VizuaLogic Wireless Stereo Headphones - RF Headphones

General Information

You are viewing VizuaLogic Wireless Stereo Headphones - RF Headphones . Wireless Radio Frequency (RF) Headphones #90-3004 3-channel crystal tuned RF headphones for use with VizuaLogic systems. Features personal volume controls and auto power-off to conserve battery power. Wireless Infrared (IR) Headphones #90-3018 Channel A receives Infrared signal on 2.3MHz for R-Audio and 2.8MHz for L-Audio.  Channel B receives Infrared signal on 3.3MHz for R-Audio and on 3.8MHz for L-Audio.  The headphones are powered by two AA batteries and feature an auto-off function that powers the headphones off after 60 seconds without signal if they are accidentally left on.


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