01.
Imaging is superior with the HE01 too, due to sharper positionning, wider space between instrument and more dynamic sound layering that articulate better the differentiation of instrument loudness and presence.

All in all, technical performance are inferior with the HE10, the tonality is smoother and less spiky but less exciting and engaging even if more bassy. Harman fan boi might prefer the HE10 as well as treble sensitive people.


While the HE10 is far from bad and offer a warm balanced tonality that is smooth and cohesive and have beautiful mid range timbre, it come a bit late into Harman target wonder and feel very similar to alot of other safely tuned IEM that seem to dominate chifi market nowaday.
Technical performance are understated here and the relaxed tonality would have been more enjoyable if more open and immersive in spatiality.

This is a safe tuning, even how the bass slam is deliver is mellow. If you own Moondrop Chu and wish for a more bassy and less shouty version of them with slightly darker treble, the Whizzer HE10 is indeed....a safe bet!



PS: I want to thanks Whizzer for sending me this review sample after I manifest my curiosity about the HE10. As always, this is my unbiased subjective audio impressions and nothing can affect my independency of mind.

You can order the Whizzer HE10 for 70$ directly from official store here: https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256805084086416.html


100+ Head-Fier
very nice steps from whizzer
Pros: quality material
balanced sound
reference box contents
quality cable
nice look
very good progress compared to he01b
Cons: mediocre resolution,
problems I've had when disconnecting and plugging in cables (may be personal)
detail handling in the treble could be better
our guest today is whizzer kylin he10, let's see what has changed in a kylin with a harman tune. Since I own more than one product of the series, I also follow the development of the kylin series. anyway, we'll talk about it shortly. The whizzer for he10 has given a serious discount and I really thank them for it. i don't have any financial interest, it will be an honest review as always


what's in the box?;

I have always been a reference for the whizzer box because whizzer boxes are often full and have subtle considerations like a magnetic cap. anyway, it's a classic kylin box, but additionally some more ear tips have been added. especially the black tips added to the box is a very good improvement for me because it looks like the meat 100 tips I used before and maybe it is the black of the et100. one of the few silicone tips I'm most comfortable with, maybe the most comfortable

- 9 pairs of ear tips for different sound signatures
- cleaning brush
- metal protection case that I have seen in other companies
- headphones
- a quality cable
- an envelope with a user manual and a warranty card inside


iem and cable quality;

The workmanship of the metal material kylin he10 is very good, the shell does not have any qc problems, and the kylin series has a high quality standard in general. since he01b is resin, he10 is a bit heavier, it is very similar to other kylin series. as far as i know they use a similar shell. the cable is of good quality, if you are supplying a whizzer, you usually do not need to order a cable afterwards. I personally prefer the he01 in cable because the he10's cable is a bit thicker and has a bit of memory. I don't like memory cables, whizzer is a brand with good standards in cable.


sound quality;

The first thing that caught my eye here is that the whizzer gave up its own sound signature and turned to the harman setting, I think it's a very good decision because the whizzer setting I listen to was definitely not for everyone and I criticized the strange treble sounds in the he01b review. We are faced with a more balanced sound than before, I must say that I was excited while waiting for the cargo since it was the whizzer's first blending attempt. Anyway, let's get into some details.

bass; More than the he01b and the metal he03, they are fine in volume. They hit quite a bit, but if you're a bass lover who only listens to electronic genres, they might not be enough for you. other than that, there is enough bass for everyone, the speed is much better than the he03, but its price is 150 dollars. I think it would be better not to criticize he10 on this issue.

medium frequencies; Except for the female vocals, there are medium frequencies that are slightly indented and have average resolution. You can understand that the mid frequencies are recessed, especially in male vocals, they stay more distant from the stage. Most instruments in the mid-frequency band are also very slightly in the background compared to other frequencies, definitely not like a classical v. Unless you're a careful listener, it's hard to say that even the mid frequencies of this headphone are recessed, except for male vocals.

high frequencies; like the general sound character of the iems, the trebles are balanced, it would be wrong to say resolution, but the separation of the trebles could have been a little better. Average treble is fine, but when the pieces start to mix a little more, strangeness starts to appear in the treble separation.


I'd say average, even fine for a whizzer. You can hear the details in the mid and high frequencies, but the detail processing of the trebles is a bit unsuccessful in mixed tracks. average, nothing more.


A classic whizzer, comfortable. It was a little heavy because they were just metal, and he01b was a little more comfortable because it was resin. usually small and comfortable if you have a whizzer at hand

vs he01b;

I think the only place where he01 b is ahead is cable (personal preference) and comfort. In terms of sound, the he10 is definitely a better quality headphone.

vs metal he03;

he03 is technically much better than he10, but in general tuning, he10 is even better than he03, which is almost 2 times more expensive than itself. In terms of sound, I prefer the highs of he10 to he03, he03 is definitely not for everyone. In terms of resolution, he03 is at a higher level, if you like in-depth soundstage, he03 is definitely a better choice.

last word;

I think whizzer has done a good job with the tuning, when the balanced sound character is added, it found a place in the list of products that should be tried for me in the 80 dollar band. I haven't even mentioned the material quality yet, it definitely looks above the $200 band. I ordered the product from the official whizzer aliexpress store, you can also order it from the link.




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New Head-Fier
Whizzer Kylin HE10
Pros: - Extraordinary build quality
- Metal CNC shell
- Lightweight
- Ultra small shell size (perfect fit)
- Packaging and accessories
- KAI tuning target (Harman inspired)
- Bass are quite perfect (big presence if needed)
- Treble are perfect for relaxing (no peaky but detailed)
- Price
Cons: - None for my taste
- Sometimes it lacks that sparkling touch on the treble

Before starting this review I want to clarify that I'm new in this world of in-ear reviews, so I'll be very direct and I won't use particular terms or graphics to explain.
I'm the classic music listener who pays some attention to quality with a past as a reviewer of electronic products.

This unit has been kindly provided by Whizzer for review which however will be impartial and truthful.
I also want to specify that sound is like taste, strictly personal!

IEM Configuration:
  • Driver: Carbon Nanotube Dynamic Diaphragm Driver
  • Size: 10.2mm
  • Sensitivity: 119 dB (1 kHz, 1 Vrms)
  • Impedance: 36Ω
  • Frequency response: 15-40,000 Hz

Whizzer with these headphones in my opinion has produced a spectacular set. It is extremely difficult to find any cons especially at the price at which it is offered right now for the launch.

First Impression:

If you have already own Whizzer products you already know of the care they put into the packaging.
Unboxing on the go

The box is identical to HE01, it was a good choice in my opinion to maintain it. It gives you the feeling of opening a jewelry box.
Paper sheet on top
Jewels in the box
Box opening

A thin sheet of paper to protect the in-ears from the box and a really good representation of all accessories.

Package and accessories:
Inside the box
Eartips type
Vocal VC20
Soundstage SS20

  • 3 set of high quality ear tips
  • Metal case
  • Little Brush to clean the nozzle
  • Super good SPC Cable
  • Warranty card /instruction
I have to admit that the cable deserves a round of applause. Difficult to see an SPC cable of this quality at this price range.
Here you are some detailed photos.
SPC Cable
Pin details
Cable detail
SPC Mark

Maybe it's a bit dated design, but this time the build quality is on a whole other level if we consider them the successor to the HE01. As you can see from the photos above there are some changes!

Personally the design is its winning point! They are so small that they can fit practically any ear! They are the only ones that after hours I still don't feel them due to how comfortable they are.

Initial sound impressions:
From the first use, you can tell immediately that they are extremely well done. Considering how many eartips there are in the box, you will surely find the most suitable ones for you. I used the ET100 directly and the sound performance is incredible! They sound immersive and balanced, the Carbon Driver here is working hard.
Closer look

The bass are typically Whizzer, full-bodied and well defined!
The highs are well controlled and never annoying even at high volumes.
The level of definition is very high, they are a pleasure for the ears!

Final Sound Impression

Equipment used for testing

  • iMac
  • POCO M4 PRO (MIUI Based)

  • Foobar2000 24bit 192khz (iMac)
  • Amazon music UHD 24bit 96khz (Both)


  • Fx-Audio X6
  • Fosi Audio K5 Pro
  • Jcally JM10
  • Creative SFXI
  • 7Hz 71
  • Muse M1
  • GGMM A1
  • Hiby W3 Saber (LDAC)
I’m not listing the tracks because they're too much.
I’ve used mostly the 30HSD(ET100) eartips to write this review.

The sound of the HE10 is absolutely not flat as Whizzer has always stood out with a fun sound but nevertheless it is balanced.

The Kai Target is based on the Harman tuning target plus whizzer's experience and from my point of view the result is exceptional.
From some graphs I've seen online they should sound similar to the Simgot EA500 but with more bass. Unfortunately I don't have them to be able to make a direct comparison.

The soundstage is wide but quite natural. It doesn't give the concert hall effect.
The details are really good.
Trumpets, cymbals, violins and pianos all sound extremely natural! The vibrations of the strings of violins or guitars are easily heard. Maybe sometimes that slight extra boost in the treble is missing!
However the soundstage is very dependent on the quality of the recorded track.

The bass, if required by the track, comes out powerful but does not cover the other frequencies. Really nice rumble and sub bass as well. Better than the HE01!

Mids regions are not that much recessed, full-bodied, natural but rich in timbre. Female vocal sounds lush and inviting as the old HE01 but with that extra touch of silk.

The high frequencies are far from be shouty. I found them relaxing.
However they are very pleasant and not tiring. Good air and details!
In the HE01 the treble was a little bit more shouty and less refined.

HE10 vs HE01:
HE10 vs HE01 Front
HE10 vs HE01 side

The Whizzer HE10 have warmer tuning than the HE01.
The mids have remained pretty much unchanged from what I can hear but as far as the low range is concerned the HE10s have a much more present and defined bass.
HE10 vs HE01 Nozzle

Compared to the HE01, the HE10 make themselves listen even more willingly! Less muddiness also in complex track. I loved the previous ones too but these are definitely a level up.
As you can see from the photos the shape of the shell is identical. The weight is a little bit increased.

To conclude this review, the HE10 is a huuuuge improvement of the HE01!
I personally love this new KAI tuning. The music has a warmer sound but maintains an amazing level of definition. Listening is not at all tiring but pleasant even after hours.
Its shape has been slightly improved as you can see from the previous photos but the size remained almost identical. Small but with a big heart (like my girlfriend)!

Everything they couldn't get out of the previous model they managed to get out with this one.
I couldn't find any cons as the few that had the HE01s have all been fixed.
A must have set in your collection!
I hope you enjoyed my review, however simple, especially from the photographic side.

For more information:
  1. Official site
  2. Aliexpress Store
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